womanlover has multiple personalities and each one seems threatened by my relationship with Muff!!
ah, but is muff threatened by your relationship with the multi-talented womanlover?
Ricky Lee Not Threatened!

You have goo appetigh hunny.........Licky Ree, not eat aw sum yung chick you eatee flesh hot Muffin too.......velly good!!
Me?? Jean Claude, Tretten?

Eh,,,,,what dat mean unny? Tretten? You confoodle J.C. again so soon wid dat big word!
Beverley Lee Davis

What d' y'all mean Nayked Hunny, Southern Redneck like me ain't thretened so easy........lookin over them threads ya wrote, seems like that shoe more fits you all than yers truly!!!
You are on crack womanlover you know that and i thought Muff was wierd you are in your own dimension!!
Helmut Krauss! Ziss......Hunny Kreatchure.......hmph!
Walter Stoyanovich New Verd Studee

New Verd Studee frum Walter Stoyanovich,

verd or frase in kvestion: Naked Hunny

NAKED HUNNY: Dat iss Moofie series very popular starringk with Leslie Neilson an' lots of, no, I kidding........

Naked hunny dat iss ven you take lid off honey contayner!
Walter again, new verd studee from Vagina, Saskatchewan

Verd in kvestion: Threatened

Threatened: Dat iss ven voman who sew put threat in needle to sew an' she threaten dat bastud!

Walter threatened? No not how to sew am I knowingk!
Heh heh!

Naked Hunny said:
You are on crack womanlover you know that and i thought Muff was wierd you are in your own dimension!!

But you ARE thinking about me, aren't you????
Sorry womanlover but i have My Muff, My BobToad, and my Sweetheart what more do i need?
Unrequited sad

Does that mean it's all over between us, Hunny? No more seeing you run around without your lid, naked, with your bare hunny? But I still love YOU.......I am....I mean WE ARE the womanlover!
See Nekkie my love? He gets them numbers up for ya don't he? Its all those people he pretends to be.

KillerMuffin smooches Nekkie's cheek and wiggles her toes in Womanlover's general direction.
Well yes he does that and the fact that i had sex with Bobtoad on Sirens 1000th post thread!!
IM serious Muff go check it out for yourself!! Cmon i wanna hear your post to this one!!
I'm still tryin to come up with a story idea for an audio now that I've actually picked up an audience (all four of you). You know how hard it is to come up with 2-3 pages of sex? I'm still trying to find an end to a short story thats just hit page 29.
Im pretty sure your audience is larger than the 4 of us. If you say ya 5 im gonna slap ya