The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

Hmmm.... 1/3 the page views I got in the Summer contest. I am going to have to stop entering early.
"Payback is a Bitch" is my first submission in Erotic Horror, and I noticed there aren't as many readers as some of the other categories. And they didn't seem to like what I did to my morally bankrupt MC, judging by the score. lol
Baptism in Blood has risen to a 4.5 rating but only has four votes. A Voyage on an Ethereal Cloud is at 3.1 at ten votes and is no challenge to any of the other entries. I'm happier now with both of their performances, mainly because they've both earned one :heart:.
I don't think I'm going to get the 25 votes this time around.
Hey ho!


I've managed to accumulate over 25 votes but I think a few of them are 1-bombs that might get removed eventually. 😖 But it matters little to me. I'm writing for the fun of it, and not to attempt to win any competitions. I don't even think I'm eligible to win a cash price in my country. I was hoping to get a few more new followers though, but the 'event' isn't over yet so there is still hope! Maybe people get in to more of a spooky mood the closer we get to the end of this month, and we'll all see a few more readers show up then?
What are the sweeps you all are on about?
The site periodically examines votes on stories and removes some that they think are suspicious.

No one knows exactly how it works, and the site discourages talking too much about it. But they tend to run about once a month, and during story events.

You can also request a sweep of your stories, but it doesn't guarantee anything.
The site periodically examines votes on stories and removes some that they think are suspicious.

No one knows exactly how it works, and the site discourages talking too much about it. But they tend to run about once a month, and during story events.

You can also request a sweep of your stories, but it doesn't guarantee anything.
Some people genuinely hate what I write. Does that deter me? Not only no, but, hells nos.
The Ruritanian romance I started writing a while ago has evolved into something Gothic, so it might be suitable for this contest if I can finish it in time. At 13,500 words now and approaching the climax (hehe) of Act 2. It probably doesn't help that I decided that the story needs not only a Hungarian nobleman, but an Irish priest too.
The Ruritanian romance I started writing a while ago has evolved into something Gothic, so it might be suitable for this contest if I can finish it in time. At 13,500 words now and approaching the climax (hehe) of Act 2. It probably doesn't help that I decided that the story needs not only a Hungarian nobleman, but an Irish priest too.
You jest, surely. Begorra, a bloody, blinking priest.
I'm hoping to finish mine today, but that's not guaranteed. I have to make a call to the tax office and who knows how long that will take.

I'm wondering if the sheer number of events is diluting the impact of the occasional competition.
I had a computer crash while I was out shopping. Not finding any backup with the last 500 words I'd written. Maybe you guys are right and I shouldn't do this story. Nah, I'm always right.