The Official Authors Hangout Winter Holiday 2023 Contest Support Thread

My story goes live in the morning.

Will a list of all of the stories submitted for the contest be published?
Sigh… super late to this party… not even finished.
There's plenty of time PJ, I just submitted story #3 and I never had to trot out the old making love in front of the Christmas tree or the open fire trope. Since I didn't use them, take them and run with it.
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It's that time of year where writing gets harder and harder to accomplish, holiday preparations abound and those of you with a life have so many responsibilities this time of year. Just remember, as you do your shopping, the gift that keeps on giving - a story. Someday people will be reading your stories and say, "Damn, there really was life after COVID."

Do it for the fun of writing, or do it for the money if you win
but most of all... do it for the future.
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It's that time of year where writing gets harder and harder to accomplish, holiday preparations abound and those of you with a life have so many responsibilities this time of year. Just remember, as you do your shopping, the gift that keeps on giving - a story. Someday people will be reading your stories and say, "Damn, there really was life after COVID."

Do it for the fun of writing, or do it for the money if you win
but most of all... do it for the future.
OMG it's creeping up fast !
I need to finish without the usual rush - for a change...
Long list of entries again.
Not had chance to read any but
Good luck to everyone!
I planned ahead this year. I started writing my story in the spring, and basically had it finished a couple of months ago. It's been sat on my iPad for ages.

I submitted it earlier today and in the 'pending' section of my control panel, it now has tomorrow's date on it. That doesn't mean it will be posted tomorrow, surely? That would be the quickest ever submission-to-publication I’ve ever had, if so.
I planned ahead this year. I started writing my story in the spring, and basically had it finished a couple of months ago. It's been sat on my iPad for ages.

I submitted it earlier today and in the 'pending' section of my control panel, it now has tomorrow's date on it. That doesn't mean it will be posted tomorrow, surely? That would be the quickest ever submission-to-publication I’ve ever had, if so.
Same here, you had the magic words "WINTER HOLIDAY 2023" in the notes to admin. They're really doing some expedited handling this year! But I hear that non contest works are taking a long time to get posted.
Same here, you had the magic words "WINTER HOLIDAY 2023" in the notes to admin. They're really doing some expedited handling this year! But I hear that non contest works are taking a long time to get posted.
I’ve done both comp and non-comp recently. Same turnaround time.

There's plenty of time PJ, I just submitted story #3 and I never had to trot out the old making love in front of the Christmas tree or the open fire trope. Since I didn't use them, take them and run with it.

Thanks for the encouragement. Almost done! :D its not gonna be my best work, but ive bene stopping myself too much because its not “my best”.
ive bene stopping myself too much because its not “my best”.
I love that, I'm going to add that to Duleigh's Demandments. I wrote Andi's Dream years ago and never posted it because it wasn't "my best" but they're loving it! 13,000 views and 340 votes in 4 days! I've never had a reaction like this. Now I have to rethink exactly what "my best" is.
I love that, I'm going to add that to Duleigh's Demandments. I wrote Andi's Dream years ago and never posted it because it wasn't "my best" but they're loving it! 13,000 views and 340 votes in 4 days! I've never had a reaction like this. Now I have to rethink exactly what "my best" is.
The hardest thing for me is that I need to just learn to write for the sake of it. Im always second guessing myself and my intention for writing is almost always to blame. My biggest motivation to write is to have an adventure in my head that I enjoy, but it often gets muddied with fears of reception.
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There is still plenty of time to get that last nagging little story typed up and ready to post.
Stories have never gone up quicker! What you submit today will be available for the readers tomorrow. There's only 63 stories in the contest so far, plenty of room for more.
All three of my stories are up, I may be able to get another out in time, I'm going to give it a try...

Andi's Dream - A Blizzard in Buffalo - Trapped with her twin daughters, Andi Roberts is rescued by a man from her past. There's something about Buffalo snow...

Happy Hogswatch! - A quirky little tale of the holiday season on a flat world and the truth that a million to one shot pays off nine times out of ten

The Pilots Conjugal Christmas - Assigned to bomber alert during the holidays, the first female B-52 pilot's husband finds a way to spend Christmas together