They Imported A Rape Culture, What Did They Expect?

three quarters of UK Muslims would be perfectly content if Sharia law happened to be the, what would you say, the principle of the day for the UK
A poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society last year had support for Sharia law at 32% amongst British Muslims. We have 85 Sharia courts in the UK to appease a minority of a minority :rolleyes:
A poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society last year had support for Sharia law at 32% amongst British Muslims. We have 85 Sharia courts in the UK to appease a minority of a minority :rolleyes:
There shouldn't be any. They should be made to conform to British law and customs or get the hell out. If the British people want to turn their country over to these backward Third Worlders I guess that's up to them.
LOL....keep telling yourself people wouldn't defend themselves and their children if they were equipped to do so. That TOTALLY justifies you stripping them of their basic human rights.

You are EVIL. :D (y) (y)
No rape ever happens in the UK, that would not happen if the victim's parents had guns. Think about it.
I have no doubt that people who don't want to face the negative consequences of mass immigration will seek to portray them as racist as a method of deflection but data is not racist, data is just data.

There are European countries ( Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, ... ) where the nationality of a perpetrator is routinely recorded with other details of a crime and that data is publicly accessible. The data wrangled by the Centre for Migration Control is broadly consistent with the official data we see from other comparable parts of Europe.

It's a shame the British government won't be as transparent as their European counterparts and instead deny Freedom of Information requests for official data but the fact they want to hide it in itself shows they know it's concerning. It's another example of the cover-up culture that created the environment in which the rape gangs were able to operate.
If that is their policy, then the Centre for Migration Control does not have that data.
I don't believe for a moment there are "rape gangs" in the UK. There are none in the U.S. There are gangs that might do rape if the opportunity arises, but that's not the same thing.
No rape ever happens in the UK, that would not happen if the victim's parents had guns. Think about it.

Just when I though you weren't totally retarded you go and post this dumb fucking shit of a deflection from the fact you're anti-victim pro violent criminal piece of shit.
Just when I though you weren't totally retarded you go and post this dumb fucking shit of a deflection from the fact you're anti-victim pro violent criminal piece of shit.
So, you're not capable of thinking about it.
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For about the thousandth time, Sharia Law does not replace or usurp UK criminal law.

It's an arrangement that parties agree to whereby disagreements can be resolved amicably. Property, divorce, that sort of thing. UK criminal law always takes precedent, anything to the contrary is bollocks spouted by people trying to rile up the poorly educated.

Elon's father was on UK TV this morning trying to explain why he's an idiot, why his son is an idiot and how the UK is full of nasty foreigners trying to rape pure-bred British girls.

What he didn't try to explain was why he impregnated his own step-daughter and why his son is sucking up to a person who has said that he wants to sleep with his own daughter.
Denial and ignorance.

Sex trafficking is BIG business you fucking moron.
That's a completely different subject. "Rape gang" does not imply something Epsteinian, it implies a gang of dudes patrolling the street for women to grab and drag into an alley.
Because Trump made it cool.
No it's because women think everything they don't like = Sexual assault.

That's why rich, tall, good looking guys can SA women and treat them like total shit with near impunity and it's all just flirting.

Short, broke and or ugly even looks her way? She's calling the cops.