The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

Going to try to finish editing mine early this week. There's a few lines I have to take out that although not underaged, could still trigger this site's Puritan no one can even kiss before their 18th birthday schtick, and of course its the domino of changing one lines means the next makes no sense and...
Mine has just been submitted. Back to my regularly scheduled incest story.
I'm in reverse, finishing my latest dark and dysfunctional taboo piece before I get to finishing up the entry.

I recall you discussing yours, so I'm interested in checking it out once you post.
I'm in reverse, finishing my latest dark and dysfunctional taboo piece before I get to finishing up the entry.

I recall you discussing yours, so I'm interested in checking it out once you post.
The contest story, or the incest story?
Going to try to finish editing mine early this week. There's a few lines I have to take out that although not underaged, could still trigger this site's Puritan no one can even kiss before their 18th birthday schtick, and of course its the domino of changing one lines means the next makes no sense and...
The fan fic I put on hiatus to write these; had to delete four chapters over one location screw up. Yours can't be that bad.
Well, it's September, and the Summer Lovin' contest is in full swing. That can mean only one thing - it's time to start cranking out that Halloween story that you've been dying to tell! Let's kick off Autumn 2023 in the northern climes with a new support thread -

Halloween (Oct 31)

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Themes: scary stuff, costumes, Halloween traditions (trick-or-treating, etc.), etc.

You can begin submitting on (or before): October 2

The last day to submit is October 23

Winners Will Be Announced:
October 30

The author must copy and paste the phrase "HALLOWEEN 2023" to the "Notes to Admin" field of the submission (without the quotation marks).

And please add the tag "HALLOWEEN 2023" (without the quotation marks)

Read Laurel's notice of the start of the contest sticky at the top of the Authors' Hangout (when it magically appears), before submitting and follow the instructions in that thread. I will keep an eye out for that information and update this page as soon as I see it (or as soon as someone points it out to me).

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the 2023 Halloween Contest. For you new writers, this thread is a great place to meet your fellow authors and share ideas, tips, and tricks of the trade.

As the recently departed Ogg always told us, there is an advantage to entering stories in one of Literotica's themed contests. Apart from the possibility of winning, your story gets far more exposure and attention than it would normally do.

Some of that attention might be unwelcome, some abusive, but this thread is a good place to vent after getting that kind of attention. Some of that attention could be appreciative and helpful and this thread is a great place to come and share those accolades.

It's that time! Bring out your masks, candies, and creepy accessories, and prepare to put a spell on your readership.

Oh, and as an added bonus - Season 4 of The Amorous Goods Anthology is running at the same time, which will give you even more exposure! See here for details -
Amorous Goods - a Literotica anthology series - season 4
What should I do if I didn't put the TAG

I submitted and its already in pending. I did put the Halloween 2023 in the Admin notes.
I just submitted my story, The Countesses of Tannensdal. Something tells me the style won't appeal to the masses: I've deliberately tried to make it read like a 19th century Gothic tale, coupled with Ruritanian adventure. Also, it's not a straightforward "sexy evil vampire" story.

But it's given me immense satisfaction to write. And as they say, there's honour simply in competing.
I've been obsessively reloading my author panel to see if my story has a scheduled post date.
The other times I submitted to contests, I didn't think about it nearly as much.

*Just venting*
I took so long writing this one, and I'm anxious about the potential response. Argh!
I posted mine on Thursday, and it just got the 'new' moniker now. I think Laurel had a break over the weekend.
I've been obsessively reloading my author panel to see if my story has a scheduled post date.
The other times I submitted to contests, I didn't think about it nearly as much.

*Just venting*
I took so long writing this one, and I'm anxious about the potential response. Argh!
Same here. I uploaded yesterday, waiting to see whether it will be published tomorrow or whether I'll have to wait.

It's my first contest entry, and my longest story by far, and the style is probably too old-fashioned for most people to enjoy. Logically, I don't think it will do well. Emotionally, I think it's the best story ever and everyone should love it.
Mine has interestingly for a contest not been pulled apart or criticized...just unloved!
I posted mine on Thursday, and it just got the 'new' moniker now. I think Laurel had a break over the weekend.

Same here. I uploaded yesterday, waiting to see whether it will be published tomorrow or whether I'll have to wait.

It's my first contest entry, and my longest story by far, and the style is probably too old-fashioned for most people to enjoy. Logically, I don't think it will do well. Emotionally, I think it's the best story ever and everyone should love it.
OK. Whew!

I uploaded mine late Thursday night. It now shows with a publish date for tomorrow.

Guess I can start obsessing about votes, then.