The lowest of the low

Jennifer C said:
Just because you have put your work out there for others to read and comment on doesn't make that work any less your own, it's still your blood, sweat and tears that have gone into it and it is still your RIGHT to decide what comments you want to keep just as it is others RIGHTS to comment in the first place and just beacuse you can't understand that doesn't make it wrong. What authority do you have to tell people what they can and can't do with their own work?

why are you getting angry?

i have no authority to tell you what to do, and i have not told you what to do. i have told you what i believe is the right thing to do.

i am expressing my opinion.

it differs from yours. it's as simple as that.

PatCarrington said:
why are you getting angry?

i have no authority to tell you what to do, and i have not told you what to do. i have told you what i believe is the right thing to do

i am expressing my opinion.

it differs from yours. it's as simple as that.


I am not getting angry, believe me if I were you really would know about it! I am simply expressing my right at free speech. At the end of the day we all have rights and all i'm saying is that where the commenter has the right to their opinions we also have the right to delete them, whether you agree with that or not or whether it is right or wrong it is still a FACT so a person should not be condemmed if they wish to exercise that right and delete a nasty comment.

I have said my piece and no offence was intended in doing so.
PatCarrington said:
my feeling is that all comments should be left, you lovely potato chip.

there are so many reasons why i feel that way, the list could be burdensome to read.

i hate rudeness as much as anyone, and i despise hiding behind anonymity, but i can't think of even one benefit from deleting a comment of any kind.

You do realize that you need to delete some comments on this site, like ones that give out personal info, etc. Also, when some idiot comes along and just leaves a comment that says, "I just peed on my rug" then what's the point of keeping it? Remember: We Are On an Adult Site. There may be extreme comments left that need to be deleted. And extremely dumb comments. lol If someone said, "I didn't read your poem. I'm just here to use your PC to say hi to my friend Buck." then why keep it? Of course, why delete it? It's kind of funny. :D
WickedEve said:
You do realize that you need to delete some comments on this site, like ones that give out personal info, etc. Also, when some idiot comes along and just leaves a comment that says, "I just peed on my rug" then what's the point of keeping it? Remember: We Are On an Adult Site. There may be extreme comments left that need to be deleted. And extremely dumb comments. lol If someone said, "I didn't read your poem. I'm just here to use your PC to say hi to my friend Buck." then why keep it? Of course, why delete it? It's kind of funny. :D

:D hi, evie.

i said hi before, but you didn't say hi back.

say hi back to me, or i'll pee on my rug.


WickedEve said:
You do realize that you need to delete some comments on this site, like ones that give out personal info, etc. Also, when some idiot comes along and just leaves a comment that says, "I just peed on my rug" then what's the point of keeping it? Remember: We Are On an Adult Site. There may be extreme comments left that need to be deleted. And extremely dumb comments. lol If someone said, "I didn't read your poem. I'm just here to use your PC to say hi to my friend Buck." then why keep it? Of course, why delete it? It's kind of funny. :D


I couldn't agree with you more... :)
PatCarrington said:
:D hi, evie.

i said hi before, but you didn't say hi back.

say hi back to me, or i'll pee on my rug.

Is the rug wet yet?
WickedEve said:
Is the rug wet yet?

no, but i think i might bust a gasket if you don't say 'hi' soon. :cool:

i've been looking for an excuse to put hardwood floors in, anyway.

PatCarrington said:'s like Indian giving, or taking your ball and going home, or changing the rules in the middle of the game because they no longer suit you....
I was with you till there, Kemosabe!
PatCarrington said:
late, as usual, mr. 747. :)
And proud member of the Nation that donated the city of Fresno, CA to the U.S. in exchange for shoe-making tools.
flyguy69 said:
And proud member of the Nation that donated the city of Fresno, CA to the U.S. in exchange for shoe-making tools.

hey, i see what you were thinking.

it's a big market. we all have feet. :)

and i was in Fresno once....i left wondering if it was possible that an entire town could have Down's Syndrome. :cool:

the trade may be better than it appears on first glance.
PatCarrington said:
hey, i see what you were thinking.

it's a big market. we all have feet. :)

and i was in Fresno once....i left wondering if it was possible that an entire town could have Down's Syndrome. :cool:

the trade may be better than it appears on first glance.
They only gave us lefts. They kept all the rights.

Damn, that's a good one!
PatCarrington said:
no, but i think i might bust a gasket if you don't say 'hi' soon. :cool:

i've been looking for an excuse to put hardwood floors in, anyway.

I don't want to say the "h" word now. Would you settle for an "oh baby" or "hey, stud"?
WickedEve said:
I don't want to say the "h" word now. Would you settle for an "oh baby" or "hey, stud"?

the rug and i have no objections. :)

....may i be excused now, Mrs. Wicked? .....i have to do number 1.
PatCarrington said:
the rug and i have no objections. :)

....may i be excused now, Mrs. Wicked? .....i have to do number 1.
Go, and may you walk in beauty, Patrick Damppants!
flyguy69 said:
Go, and may you walk in beauty, Patrick Damppants!

I think from now on you two shouldn't sit together. The teacher needs to move you to opposite sides of the classroom for the safety of all poetry board conversations everywhere. :)
*Catbabe* said:
I think from now on you two shouldn't sit together. The teacher needs to move you to opposite sides of the classroom for the safety of all poetry board conversations everywhere. :)
You just want to sit between us. ;)
*Catbabe* said:
I think from now on you two shouldn't sit together. The teacher needs to move you to opposite sides of the classroom for the safety of all poetry board conversations everywhere. :)

he's talking to me again, Mrs. C, and i can't concentrate on my measurements. how do you do it again?

can you help me with my ruler?
PatCarrington said:
he's talking to me again, Mrs. C, and i can't concentrate on my measurements. how do you do it again?

can you help me with my ruler?
And mine fell on the floor again. Can you bend over and pick it up for me?
PatCarrington said:
you're devious......for a teacher. :cool: spelled "who's" wrong.

do i get a prize? :)

Damn it!!!

:cool: Yes, you do win a prize. You get to take Fly's whacks with the ruler too. ;)
*Catbabe* said:
You're going to fall off your chair if you lean anymore. ;)
I might fall in between those firm peaks of yours!

Uh oh, I hear the Principal Eve's heels in the hall. I'll bet she's going to flog me. Gotta go.