The lowest of the low

WickedEve said:
I write for myself is said only (in most cases) when the poet doesn't get praise. I think when a poet puts his work out there for public consumption, he really does cares--no matter what he says. You can give some of these goofball poets a dab of constructive feedback and they come back with "I write for myself" or "It's from the heart." :rolleyes: God, that bugs me. I could just write a poem about it. Of course, it will be for me only, but I will stick it out there for you people to read!

well... that is an interesting point Eve... I can not say that it totally applies to me but the times you have offered thoughts on my poems I will say I learned from the comments. I write for myself.. I post to learn. It is sometimes from the heart others the soul again others from the mental process and god forbid when it is from all three. I get praise alot... it is when someone says this is a good opening line but this lost me that I stop and say hmmmmm...... is that not why we post if you write because you have to write? It is a drive.... to learn... to be heard.... again for the self... in order to grow.... not to get a vote or two but to become both a better writer and a better person in the process...
just me and what I do ... does not apply to others.. I know I am strange and like it
flyguy69 said:
Are we celebrating people's assdays, now? When's yours?

I have a terribly flat ass.

For my ass day, I would like some cosmetic surgery to make it nice and shapely.

I will set up a pay pal account. When the bruises fade, I will display for all to see.
Know This

Du Lac said:
I post to learn how to better my writing thru the constructive and unconstructive critic. What grammar I used incorrectly, what form etc because I am not good in these areas. I write from emotions and of course I enjoy when someone likes my writing. But I find it interesting when someone says I do not get anything you are trying to say here.... I makes me look at how I am trying to express myself not only in writing but in life. I write the works for my own self expression but posting them I post to learn. That is the difference. I do not write to impress others etc. I write to express myself. I have a blog that I put the writing on also. I others read YAAAY if not okay. Here I post to have others read and learn from the comments. I have the choice to learn or not. Hope this clears up the contridictions...
lol.. as usual I have to take steps to clarify my positions lol..

When I see those red icons I see that as a mark of how well you've connected, mind to mind. I don't see it as meaning that as a poet you've arrived. And when I tack on a 5 that doesn't mean you've achieved perfection, just that you've touched me. And if I see something that I think could be better done, you can expect that at least this reader will be as circumspect as possible in offering a critique, especially in public.
Du Lac said:
It is sometimes from the heart others the soul again others from the mental process and god forbid when it is from all three...

.....just me and what I do ... does not apply to others.. I know I am strange and like it

du, I think that you are not alone and not as strange as you might think. :) Of course, everyone everyone is unique. If they weren't, well that would be okay, as their un-uniqueness would be the most unique thing that one could be.

and I am not sure where else poetry could come from besides the heart, soul and mind. :confused: I mean, sometimes it reads like I wrote it straight from my ass, but that is another story.

Everyone writes first for themselves, for whatever reason, cathartic, reflective, analytical...

I hope. I cannot imagine writing poetry and HATING the process. Like being in a torture chamber being beaten until you write poetry. I wrote a poem about that once.

No one writes poetry purely for the audience and no one who puts it out to an audience can honestly say that they are writing just for themselves.

It is a contradiction.

unless they go get their diary from twenty years ago, unlock it and get it published.

okay damn it why didn't Neo bite my tongue. I gotta get outta here.

annaswirls said:
du, I think that you are not alone and not as strange as you might think. :) Of course, everyone everyone is unique. If they weren't, well that would be okay, as their un-uniqueness would be the most unique thing that one could be.

and I am not sure where else poetry could come from besides the heart, soul and mind. :confused: I mean, sometimes it reads like I wrote it straight from my ass, but that is another story.

Everyone writes first for themselves, for whatever reason, cathartic, reflective, analytical...

I hope. I cannot imagine writing poetry and HATING the process. Like being in a torture chamber being beaten until you write poetry. I wrote a poem about that once.

No one writes poetry purely for the audience and no one who puts it out to an audience can honestly say that they are writing just for themselves.

It is a contradiction.

unless they go get their diary from twenty years ago, unlock it and get it published.

okay damn it why didn't Neo bite my tongue. I gotta get outta here.


Thank you Anna... I guess I got long winded lol.. in a nutshell... I was trying to get across this... DO NOT WRITE FOR THE VOTES, THE E'S OR H'S... these are ego cages... write because you want to be read, want to write, want to be heard, want to learn want to want to write... lol.. but write... fuck the votes etc... listen learn from those who see what you are trying to do or not do lol.. or don't see anything and say it.... but write because it screams from you soul and deems to be heard... just write and forget recognition..... don't be mad when hit by a one or offended ... as I say I don't like everyone and not everyone likes me lol... so what makes me so outstanding that I deem all to love me and my writing... that is silly ....

not all are going to be nice and not all are going to be honest.... sift thru and learn... write to write.... and keep going... fuck the trolls... hey they might like it! :eek:
Du Lac said:
well... that is an interesting point Eve... I can not say that it totally applies to me but the times you have offered thoughts on my poems I will say I learned from the comments. I write for myself.. I post to learn. It is sometimes from the heart others the soul again others from the mental process and god forbid when it is from all three. I get praise alot... it is when someone says this is a good opening line but this lost me that I stop and say hmmmmm...... is that not why we post if you write because you have to write? It is a drive.... to learn... to be heard.... again for the self... in order to grow.... not to get a vote or two but to become both a better writer and a better person in the process...
just me and what I do ... does not apply to others.. I know I am strange and like it
You make the point beautifully, du. Turn off the voting, since it provides no constructive feedback, and seek comments instead. You will get less feedback, but it will be of greater value. Of course, the best place to do that is here on the boards.

By the way, when is your assday?
flyguy69 said:
You make the point beautifully, du. Turn off the voting, since it provides no constructive feedback, and seek comments instead. You will get less feedback, but it will be of greater value. Of course, the best place to do that is here on the boards.

By the way, when is your assday?

AV change just for you fly... lol.. today and everyday is ass day for me!
share please lol.. hhhehehe
ps remember how I thought we should vote?/// still a good idea I think ha
Du Lac said:
AV change just for you fly... lol.. today and everyday is ass day for me!
share please lol.. hhhehehe
ps remember how I thought we should vote?/// still a good idea I think ha
Leaves me pondering your box...
Du Lac said:
well... that is an interesting point Eve... I can not say that it totally applies to me but the times you have offered thoughts on my poems I will say I learned from the comments. I write for myself.. I post to learn. It is sometimes from the heart others the soul again others from the mental process and god forbid when it is from all three. I get praise alot... it is when someone says this is a good opening line but this lost me that I stop and say hmmmmm...... is that not why we post if you write because you have to write? It is a drive.... to learn... to be heard.... again for the self... in order to grow.... not to get a vote or two but to become both a better writer and a better person in the process...
just me and what I do ... does not apply to others.. I know I am strange and like it
Hey, writing for yourself is fine. I just think it's silly for a poet to say that line like it's some come back or excuse when he doesn't get praise or whatever he's seeking.
And I can't imagine anyone writing poetry just for votes and Es and Hs. Once it's written, if you get any of those, it's cool. I've been here long enough to know that feedback beats the votes and letters. But it's still nice to get a 4.50 average or something close to it rather than a 2.75 on a poem. I like having Es and Hs on my poems. For as many poems as i do have, only about (I'm guessing) 20% or less have an H. I'm hoping that an H will give them a better shot at being noticed when someone is looking around for poems to read. I really can't think of any other advantage to the H. Anyway, write for yourself and the feedback. That's a good way to go. Is your voting turned off? I'm not sure... Wait. I'll go peek. :)
WickedEve said:
Hey, writing for yourself is fine. I just think it's silly for a poet to say that line like it's some come back or excuse when he doesn't get praise or whatever he's seeking.
And I can't imagine anyone writing poetry just for votes and Es and Hs. Once it's written, if you get any of those, it's cool. I've been here long enough to know that feedback beats the votes and letters. But it's still nice to get a 4.50 average or something close to it rather than a 2.75 on a poem. I like having Es and Hs on my poems. For as many poems as i do have, only about (I'm guessing) 20% or less have an H. I'm hoping that an H will give them a better shot at being noticed when someone is looking around for poems to read. I really can't think of any other advantage to the H. Anyway, write for yourself and the feedback. That's a good way to go. Is your voting turned off? I'm not sure... Wait. I'll go peek. :)

no need to look eve it is on... I have always had it on now I just click away when doing it... I rarely go to the submissions page to see what my votes are... and I will admit that the H's are nice... this whole discussion started because some where upset with the low votes etc... I was also if you remember like this at one time.... I changed after Medusa's Chant. I realized what the hell... if they troll me they troll me... and I let go of the voting importance etc. That is just me I was just trying to let others not have to go through the hurt feelings I did when I got trolled.... and here we are having long discussions on it... I need to learn how to get a point across directly and that is it lol.... I agree with you in many ways re: the H's etc.. I never really thought of it... but it is a good way for others to be attracted to a write of yours... and maybe they will share what they like or did not like regarding the poem or story...
annaswirls said:
you never cease to be wonderful


gosh is there a reason I am kissing your ass?
hmmm.... gotta check my calendar. I think it might be kiss 4d's ass already!

some think that its an every day thing.

and i will not tell them otherwise, either.

ooh yeah, a little to the left, there....
Just Read One

Du Lac said:
no need to look eve it is on... I have always had it on now I just click away when doing it... I rarely go to the submissions page to see what my votes are... and I will admit that the H's are nice... this whole discussion started because some where upset with the low votes etc... I was also if you remember like this at one time.... I changed after Medusa's Chant. I realized what the hell... if they troll me they troll me... and I let go of the voting importance etc. That is just me I was just trying to let others not have to go through the hurt feelings I did when I got trolled.... and here we are having long discussions on it... I need to learn how to get a point across directly and that is it lol.... I agree with you in many ways re: the H's etc.. I never really thought of it... but it is a good way for others to be attracted to a write of yours... and maybe they will share what they like or did not like regarding the poem or story...

Just read one you wrote and left my vote; your verse just grabbed me. Those little red icons, so nice to receive, signify broad-scale acceptance. It's an ego boost, no doubt, and tells you how many smart readers with good taste are out there. And as a reader I see those red icons as signals that call me to poets deserving of attention, nothing more. So if I don't vote, it signifies nothing more than we didn't connect, nothing more - the poem's still out there as good (or bad) as before. So if the work has a red icon and I don't vote perhaps it's because I had a brain fart :D
LeBroz said:
Just read one you wrote and left my vote; your verse just grabbed me. Those little red icons, so nice to receive, signify broad-scale acceptance. It's an ego boost, no doubt, and tells you how many smart readers with good taste are out there. And as a reader I see those red icons as signals that call me to poets deserving of attention, nothing more. So if I don't vote, it signifies nothing more than we didn't connect, nothing more - the poem's still out there as good (or bad) as before. So if the work has a red icon and I don't vote perhaps it's because I had a brain fart :D

thank you!
du! :)
Oh no, dear

Du Lac said:
thank you!
du! :)

Oh no, dear, thank YOU !

Leaving aside for the moment (just), the issue of trolling, 5's, and red icons. As I was saying to rikaaim in another thread, there's more than this to your poems.

You may like to have your ego stroked (what poet wouldn't?), with lots of 5's & red icons. But when I read a poem that "gets me," that's like the poet "sees" me. But it's more than a commercial transaction, when I pay you back with a 5; it's the least I can do for the great act of your sharing and letting us "see" each other.

So while you look at that 5 and feel special, remember, that's also how the reader's reacted.

So is it mutual admiration? Hell yes !!! We've earned it.
LeBroz said:
Oh no, dear, thank YOU !

Leaving aside for the moment (just), the issue of trolling, 5's, and red icons. As I was saying to rikaaim in another thread, there's more than this to your poems.

You may like to have your ego stroked (what poet wouldn't?), with lots of 5's & red icons. But when I read a poem that "gets me," that's like the poet "sees" me. But it's more than a commercial transaction, when I pay you back with a 5; it's the least I can do for the great act of your sharing and letting us "see" each other.

So while you look at that 5 and feel special, remember, that's also how the reader's reacted.

So is it mutual admiration? Hell yes !!! We've earned it.

thank you again.. I do not even know what poem you read but just seeing you so alive in the posts explaining why you vote and what it does for you is a lesson in appreciation. I thank you again.. du~

PS I will share with you one of my most valued comments...

re: my poem Chartreuse

05/21/05 by twelveoone
Look, I've been avioding this, I hate the idea of illustrated poety; however, if
one scolls down, the words are quite nice.
The second stanza, adding enough dissonance to what otherwise may have been too cloying.

later 1201 emailed me that he took a nap and 4 hours later my poem hit him with a sly left hand (my words lol) ... but it kicked him and made his mind start to twirl... to me this was one of the greatest compliments I have gotten on my writing. I thank you again 1201 and all who share here at lit.
Du Lac said:
thank you again.. I do not even know what poem you read but just seeing you so alive in the posts explaining why you vote and what it does for you is a lesson in appreciation. I thank you again.. du~

PS I will share with you one of my most valued comments...

re: my poem Chartreuse

05/21/05 by twelveoone
Look, I've been avioding this, I hate the idea of illustrated poety; however, if
one scolls down, the words are quite nice.
The second stanza, adding enough dissonance to what otherwise may have been too cloying.

later 1201 emailed me that he took a nap and 4 hours later my poem hit him with a sly left hand (my words lol) ... but it kicked him and made his mind start to twirl... to me this was one of the greatest compliments I have gotten on my writing. I thank you again 1201 and all who share here at lit.

One is but a drop of water,
banned together we can make a wave!
But of course

Du Lac said:
thank you again.. I do not even know what poem you read but just seeing you so alive in the posts explaining why you vote and what it does for you is a lesson in appreciation. I thank you again.. du~

PS I will share with you one of my most valued comments...

re: my poem Chartreuse

05/21/05 by twelveoone
Look, I've been avioding this, I hate the idea of illustrated poety; however, if
one scolls down, the words are quite nice.
The second stanza, adding enough dissonance to what otherwise may have been too cloying.

later 1201 emailed me that he took a nap and 4 hours later my poem hit him with a sly left hand (my words lol) ... but it kicked him and made his mind start to twirl... to me this was one of the greatest compliments I have gotten on my writing. I thank you again 1201 and all who share here at lit.

The first work of yours I read to which I alluded earlier was
More Than I am

verse so sparse
and wielding great power;
it calls out and beckons
and greets novice readers

and, of course, I left a comment with my vote; fair's fair - it's just payback in some small measure for the work of the poet - and at least mine aren't anon.

And I can understand the power of 1201's words, underscoring how your words just keep on giving.