Things you may not know about me

champagne1982 said:
Things you may not know about me:

  • I know what happened to the hair off the top of fly's head
  • I know the address to Maria's cave (hint: 2394 Cro Magnon Way)
  • I'm Canadian, eh?
Ah, that's right! We buffed my head clean getting into your av!

P.S. How long are you going to make me crouch like this?!
flyguy69 said:
Here's something I didn't know about myself: I'm in love with Sabina Tolchovski!

damn you beat me to that one too!!!

I had on #1 I can't decide if I want to be Sabina or if I just want Sabina

but I chickened out
as always
which is why i never kissed a girl of course
flyguy69 said:
Here's something I didn't know about myself: I'm in love with Sabina Tolchovski!

good lord don't look at her incredibly gorgeous photos, or we may never see you again...
annaswirls said:
damn you beat me to that one too!!!

I had on #1 I can't decide if I want to be Sabina or if I just want Sabina

but I chickened out
as always
which is why i never kissed a girl of course
You should kiss Sabina, she tastes like Lagavulin!
My grade ten class recently got a bad case of the giggles when one of them read the name William Carlos Williams out loud and then I started giggling because they was all very odd and very disrespectful to Mr. Williams. ;)

Obviously, I am very susceptible to the giggles. :cool:

annaswirls said:
1. I think I write too much about myself as I have little left to say.

2. I get unreasonably scared at scary movies. Once I ate half of a napkin watching something awful.

3.Organinzed religion has always freaked me out, but I love love love my "new" church, Unitarian Universalism... along with poets: Ted Koosner and ee cummings, Ralph Waldo Emerson, T. S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, William Carlos Williams, and Henry David Thoreau. As a worship associate I often plan, organize and lead services, and recently led the service- Poetry and Spirituality.

4. I really really really like girls (okay women) but I have never even kissed one. :eek:
annaswirls said:
damn you beat me to that one too!!!

I had on #1 I can't decide if I want to be Sabina or if I just want Sabina

Me too. I didn't mention it, because I thought that was a universal sentiment.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Glenmorange darling...

(anna...I'd give you tounge any day honey. :kiss: )
Sorry, I felt too creepy kissing a twelve-year-old. A sixteen, however... ;)

And holy moley, those are some great pics! Now I want to see one of you snowboarding naked! :D
flyguy69 said:
Sorry, I felt too creepy kissing a twelve-year-old. A sixteen, however... ;)

And holy moley, those are some great pics! Now I want to see one of you snowboarding naked! :D

wait until you see the new pic's coming out....might melt the snow. hehehe!
annaswirls said:
yeah yeah I have kissed my mother, but no tongue or anything.
I did used to play Playboy model with the neighbor girl but there was no kissing involved.

I dunno Eve, that hair in the AV looks a little bushy to me
I have camel face, don't I?
I recently chaperoned yet another fieldtrip and of course I took about 50 photos.
check out the attached pic. He/she is ssooo cute!


  • won't-outgrow-it.jpg
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WickedEve said:
I have camel toe, don't I?
I recently chaperoned yet another fieldtrip and of course I took about 50 photos.
check out the attached pic. He/she is ssooo cute!

You made his hump droop!
When I was eighteen, I had this conversation with my mother.

"I can't come over this weekend, mom. I'm going to spend some time with Clara."

"Who's Clara?"


"Girlfriend? Do you have a girlfirend? A girlfriend-girlfriend?"


"But I thought you were gay."

"Yeah, so did I."

"Oh well. Are you still coming by on Wednesday?"


"Good. See you then. Bye."

Let's just say that in my family, people do not make chickens out of feathers very often.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
don't worry, we will show you all the pictures when you wake up... :devil:
Oh no, she'll have to wait until the paysite launches, like everybody else.
WickedEve said:
I don't think that says anything good about me! :devil:

I think you missed my subtle change in the quote - not that that had anything to do with the camel's flacidity. I think it was the wire fence between you that did it.

Mmmmm camel sex.

Tristesse said:
I think you missed my subtle change in the quote - not that that had anything to do with the camel's flacidity. I think it was the wire fence between you that did it.

Mmmmm camel sex.

You have nice toes. :D