The lowest of the low

My Erotic Tale said:
like the fact that those that want the anon voting to stay in place
obviously use it, or why would you want to allow such a thing?

for a dozen reasons, many of which are stated in this thread. :cool:

i approve of removing anonymous voting, but when i see statements like this, i begin to understand why it probably needs to stay.

what connection is there between wanting anonymous voting to stay, and using it?

Is there an
honorable way to be anonymous?


can't you think of any?
Burn the witch!

My Erotic Tale said:
like the fact that those that want the anon voting to stay in place
obviously use it, or why would you want to allow such a thing? Is
there an
honorable way to be anonymous? The ninjas cloak in the dark to decieve. The only reason I could think 'lit' uses such a tool is more poeple will comment as somebody they are not? To get more pages open daily? This truely has been an elightening thread. It does show those who vote with inspiration and kindness and those who have riddled souls using the full spectrum and partial to anon voting. Funny but it basicly has shined a spot light on the troll mentality.

Wow, talk about enlightening!

I stand up for many things that I am not a part of because of the principle.
Do not assume people who stand up for the right of those who wish to remain anon. are the ones doing the anon voting.

You should know better.

there are the "witches" that were burned
and there were the people who defended them
(who of course were burned as well)

there were the slaves that ran
and there were the people who gave them passage

there are people of alternate sexual preference
and there are those who support them and their rights

I am surprised, MET that you have this mentality to tell you the truth.

But I am so happy for you that you are inspired and kind--how wonderful for you.

just another riddled soul troubled mother fuckin troll lover
throw me in the back of the bus
put duct tape across my mouth
brand me with the scarlet letter
and burn me at the stake.

I double dog dare you
My Erotic Tale said:
I am sorry Lauren, I didn't know...
most people see the world in color.
This explains your ......alot <grin>

like the fact that those that want the anon voting to stay in place
obviously use it, or why would you want to allow such a thing? Is there an
honorable way to be anonymous? The ninjas cloak in the dark to decieve. The only reason I could think 'lit' uses such a tool is more poeple will comment as somebody they are not? To get more pages open daily? This truely has been an elightening thread. It does show those who vote with inspiration and kindness and those who have riddled souls using the full spectrum and partial to anon voting. Funny but it basicly has shined a spot light on the troll mentality.

Listen up, you fucking idiot. If you want to accuse me of anything, you better have the backbone to come up with an example, even a single suspicion. When I want to say something about someone or some poem, and say it to his, her or its face.

Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.

PatCarrington said:
for a dozen reasons, many of which are stated in this thread. :cool:

i approve of removing anonymous voting, but when i see statements like this, i begin to understand why it probably needs to stay.

what connection is there between wanting anonymous voting to stay, and using it?


can't you think of any?

actually I can't see any HONORABLE reasons for voting anon.
I also laugh at the fact that most of the people claiming they wish to keep anon voting, don't comment? or do they? I find that strangely humorus.
we all now are beginning

to see an advancement into a world where nothing is why should a vote be private...shadows lurking for what...when one is hiding beneath the covert blinds
what lays lurking is just that for...being in light...showing the real views of honest feedback ..why should they have to resort to the shadows...they have a voice...and should be allowed in public ...without... judgement to speak...and thus it should be in a free society...those who abuse it...are just asking for
My Erotic Tale said:
well it is simple really, you either do ...or you don't

I admit I haven't read the whole thread so somebody enlighten me, what is a good excuse for having anon voting? Was there at one time no anon voting and they saw a problem where they had to instill one, for a purpose?

I also notice those that don't post very often are happy with the anon voting system and those who post frequently do not, a pattern there as well?

I felt the way you do now.
I got over it.

I will go find my posts where I explained my ideas of why PRIVACY is important.

Take for instance, how I have been branded and labled for my opinions on this thread, it might be nice to not have that hanging on me. I know I have pissed off people and hurt at least one friend.

But it is something I believe in. That people should be able to vote with their hearts and minds, not with their identities.
My Erotic Tale said:
actually I can't see any HONORABLE reasons for voting anon.

my real name is Patrick Carrington. when i leave a comment, is says PatCarrington.

may i assume then that your name is Erotic Tale, Mr. Tale?
bluerains said:
to see an advancement into a world where nothing is why should a vote be private...shadows lurking for what...when one is hiding beneath the covert blinds
what lays lurking is just that for...being in light...showing the real views of honest feedback ..why should they have to resort to the shadows...they have a voice...and should be allowed in public ...without... judgement to speak...and thus it should be in a free society...those who abuse it...are just asking for
An advancement?
My Erotic Tale said:
actually I can't see any HONORABLE reasons for voting anon.
I also laugh at the fact that most of the people claiming they wish to keep anon voting, don't comment? or do they? I find that strangely humorus.

I used to comment on every poem every day.
With my name there.
It has nothing to do with it.
Lauren Hynde said:
Listen up, you fucking idiot. If you want to accuse me of anything, you better have the backbone to come up with an example, even a single suspicion. When I want to say something about someone or some poem, and say it to his, her or its face.

Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.


<laughing> verbal lashings only show your limitations and I have compassion for ignorance where your concerned Lauren. You want an exapmle of your trickery, your mis dealings? I can provide this so step back wench or I'll not be so nice about it.

I understand your high strung and love lashing out at people but a simple question sparks your anger way to easily.
My Erotic Tale said:
<laughing> verbal lashings only show your limitations and I have compassion for ignorance where your concerned Lauren. You want an exapmle of your trickery, your mis dealings? I can provide this so step back wench or I'll not be so nice about it.

I understand your high strung and love lashing out at people but a simple question sparks your anger way to easily.
You what?

To quote Anna, I double dog dare you!
My Erotic Tale said:
actually I can't see any HONORABLE reasons for voting anon.
I also laugh at the fact that most of the people claiming they wish to keep anon voting, don't comment? or do they? I find that strangely humorus.
Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.
"step back wench" LOL

Lauren, you're a wench. :D

I'm sorry. I shouldn't be enjoying this. Wench. lol
one reason

one reason

annaswirls said:
The very thought of elected officials having the right or ability to find out how individuals voted is just so Orwellian I am going to have nightmares. THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES.

and for heavens sake this is all so crazy.

and just because I defend someone right to privacy if the choose to remain private does not reflect my actions for myself. People have rights that they may or may not choose to act upon.
Eve your nipples are so pink and sweet hmmm like strawberry melt aways.

I can't decide if I am envious, inspired, aroused or hungry
bluerains said:
to see an advancement into a world where nothing is why should a vote be private...shadows lurking for what...when one is hiding beneath the covert blinds
what lays lurking is just that for...being in light...showing the real views of honest feedback ..why should they have to resort to the shadows...they have a voice...and should be allowed in public ...without... judgement to speak...and thus it should be in a free society...those who abuse it...are just asking for

....and thus it should be in a free society????

anonymous voting is a basic tenet of any free society.

when's the last time you didn't pull the curtain when you voted?
Lauren Hynde said:
You what?

To quote Anna, I double dog dare you!

quote= PM to MET

Thank you, Sir.

Can you keep a secret? I mean, it's really important that you not tell anyone.

The vote for **** poem was not unanimous. Lauren changed my vote. I voted for your poem. (I'm always the odd man out, it seems.) I thought yours had more heart and life to it, despite the flaws. That's why I was so severe on criticising some of it. If I'd picked **** poem as the winner I would have cut you some slack.

Oh well, can't argue with a woman in "Lusitania"....

(I have saved this because every time you and I fall into the same thread you spat vulger-ness my way. I must have stepped on your pompus toe or something somewhere down the line and I have no idea what it is. I figured it was because I am in law enforcement. You are either supportive of Officers or not. I don't know what your beef is with me Lauren, but I feel sorry for you cause you always seem so miserable. Take a midol.
annaswirls said:
Eve your nipples are so pink and sweet hmmm like strawberry melt aways.

I can't decide if I am envious, inspired, aroused or hungry
another big reason

the biggest

this is the kind of thing that is so fundamental

annaswirls said:
Don't leave home without it.

There is a reason that you close the curtain behind you when you vote.
There is a reason you fold over the little piece of paper.

People should be allowed to vote here in private.

Think about it folks! There is a reason many reasons why you vote with the curtain closed! Can you think of them?

I grew up in a very conservative town. The woman at the polling area sympathized with my mom, very loudly, for having a liberal daughter, as my affiliation was in the records.

They laughed and joked. I was not ashamed of my political affiliation, rather proud, however, it is no ones business even the politition for whom I am voting, of how I voted.

Social acceptance, in whatever form, should not impact a person's vote.

Being anon is not always cowardly, sneaky evil. Sometimes it is because the harassment of voting what you believe is NOT WORTH IT. And sometimes people want their own poetry judged by it's quality, not by how nice you are to other people's poems, not because of how much you kiss up. Maybe someone wants to be able to give 5's and nice comments without pissing off the poet's girlfriend and sending her into a jealous rage that has her turn around and vote down all of their work (or the work of the poet.) Who knows. Who cares. It all happens.

If people want to give their opinion in private, they should be allowed to.

The way people have been treated for giving less than high votes gives one reason.

Hell I will stand up to what I believe in despite consequences, but come on, I should be able to vote anon, without having to answer to anyone. We are not in Congress. Our votes do not have to be televised.

It is called Privacy.

So if you want to close the curtain when you vote, you should have that right. In a perfect world, people would be able to express their opinions without backlash.

So turn off your voting, you will be amazed how light you feel without the weight of numbers on your shoulders.

ps it is also not a good idea to share with the public what others have sent to you in private.

Maybe I am just a bit sensitive at our privacy being eroded from all angles! Credit card information, personal health records, grocery store discount cards that track everything you buy, governments ability to search every book you check out of the library or purchase with a card..... patriot act in general.

Come on, this is literotica, people should have the right to privacy (or complete exposure inside out upside down) if they so choose. There is a reason most people do not use their real names for their screen names.


My Erotic Tale said:
quote= PM to MET

Thank you, Sir.

Can you keep a secret? I mean, it's really important that you not tell anyone.

The vote for **** poem was not unanimous. Lauren changed my vote. I voted for your poem. (I'm always the odd man out, it seems.) I thought yours had more heart and life to it, despite the flaws. That's why I was so severe on criticising some of it. If I'd picked **** poem as the winner I would have cut you some slack.

Oh well, can't argue with a woman in "Lusitania"....

(I have saved this because every time you and I fall into the same thread you spat vulger-ness my way. I must have stepped on your pompus toe or something somewhere down the line and I have no idea what it is. I figured it was because I am in law enforcement. You are either supportive of Officers or not. I don't know what your beef is with me Lauren, but I feel sorry for you cause you always seem so miserable. Take a midol.
What the fuck is that? Change votes? How? When?
PatCarrington said:
....and thus it should be in a free society????

anonymous voting is a basic tenet of any free society.

when's the last time you didn't pull the curtain when you voted?

after the florida insident they will or are working on a new voting. Votes at the booth will be the same but you can then go to the internet and look up peoples votes so that no more dead people vote <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
Take a midol.
Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.
talk about low

it is more apparent that you do not respect privacy.

#1. How the hell could she change any vote
#2. Who can you trust? This person did not want YOU pissed for not voting for you, that is my guess.
#3. Why do people think it okay to post private messages on the forum? This is the second time it has happened?

My Erotic Tale said:
quote= PM to MET

Thank you, Sir.

Can you keep a secret? I mean, it's really important that you not tell anyone.

The vote for **** poem was not unanimous. Lauren changed my vote. I voted for your poem. (I'm always the odd man out, it seems.) I thought yours had more heart and life to it, despite the flaws. That's why I was so severe on criticising some of it. If I'd picked **** poem as the winner I would have cut you some slack.

Oh well, can't argue with a woman in "Lusitania"....

(I have saved this because every time you and I fall into the same thread you spat vulger-ness my way. I must have stepped on your pompus toe or something somewhere down the line and I have no idea what it is. I figured it was because I am in law enforcement. You are either supportive of Officers or not. I don't know what your beef is with me Lauren, but I feel sorry for you cause you always seem so miserable. Take a midol.