The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

My question was geared more towards would lit kick it back because they think I'm plagiarizing(myself)
Ask Laurel. She'd most likely know if it had been done before. I don't see why it would kick back, with the only thing existing in the whole story is the poem.
I thought of one last night and gave my brain the go-head to deal with it. Hopefully it fares better than the last one I did. Maybe it'll help clear my mind so I can finish my current incest story.
Submitted mine. Hope it'll be out by the 2nd... the editing took a bit longer than I'd expected. My first entry in a contest!

Good luck, y'all :)
I've been sidetracked by a few different things. I won't make the start, but it should be in later this week.

Don't forget to add the Amorous Goods tag, if appropriate.
Happy Halloween "eve". Looking forward to unwrapping some spooky stories tomorrow!
I've been sidetracked by a few different things. I won't make the start, but it should be in later this week.

Don't forget to add the Amorous Goods tag, if appropriate.
I realized I *really* didn't like one of the early scenes, so I took it out. Have to fill that back in, and refine some other things to make it a hair more believable, just so the spooky part lands better.
Definitely planning to submit by next weekend.
It'll be 35k to 40k words.
I wrote two different stories. One is already uploaded and turned out fine. The other, however, felt very disjointed. In some ways, it felt like two stories in one - because the erotic parts felt far too kinky for the otherwise quite emotional storyline. So now I'm rewriting it, focusing on improving the emotional half, and putting everything else aside for what might turn into another story one day. Hopefully I can still finish it on time. 😓
I have written the same story twice with the gender of a character changed between the two versions. I want to submit both versions to the contest. One should go in "Exhibitionist & Voyeur". The other should go in "Lesbian". I propose the following Author's Note explaining:

Blushing, Blue Jeans, and Bloomers

Story Tags: exhibition, voyeurism, female masturbation

<center><i>This is a 2023 Halloween Contest entry.</i></center>

<center>~~~~~ Edited by A_Little_Show_Too's Spouse ~~~~~</center>

<center>Author's Note</center>
<center><i>Two versions of <b>the same story</b> are submitted in the contest. If you read one version of this story, you don't need to read the other version. Two versions exist because in the first version, it felt borderline non-consensual. Many of my stories explore gender bending and social norms, and following that interest, I rewrote the same scenes with the gender of one character changed. In my mind, the story feels much different. WHY SHOULD THAT BE? If characters do the same things for the same reasons in the same circumstances, why does changing gender change the degree of exploitation? If you are as intrigued about altered perception as I am, I invite you to read both versions and comment: Did the vibe change for you as much as it did for me? If so, why do you think that is? I'm also curious if you think changing genders doesn't matter. Maybe there is some unconscious double standard in my psyche that others don't share.</I></center>

Is what I want even possible?
Whoah. SUPER-low views and votes.

That's troubling. It normally indicates a titling failure, and I did have my doubts. Ah, well.
I’ve submitted mine. I got delayed on something else, otherwise it would have been sent in a few days ago.

I started one and gave up on it. Halloween just isn't something that I get as ozzie. And the whole writing to competition themes is filling this place with samey stuff. Maybe I'll have a go at nude day or summer loving next time. Good luck to those of you who have submitted.
I started one and gave up on it. Halloween just isn't something that I get as ozzie. And the whole writing to competition themes is filling this place with samey stuff. Maybe I'll have a go at nude day or summer loving next time. Good luck to those of you who have submitted.

I also struggled with the Halloween theme at first - we do not celebrate it in Sweden either, really. However, I realized pretty quickly that there were still quite a lot of wiggle room to overcome this obstacle, because just about any story that includes ghosts or ghouls, vampires or werewolves, witches or warlocks - they all sort of work. Just set it in the autumn, capture the feeling of the season, and get spooky with it. Could probably even go with a story revolving around a creature from Australian folklore, like the Yowie or a Bunyip or something. 😊 That would likely be both unique and quite educational to non-Australians!
My second little quicky story for the contest has taken a turn. It now has five characters. This is going to be fun.
^^ 44,444 posts for TxRad? Screenshot opportunity I suppose? I'll leave that to someone else.

Anyways, submitted mine this morning. It's a short one at 5k, a medieval fantasy, some good old scrying and playing with the elements.