They Imported A Rape Culture, What Did They Expect?

A more armed populace would not make this rape problem any different, to the extent it exists at all.

A more armed populace...that would be the good ol' USA, and guess what? Over 99% of rapists never go to prison there. Most never even go to trial, for a variety of reasons - one of which is that "rape culture" was very much already a thing in America and Europe before there were any South Asians to speak of in either place.
A more armed populace would not make this rape problem any different, to the extent it exists at all.

LOL....keep telling yourself people wouldn't defend themselves and their children if they were equipped to do so. That TOTALLY justifies you stripping them of their basic human rights.

You are EVIL. :D (y) (y)
Also that Russians are European despite where 99% of their land is.
Russia straddles two continents. Although the majority of their land mass is in Asia around 80% of the Russian population live in the European bit.

A more armed populace would not make this rape problem any different, to the extent it exists at all.
It certainly does exist.

"rape culture" was very much already a thing in America and Europe before there were any South Asians to speak of in either place.
UK government refuses to provide UK crime figures by nationality ( i.e. more establishment cover-ups ) but an independent organization, the Centre for Migration Control, has just used UK police forces' databases combined with accessible government data to provide that analysis for the first time.

It showed that an immigrant born outside the UK was 3.5 times more likely to commit a sexual offence than an individual born in Britain. But that's the overall picture including immigrants that originate from culturally similar countries like the EU where they have the same high status of women as the UK. I'm sure if their data was available to drill down into you'd find there would be particular nationalities where the order of magnitude would be far higher than 3.5
This is absolutely retarded. Not a single thing in the article even mentioning immigration in the UK. But hey, something bad is happening, and there's a group of people that I hate, so I'll just connect the two!

Oh, by the way, the one woman who killed a cat (the entire basis for the whole Haitian thing) lives in Canton, Ohio and is an American-born citizen. Facts are so inconvenient when you're a knuckle-dragging racist.
The retardation is in you. It's mentioned in the article I posted. If it isn't mentioned in the BBC link that's probably because you go to jail in the UK if your say anything bad about immigration or Islam.
The retardation is in you. It's mentioned in the article I posted. If it isn't mentioned in the BBC link that's probably because you go to jail in the UK if your say anything bad about immigration or Islam.
Fuck you, you retarded douchebag. That post was from back in September. Get a life. I'm done with you, and I'm done with this board.
I have no doubt that people who don't want to face the negative consequences of mass immigration will seek to portray them as racist as a method of deflection but data is not racist, data is just data.

There are European countries ( Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, ... ) where the nationality of a perpetrator is routinely recorded with other details of a crime and that data is publicly accessible. The data wrangled by the Centre for Migration Control is broadly consistent with the official data we see from other comparable parts of Europe.

It's a shame the British government won't be as transparent as their European counterparts and instead deny Freedom of Information requests for official data but the fact they want to hide it in itself shows they know it's concerning. It's another example of the cover-up culture that created the environment in which the rape gangs were able to operate.

It really doesn't get us anywhere to try to pretend what's happening is not real.

Europe has suffered events like the mass sexual assaults that took place in Cologne and other German cities on New Years Eve 2015. Something similar happened in Milan on New Years Eve 2022. It's also happened in Malmo and Kalmar in Sweden. Girls as young as 11 were targeted. The perpetrators were male immigrants from North Africa or the Middle East. Egyptians even have a name for it: Taharrush ( rape-game ).

The crime data also paints a clear and stark picture:
In Denmark 29.6% of violent crimes and 32.4% of rapes are committed by people of non-Western origin, despite making up only 10.6% of the population.

In UK's capital city, London, two thirds of arrests for sexual offences are of people who were not born in Britain.

Below are the UK arrest rates ( all crimes ) per thousand head of capita by nationality.
For reference the rate for people born in Britain ( irrespective of heritage ) is 12

Facebook acknowledges that women are Objects.

And women love it.

So what’s the problem?
MAGAs are still pretending to care about the UK? Remarkable.

I guess they’ll keep pretending until Musk tells them to stop. Such well trained sheep. 🐑
Fuck you, you retarded douchebag. That post was from back in September. Get a life. I'm done with you, and I'm done with this board.
Who gives a shit? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, it could pancake your pant load. :rolleyes:
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MAGAs are still pretending to care about the UK? Remarkable.

I guess they’ll keep pretending until Musk tells them to stop. Such well trained sheep. 🐑

Jordan Peterson Drops Shock Statistic: One in Seven Pakistani Muslims in Certain UK Communities Participated in Grooming and Gang Rapes of Underage White Girls – Thousands of Girls Raped, Brutally Assaulted​

by Jim Hoft Jan. 8, 2025 10:45 am

Jordan Peterson: The first case is that 40 out of 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world are authoritarian hell holes, and only three of them are democracies. And that’s Morocco, Indonesia, and Turkey. And I wouldn’t put them in the highest echelons of stellar states…

… there are certainly doctrines in Islam that are very, very difficult to square with free liberal Western Christian democracies. And those differences aren’t just apparent, they’re deep. Now, I would say on the optimistic side that we could turn to Islamic leaders like those who run the United Arab Emirates, and even to some degree now, Saudi Saudi Arabia and the other and the signatories of the Abraham Accords to find a different pathway…

…We need something like an international symposium on the relationship between the Christian West and the Islamic world, because there are ugly things afoot, and they’ve manifested themselves in the most hideous of all possible ways in the UK with regards to these rape crimes in the cover-up. But there’s something that needs to be sorted out at the bottom of all this… three quarters of UK Muslims would be perfectly content if Sharia law happened to be the, what would you say, the principle of the day for the UK as a whole, and that it would be fine if Islam became the national religion…

…And then we could also point out that the participation in these rapes by members of the Pakistani Muslim community. It was like one in seven of the men in some of these communities was directly involved. And that meant everyone knew about it. Absolutely everyone on the Pakistani Muslim side. And the moderates were certainly silent and complicit. Now, obviously, so were the authorities.

Get a clue.
MAGAs are still pretending to care about the UK? Remarkable.

I guess they’ll keep pretending until Musk tells them to stop. Such well trained sheep. 🐑
You are a lying sack of shit. "Ole Joe's sharp as a tack."

You have NO fucking credibility.
You are a lying sack of shit. "Ole Joe's sharp as a tack."

You have NO fucking credibility.

He doesn't want credibility. He wants to come here and spew his hatred and get away with it.

And, since The Great And Mighty Laurel is of the same political ideological stripe, he manages to get away with doing exactly that.
three quarters of UK Muslims would be perfectly content if Sharia law happened to be the, what would you say, the principle of the day for the UK
A poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society last year had support for Sharia law at 32% amongst British Muslims. We have 85 Sharia courts in the UK to appease a minority of a minority :rolleyes:
A poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society last year had support for Sharia law at 32% amongst British Muslims. We have 85 Sharia courts in the UK to appease a minority of a minority :rolleyes:
There shouldn't be any. They should be made to conform to British law and customs or get the hell out. If the British people want to turn their country over to these backward Third Worlders I guess that's up to them.
LOL....keep telling yourself people wouldn't defend themselves and their children if they were equipped to do so. That TOTALLY justifies you stripping them of their basic human rights.

You are EVIL. :D (y) (y)
No rape ever happens in the UK, that would not happen if the victim's parents had guns. Think about it.
A poll conducted by the Henry Jackson Society last year had support for Sharia law at 32% amongst British Muslims. We have 85 Sharia courts in the UK to appease a minority of a minority :rolleyes:
So what? Rape cases still come before the Crown's courts.
I have no doubt that people who don't want to face the negative consequences of mass immigration will seek to portray them as racist as a method of deflection but data is not racist, data is just data.

There are European countries ( Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, ... ) where the nationality of a perpetrator is routinely recorded with other details of a crime and that data is publicly accessible. The data wrangled by the Centre for Migration Control is broadly consistent with the official data we see from other comparable parts of Europe.

It's a shame the British government won't be as transparent as their European counterparts and instead deny Freedom of Information requests for official data but the fact they want to hide it in itself shows they know it's concerning. It's another example of the cover-up culture that created the environment in which the rape gangs were able to operate.
If that is their policy, then the Centre for Migration Control does not have that data.
I don't believe for a moment there are "rape gangs" in the UK. There are none in the U.S. There are gangs that might do rape if the opportunity arises, but that's not the same thing.
If that is their policy, then the Centre for Migration Control does not have that data.
They do have the data, I already explained where they got it - direct from UK police forces rather than from the Office for National Statistics.