The Official Authors' Hangout Halloween 2023 Contest Support Thread

Mine's been out 5 hours (I think that's what it said).
One favorite, 283 views, and one 3* vote.

Bubble officially burst!

I'm not going to bore you all with my self psychoanalysis about why I'm worrying so much about this one. I'm just gonna either get breakfast or go back to sleep.
(Cuz I'm one of the lucky ones in the US who get today off)
I posted mine on Thursday, and it just got the 'new' moniker now. I think Laurel had a break over the weekend.
I've noticed over the years that Laurel-at times because nothing here is ever consistent-won't post contest submissions over the weekend. Whether its because she thinks less people see them, or she wants to do less work on the weekends no one but her knows.
If it weren't for facebook and twitter, I'd forget all about it.

Sort of the same here. If it wasn't for the electronic marquee at the school down the street announcing the day off we'd have forgotten completely about it until noon, wondering why we didn't get any mail. :rolleyes:
Mine's in the queue. One of my beta readers is double checking it, but absent any big issues, it'll hopefully be up in the next day or so.
I'm really glad I decided to participate in this! I wasn't sure what to expect, but wow, the story really lit up fast. I felt like I got impatient with it and so I was worried that I accelerated the story quicker than I had originally intended. But its nice to see that people seem to be enjoying it!
Were happy you participated as well, ain't we?
I've submitted my story. Compared to my usual happy-go-lucky stuff, I see this as dark fantasy. The main character (a cis woman) seeks a tryst with a man and willingly enters a sex session with him, but finds it very disturbing, and spends the rest of the story trying to understand, and escape, her feelings about him. (He's supernatural.)

I have placed the story in SF/F, because in my limited (cis straight male) worldview, this didn't seem to meet the criteria of NC/R. In the preface I have detailed all this, as a potential triggering warning. Should this be in NC/R? I've never posted there, and I don't read there, so I don't know if this is where the story belongs.
I don't generally write quickly. I worked on my 10k Karaoke story for 2 months, many of you may laugh to learn. (Finally out tomorrow night; feels like I've been waiting forever!) But I've started on a sudden Halloween idea. We'll see if I can do something in a week instead of a month. If not I suppose it will just be a regular story. My first foray into mind control. Unless it's EH. But I think MC.
My second one, House Call, is up and running in EC.

This one delightfully packed a lot of energy into a fairly short story. I think my favorite line was

"Mike couldn't hold back any longer and felt throbbing pulses rush up his length."

Having now authored stories which include descriptions of the male ejaculatory experience, I couldn't help but laugh aloud reading this line.
My entry is queued for publication tomorrow morning.

In the meantime I've just started on what's hopefully going to be a short stroker. Man lost in woods. Stumbles across a witch's cottage. The provisional title is "Wood and Bush".
My entry is queued for publication tomorrow morning.

In the meantime I've just started on what's hopefully going to be a short stroker. Man lost in woods. Stumbles across a witch's cottage. The provisional title is "Wood and Bush".

Remarkably similar to my entry Dark Bush. (blush)
Wow, you went a completely different way than I had in mind! (By the way, I like the use of "orchid." I might have to borrow it.)

Mine, if I write it, will be lighter in tone. I'm thinking that the cottage is full of animated objects, like a Disney movie (but sexier), but it's one of those "escape my dawn or be trapped for a century" things.
This one delightfully packed a lot of energy into a fairly short story.
Thanks 😊
I think my favorite line was

"Mike couldn't hold back any longer and felt throbbing pulses rush up his length."

Having now authored stories which include descriptions of the male ejaculatory experience, I couldn't help but laugh aloud reading this line.
Always open to feedback on improving how I write the male experience 😊.

Thanks 😊

Always open to feedback on improving how I write the male experience 😊.

Don’t misunderstand me. My laughter wasn’t a reflection of anything specific about it.

It’s just always funny to think of new ways to describe it. And I found this one particularly entertaining.