The Official Authors' Hangout Summer Lovin' 2024 Contest Support Thread

Still creatively stuck in prison (literally, or at least in my story) for the Hammered Mickey Spillane Challenge, but I'm looking forward to breaking out and getting into the sun for this one! Nude diving and tropical island interracial sex on the beach! Yee hah!
Eligibility question: the static special contest rules at say:

"Individuals are not eligible to place in two consecutive special contests in a row. For example, if you win Summer Lovin', then you are not eligible for Halloween. You are, however, eligible to win in the Winter Holidays contest". IE, you could win every other special contest.

Laurel's just-posted entry about Summer Lovin' says:
"However, if you have won a prize in one of the last two special contests, you are not eligible to win in this one." IE, you could win every third special contest.
I assume this trumps the rules on the regular page?
I believe (don't quote me on this) that the rule stating you have to take two contests between wins is an older restriction. I believe the new hotness is that you can win every other one.

I've never really had to worry about it; the only time it affected me was several years ago, when I would have "placed" in consecutive contests. It hasn't happened since, and I've never really worried much about it.
I noticed Laurel’s post for this contest hasn’t gone up yet. I’m assuming we can’t officially submit yet? Or can we?
I'm busy this year, I'm trying to hit 100 stories
Currently doffing my cap to your commitment! I'm hoping to get 15-20 up this calendar year, I guess you have the time to do this. Most of my work is initially completed on my Smartphone travelling around to and from work places where i have to eek every minute out of the day.
Most of my work is initially completed on my Smartphone travelling around to and from work places where i have to eek every minute out of the day.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one writing stories on my phone. It can be frustrating, but it’s the only way I’ll ever get anything done.
I had a story going for the holiday contest that I ended up abandoning. It might actually work better here.

Sometimes, you're trying to make something happen one way when it wants to happen another way.
I've been resisting doing a play by play, but I've been writing on this for a minute and I do believe this makes a case that some ideas are just waiting for their time. I estimate that I'm 1/4 of the way into a draft, and it feels like it's the story it needed to be.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one writing stories on my phone. It can be frustrating, but it’s the only way I’ll ever get anything done.
I'm on the phone always amuses me when I think about the person sitting next to me on the bus...if they only knew what I was writing about!!! 😉
How do you guys do that? It makes my eyeballs ache just to send a 6 word text.
How do you guys do that? It makes my eyeballs ache just to send a 6 word text.
I write at odd times and places, when an idea hits me. I can’t carry a laptop around, even if I had one. I typically transfer it to my desktop for final editing before I send it off. But yes, it can be a pain.
I think I may have identified a pattern here.

I started on my Summer Lovin' story a few weeks ago, it was progressing nicely until I realized I have about three weeks left until submissions open.

I'm not even halfway through the first draft. Shit. It's not even a Summer Lovin' story at this point, either.

So I spent the better part of this afternoon getting to 2,500 words on what is my Summer Lovin' story. I think.

I've done this same thing for the April Fools and Valentine's Day contests. I did it on a couple of others last year, too. Start a story early, work on it steadily, and then figure out at practically the last minute, it's not the right story for the contest.

I'm starting to feel like Bullwinkle. "Hey, Rocky, watch me pull a story out of my hat...Nope, wrong hat."
Start a story early, work on it steadily, and then figure out at practically the last minute, it's not the right story for the contest.
I'm starting to see a pattern developing here.

What I personally do is establish what event/contest the story is for in the first 1,000 words. After that the pattern has developed in the story and it's fairly smooth sailing... except for Nude Day. I can't seem to get the hang of that one.
Welcome to:
The Official Authors' Hangout Summer Lovin' 2024 Contest Support Thread

Today, June 20 2024, is the first day of SUMMER!!! A weekend at the beach, a campsite in the forest, a hike along the Appalachian Trail, cheap seats at the ball game, a bucket of beer and a back yard full of friends, these are all signs of summer and I'm sure you have more. While our friends in Oz are scraping frost off the windshield and thawing out the drop bears, up north we're tossing hotdogs on the grill. Either way nothing says summer like a hot keyboard and an overworked imagination!

Let's go!

Summer Lovin' (summertime)
Themes: warm weather, summer activities, bikinis, etc.
Submissions start on (or before): August 16
Last Submission: September 6
at 11:59 EDT

Winners announced: September 13

The rules:

- All submissions must be stand-alone stories created for this contest theme
. We will not accept individual chapters of a larger work submitted separately. If you have a multi-chaptered contest-themed submission, please submit all chapters together as one story submission. (It is perfectly fine to continue your contest story in another tale, either for the monthly contests or another special contest.)

- We will allow authors who have won in our monthly contests within the last 6 months to win in this special contest However, if you have won a prize in one of the last two special contests, you are not eligible to win in this one.

- A story has only to accrue 25 votes to be eligible, rather than the 50 required for the monthly contest.

- Submissions must have a Summer Lovin' theme: hot weather, beaches, barbecues, vacations, etc. Be creative! Please don't just submit a normal story that takes place in a pool. That would not be in the spirit of the contest, and readers (aka voters) will likely punish you for your trickiness.

- Please ensure you have "SUMMER LOVIN 2024" in the Notes to Admin field and use it as a tag. We recommend that you copy and paste to avoid typos. If it is not in the NOTES field – or if it's typoed - we cannot easily find your story and it may not be approved in a timely manner to be entered into the contest!!

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the 2024 Summer Lovin' Contest. Bring out the squirt guns, the inflatable mattresses, and the sunscreen, and open yourself to some sizzling summer Fun Times!

Just remember, it has to be summer related - not necessarily beach related.

As Ogg always told us, there is an advantage to entering stories in one of Literotica's themed contests. Apart from the possibility of winning, your story gets far more exposure and attention than it would typically receive.

Wait for Laurel's notice of the start of the contest as a sticky at the top of the Authors' Hangout before submitting and follow the instructions in that thread.

Good luck and have
First ever contest and I went waaayy outside of my usual themes. I am entranced by the siren song of more engagement haha.
All right, finished a submission for this today. Good luck to everyone! Kick ass, take many names, dole out orgasms like cookies at a blood drive. Get after it!
“Dole out orgasms like cookies at a blood drive.” May be my new mantra when I’m feeling exhausted with writing lol