The Planets - a challenge.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Sorry for those who saw my post. I said I wouldn't what I had on this thread.

I'm just gonna stare at the 'nanas for a while longer.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
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Tristesse said:
The challenge is to write a form poem - any form but no free verse - taking one of the planets as you inspiration. I think it should be left open for anyone to participate. Perhaps Laurel can be coerced to pick the final seven to be posted under The Poets banner - one poet for each planet.

The date for submission in this thread is Tuesday, November 1st

Participants to be added as necessary.

Mars - the bringer of war. - Lauren Hynde

Venus - the bringer of peace. - Tristesse

Mercury - the winged messenger. - cymry, WickedEve

Jupiter - the bringer of jollity. - maria2394, champagne1982

Saturn - the bringer of old age. - jthserra

Uranus - the magician. - flyguy69

Neptune - the mystic. liar, bluerains

If I can squeeze this in I'd like a shot at either Saturn or Neptune.
BooMerengue said:
If I can squeeze this in I'd like a shot at either Saturn or Neptune.
The nice part of choosing Uranus is that I can write a really shitty poem.
Maria2394 said:
OMG!! are you 11/22 or 11/23? Im 11/23/1962 :) its a pain sometimes being one of us!!...theres another one here too, he might show himself ...:D
The 22nd of course! More Scorpion than archer, but with the artwork here in mind, somehow, I'd rather be a target :eek:
Here is another...

in villanelle form. I'm not really good at patient with me.

Mercury the winged messenger

Mercurial complexity within the sky.
Fleet footed ambassador God,
delivering inspiration from on High.

Mercury swift of thought, ever sly,
embodiment of dexterity and skill,
Mercurial complexity within the sky.

Provider of Pandora’s persuasive sigh,
guide for the souls of the dead,
delivering inspiration from on High.

God immortal of the merchant’s ply,
offspring of Zeus, father of Pan,
Mercurial complexity within the sky.

Promiscuous lover forever spry,
consummate thief of Apollo’s herd,
delivering inspiration from on High.

Precocious spirit, irreverent and wry,
Boasting of liaisons with Aphrodite,
Mercurial complexity within the sky.
Delivering inspiration from on High.
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bluerains said:
is that whats in your shovel.. :devil:
LOL! As a matter of fact, yes! It was on a home-building mission trip to a very poor community.

So I may not know much, but I know shit!
champagne1982 said:
The 22nd of course! More Scorpion than archer, but with the artwork here in mind, somehow, I'd rather be a target :eek:

omg Champ I love this illustration
and she has a belly and her boobs point in different directions! Ah reality!
I think I will print it out and hang it on my ceiling
or maybe get it printed on my coffee mug at shutterfly

okay this challenge. I might do it in secret. Or maybe a Senyru. When is the deadline for signing up?
damnit woman do you have to yell at me like that???

hey, i know my limits. i can't do this.


i've missed you!
wildsweetone said:
hey, i know my limits. i can't do this.

Don't be afraid to stretch your own limits. That's the only way to grow. Come on, don't be a party-pooper. ;)
instant and perfect form poetry skills bestowed upon me.


not much really.

oh, and the urge to write to constricting forms. :p
Lauren Hynde said:
What you need is a perspective shift. Forms aren't constricting - they're liberating. ;)
Yeah, that's what WSO needs. Less constriction. More liberation.
flyguy69 said:
Yeah, that's what WSO needs. Less constriction. More liberation.

i'd make a clever comment here, but i have an appointment with a camera and a large square object.

somebody dream up a form for me? one that doesn't have a rhyme thingee at the end of each line please.
wildsweetone said:
somebody dream up a form for me? one that doesn't have a rhyme thingee at the end of each line please.

The only thing that comes to mind right off is haiku and similar Japanese poetry forms. But I'm sure there must be others.

For that matter, I've read and heard several times that a sonnet is really just a poem of 14 lines at its heart. How those lines are composed and assembled vary according to country and era, but I'm not sure that rhyming has to be involved in all of them.
Remec said:
But I'm sure there must be others.
There are plenty. She's just too afraid to go look and end up liking them. :D

Remec said:
For that matter, I've read and heard several times that a sonnet is really just a poem of 14 lines at its heart. How those lines are composed and assembled vary according to country and era, but I'm not sure that rhyming has to be involved in all of them.
That's sort of correct. The only two important (defining) things in a sonnet are the 14 lines and the narrative structure. Rhyme isn't that big a deal.

For example, here is a poem I once wrote that has no rhyme whatsoever.