The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

I'm up to twelve votes now. Lol.

SLOW going. I'm kinda relieved that it's happening across the board, though. So far, the stories I've read are great!
Reading yours now...trying not to put down my writing to finish yours...
Enjoyable Welsh fable ?..
Better than what's his face going up a hill and coming down a mountain....
The biggest disappointment will be I can't tell my friends in Caerphilly about it !
Well, how time flies when your having fun. Wish I'd had some. I got to get back to writing my second story for the contest. You folks be good, or something.
I've had about a thousand hits in the first 16 hours, 7 votes, 1 fave (but just a bookmark so really no faves). I'm sure that it will dry up tomorrow when it drops off the first page. Long story short, I'm no threat to any of the rest of you for any prizes. :p
Reading yours now...trying not to put down my writing to finish yours...
Enjoyable Welsh fable ?..
Better than what's his face going up a hill and coming down a mountain....
The biggest disappointment will be I can't tell my friends in Caerphilly about it !

I mean, as long as none of them are named David McCormick, you sure can.

I hope you enjoy it!
I started one and gave up on it. Halloween just isn't something that I get as ozzie. And the whole writing to competition themes is filling this place with samey stuff. Maybe I'll have a go at nude day or summer loving next time. Good luck to those of you who have submitted.
It doesn't actually hafta be about Halloween. Mine is a ghost story.
The Halloween Contest is about horror, slasher stuff, erotic non-human contact, or all too human monsters, not the day itself. And I know Australia has a slew of horror shit that comes out of it, fiction and movies alike.
I started one and gave up on it. Halloween just isn't something that I get as ozzie. And the whole writing to competition themes is filling this place with samey stuff. Maybe I'll have a go at nude day or summer loving next time. Good luck to those of you who have submitted.
I've come to the conclusion that I have confused everyone with the story.
Neither many votes and no comments. Interesting!
I'm about done with mine and still can't think of a title- ope... Ghost of The Mansion just happened. Might not get better than that.
Well, I fell off the first page of my category last nite, so that's it. No where near qualifying, so I'm out. :p
The score on my Ex Exorcism is bouncing up and down like a yo-yo leading me to believe that there are only two types of people reading on Literotica; wise, thoughtful, intellectually advanced people, and trolls.
The score on my Ex Exorcism is bouncing up and down like a yo-yo leading me to believe that there are only two types of people reading on Literotica; wise, thoughtful, intellectually advanced people, and trolls.
And maybe it's the trolls loving it! 😈 😲🤭
I wrote two different stories. One is already uploaded and turned out fine. The other, however, felt very disjointed. In some ways, it felt like two stories in one - because the erotic parts felt far too kinky for the otherwise quite emotional storyline. So now I'm rewriting it, focusing on improving the emotional half, and putting everything else aside for what might turn into another story one day. Hopefully I can still finish it on time. 😓

So this didn't age well. I tried it, but it didn't work, and I can't find the time to keep trying over and over. So I just uploaded it as is - a strange blend of some sort of romantic, emotional story combined with kinky 'exclusively anal only' sex. 🤔 Will it work for the masses? Probably not. Will it work for some? Time will tell. I think I'm basically reaching out towards two very different audience at once, and neither side will walk away satisfied. Oh well.. Should be available to read in a few days, if everything goes to plan. It's Pending.
No, they don't list by rating rank, they actually rotate the stories order every time you visit the page.

No, I meant the actual category page, not the contest page. My hits have dropped drastically this morning and not a single vote today. Nada. It's done.
I am very new to this process, so I know this is probably a stupid question. I just published my first story inspired by this contest but I don't know what the "votes" are. How do you see them? How do you vote?
No, I meant the actual category page, not the contest page. My hits have dropped drastically this morning and not a single vote today. Nada. It's done.
You should still be noticed by those specifically looking for the contest stories. Which, not so strangely, accounts for a lot of the readers.
Did you remember to both tag it as Holloween 2023 and put that in the notes field?
I am very new to this process, so I know this is probably a stupid question. I just published my first story inspired by this contest but I don't know what the "votes" are. How do you see them? How do you vote?