The lowest of the low

I can not even believe what I have been reading. I am in shock at the foulness displayed on this thread. True colors are bleeding through the weaving. We can't this be discussed like adults and not displayed as a threat or such horrid mean destructive childish behavior. Grow up all of you. If such reactions are demonstrated in discussing such matters how the hell do we expect to teach others in this world. I sit here and shake my head sad that I have seen such fear of change and name calling displayed by people that others look up to.
shame on you
PS Eve great pics on your av's very creative and inspiring...
"I have saved this because every time you and I fall into the same thread you spat vulger-ness my way. I must have stepped on your pompus toe or something somewhere down the line and I have no idea what it is. I figured it was because I am in law enforcement. You are either supportive of Officers or not. "

I thought you were some kind of Zen mind.
I had no idea you were in law enforcement, what does that have to do with anything?
My Erotic Tale said:
like the fact that those that want the anon voting to stay in place
obviously use it, or why would you want to allow such a thing? </snip>
Oh for heaven's sake, Art and others! You don't have to be a registered voter to leave a vote on Literotica submissions. That's why there's anonymous voting -- to encourage all site visitors to use a "fun" feature and possibly laud or disdain a story or poem. That's all.

If anyone doesn't want the opinions of the unqualified and unregistered audience, then they know what they need to do and that's to simply turn off anonymous voting.
annaswirls said:

dang, I just love your nipples

sniff sniff
next time I will send you an anon message of adoration


(not me, it is that other anna)
This is sounding kind of gay, you know. And that kind of talk is going to bring my gay relatives down from the mountains for a shotgun lesbian wedding. Sorry. But that's the way it is around here. :cool: Of course, feel free to bring the hubby and kids. Can he fix a leaking toilet?
Lauren Hynde said:
What the fuck is that? Change votes? How? When?

the last shoot out,

I also have had two threads removed by your defending your amigo. Which I truely understand helping friends out and all, that really didn't upset me and it actually kept peace in the forum which I am all for. Notice how emotions become high when others don't see things the way you do. Why do you feel the need to BARK alot?

As an Officer I realize I am not going to win every ones favor. But when hostility or anger is inflamed, usually that person has a reason for such an act. Be that honorable or not. Or just too much java.
My Erotic Tale said:
after the florida insident they will or are working on a new voting. Votes at the booth will be the same but you can then go to the internet and look up peoples votes so that no more dead people vote <grin>


try to vote with the curtain open anywhere.

the machine won't work unless the curtain is closed.

why is that, zenmaster?
My Erotic Tale said:
Thank you, Sir.

Can you keep a secret? I mean, it's really important that you not tell anyone.

The vote for **** poem was not unanimous. Lauren changed my vote. I voted for your poem. (I'm always the odd man out, it seems.) I thought yours had more heart and life to it, despite the flaws. That's why I was so severe on criticising some of it. If I'd picked **** poem as the winner I would have cut you some slack.

Oh well, can't argue with a woman in "Lusitania"....
I want this explained.
Art, the contests here are not rigged. Maybe you misunderstood this person or she was mistaken.
annaswirls said:
it is more apparent that you do not respect privacy.

#1. How the hell could she change any vote
#2. Who can you trust? This person did not want YOU pissed for not voting for you, that is my guess.
#3. Why do people think it okay to post private messages on the forum? This is the second time it has happened?

I got double dog dared with your words...<snicker>
My Erotic Tale said:
the last shoot out,

I also have had two threads removed by your defending your amigo.
What last shoot out? What threads? You'll need to do A HELL of a lot better than that.

My Erotic Tale said:
Which I truely understand helping friends out and all, that really didn't upset me and it actually kept peace in the forum which I am all for. Notice how emotions become high when others don't see things the way you do. Why do you feel the need to BARK alot?
When you throw accusations around, you need to sustanciate them, fucktard. I'm a very tolerant person, but the two things I will not stand for are stupidity and dishonesty, and tonight you have proven you have plenty of both.

My Erotic Tale said:
As an Officer I realize I am not going to win every ones favor. But when hostility or anger is inflamed, usually that person has a reason for such an act. Be that honorable or not. Or just too much java.
As an officer you're a disgrace, and as a Zen-wanna-be you're pathetic. But those are excuses. What are your reasons for tonight's actions?
WickedEve said:
Art, the contests here are not rigged. Maybe you misunderstood this person or she was mistaken.
Or maybe he made her up. It's obviously not beneath this troll mentality upon wish a spotlight has been shining. :rolleyes:
My Erotic Tale said:
Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.
WickedEve said:
Art, the contests here are not rigged. Maybe you misunderstood this person or she was mistaken.

yes, perhaps an explanation is in order, but first, wicked was the other judge <grin> and one more thing, when the tri head has to make a decision between two poems that tie. I don't think Lauren would vote partial if my name was one of the two so that kicked me out of the poetry contest. The PM in question was the SHOOT OUT lauren held on the forum. That was the PM I got after the results were shown. I didn't swet it I had fun and it was just a challenge. I wasn't upset, but rather saw a pattern of personality that had me save it for the nest time she yelled cuss words at me <grinin> I didn't want to cause this member any grief. They don't frequent lit any more as is with a lot of others that I find come and leave because of the harsh comments and ANON targeting there work. A hand full of inspiration some how doesn't shine as much as a Grammar police comment. I don't write for votes, I don't get upset about grammar comments. I would write rather there was a voting system or not wouldn't you?
I'd like to see it done away with
comments are what matter

and Art
your behavior belies the fact that you may quote Zen but you have no "buddha mind'
You have no compassion, and your ego rules your interests
otherwise votes would mean nothing to you.
You would simply "write"

And no matter what you believe, no one is going to respect the opinion of a man who uses the word " non-shilant" in a poem
It's lazy
and if it's not lazy it's illiteracy.

I was raised that a man didn't disrespect a woman
Your attitude and behavior toward Lauren is boorish and ego ridden.

If you have a problem here leave and try selling your poetry at another site where people might not be so forgiving of your eccentricities
Du Lac said:
shame on you
No, Du~

Shame on you. How can you even post something like that when officer Tale is making up wrongful accusations? What does that say about you?

Dormientibus non succurrit.
My Erotic Tale said:
yes, perhaps an explanation is in order, but first, wicked was the other judge <grin> and one more thing, when the tri head has to make a decision between two poems that tie. I don't think Lauren would vote partial if my name was one of the two so that kicked me out of the poetry contest. The PM in question was the SHOOT OUT lauren held on the forum. That was the PM I got after the results were shown. I didn't swet it I had fun and it was just a challenge. I wasn't upset, but rather saw a pattern of personality that had me save it for the nest time she yelled cuss words at me <grinin> I didn't want to cause this member any grief. They don't frequent lit any more as is with a lot of others that I find come and leave because of the harsh comments and ANON targeting there work. A hand full of inspiration some how doesn't shine as much as a Grammar police comment. I don't write for votes, I don't get upset about grammar comments. I would write rather there was a voting system or not wouldn't you?
Look that thread up, show it to us. I want to see it.
Lauren Hynde said:
What last shoot out? What threads? You'll need to do A HELL of a lot better than that.

When you throw accusations around, you need to sustanciate them, fucktard. I'm a very tolerant person, but the two things I will not stand for are stupidity and dishonesty, and tonight you have proven you have plenty of both.

As an officer you're a disgrace, and as a Zen-wanna-be you're pathetic. But those are excuses. What are your reasons for tonight's actions?

I do not need you to tell me rather I am honorable or not, I know in my heart what I am and how my community excepts me and see's me, add this to your list Lauren, I also own Inner Spirit Martial Arts so there is more ammo for you verbal assaults. Of course your going to deny doing anything.

I didn't come to a thread about anon voting to argue with Lauren who is clearly in a arguing mood. I came between her cross hairs. A terrorist has not a selected aim ..any one who steps in her path.?
My Erotic Tale said:
I do not need you to tell me rather I am honorable or not, I know in my heart what I am and how my community excepts me and see's me, add this to your list Lauren, I also own Inner Spirit Martial Arts so there is more ammo for you verbal assaults. Of course your going to deny doing anything.

I didn't come to a thread about anon voting to argue with Lauren who is clearly in a arguing mood. I came between her cross hairs. A terrorist has not a selected aim ..any one who steps in her path.?
Will you tell me your name and where you serve, or will you hide behind anonymity like a spineless coward?
My Erotic Tale said:
I didn't come to a thread about anon voting to argue with Lauren who is clearly in a arguing mood. I came between her cross hairs. A terrorist has not a selected aim ..any one who steps in her path.?
You put yourself between my cross-hairs, and it's going to take some humility and some common decency to get out from there. You want to discuss anonymous voting? Respond to this:

Anonymous voting and participation is fundamental because most readers that matter are not registered. They're not your buddies who will give you a 5 no matter what crap you write. They're the hundreds of anonymous readers who have no idea who you are but happen to see something online that grabs their attention. Those are the people whose opinion matters. Many of them might very well be skitterish enough about participation in an adult site to begin with, with fucktards like you running around, and you want to force them to register so that they can give their opinion about your work? Your not only an incredible asshole, you're an incredibly selfish asshole.
Lauren Hynde said:
Look that thread up, show it to us. I want to see it.

which thread, the one you juggled votes in? The Poetry contest where a tie breaker was determined by you three, or the thread where jim made a thread with verbal assults defending his gay rights. I made a thread about his comment to me and it was removed...where? I don't know probably general. He was allowed to spew his hate but I could not rebutle your amigo. My point is you don't exactly play fair when my name comes to light, what did I do to you lauren. The tongue slices like a knife sometimes, I can only assume the truth sliced you deeply with me.
Lauren Hynde said:
No, Du~

Shame on you. How can you even post something like that when officer Tale is making up wrongful accusations? What does that say about you?

Dormientibus non succurrit.

Lauren now you are after me... because once again you believe I was aiming directly at you. That in itself speaks of ego. Open up and see how horrid all this is. I was talking in general to all of you. This behavior is in correct, boorish and childish. You want to take a swing at me go ahead. I will not swing back. I am NOT challenged by you or your anger. Calm down everyone and step out of yourself see what is going on here. Arguing is not the answer... anyone remember Iraq? This is how it starts...........Someone had to let you all know how bad you ALL were behaving. Shame on me for having a view...and a voice different than what is being displayed here.
My Erotic Tale said:
yes, perhaps an explanation is in order, but first, wicked was the other judge <grin> and one more thing, when the tri head has to make a decision between two poems that tie. I don't think Lauren would vote partial if my name was one of the two so that kicked me out of the poetry contest. The PM in question was the SHOOT OUT lauren held on the forum. That was the PM I got after the results were shown. I didn't swet it I had fun and it was just a challenge. I wasn't upset, but rather saw a pattern of personality that had me save it for the nest time she yelled cuss words at me <grinin> I didn't want to cause this member any grief. They don't frequent lit any more as is with a lot of others that I find come and leave because of the harsh comments and ANON targeting there work. A hand full of inspiration some how doesn't shine as much as a Grammar police comment. I don't write for votes, I don't get upset about grammar comments. I would write rather there was a voting system or not wouldn't you?
Of course, I'd write with or without voting. That's what poets do.
As far as your friends leaving because of anon comments, I can understand some people feeling that way. Some of the newer poets are delicate. I know they may feel targeted for no good reason. Is it possible their poetry wasn't very good and some voters were simply expressing their opinions by voting lower numbers? There are many readers who never come to the board, never submit a poem. There are many out there with their opinions on poetry and they don't know the poets or care about them one way or the other. They just vote on what they like or don't like. They don't take time to comment. Usually, most comments come from the regulars here on the board.
And I was the other judge? I think I remember that challenge. Post a link if you dig the thread up.
My Erotic Tale said:
which thread, the one you juggled votes in? The Poetry contest where a tie breaker was determined by you three, or the thread where jim made a thread with verbal assults defending his gay rights. I made a thread about his comment to me and it was removed...where? I don't know probably general. He was allowed to spew his hate but I could not rebutle your amigo. My point is you don't exactly play fair when my name comes to light, what did I do to you lauren. The tongue slices like a knife sometimes, I can only assume the truth sliced you deeply with me.
Show me any thread, show any sign of a backbone. Substantiate your accusations. Is this the way you enforce law in your community, officer Tale?
My Erotic Tale said:
which thread, the one you juggled votes in? The Poetry contest where a tie breaker was determined by you three, or the thread where jim made a thread with verbal assults defending his gay rights. I made a thread about his comment to me and it was removed...where? I don't know probably general. He was allowed to spew his hate but I could not rebutle your amigo. My point is you don't exactly play fair when my name comes to light, what did I do to you lauren. The tongue slices like a knife sometimes, I can only assume the truth sliced you deeply with me.
As one of the "three" I don't remember deciding any tie-breaker. I don't think there was one.
As far as moving threads: spam is moved and threads that have nothing to do with poetry--well, that doesn't always work. lol