Thinkings, feelings and...doings ~ 2013

I think I met some of the most beautiful people when I frequently visited this place. The world has changed so much and so I have, but I sometimes miss this all, and the beautiful souls with which I had the chance to connect.
T. That is nice I found this..
F. It’s morning and I’m still alive, that’s good.
D.lazing in bed refusing to get up for another hour, I’d rather lie here and write.
T. Damn, it's been a long time.

F. Nostalgic

D. Sitting on my porch listening to night sounds.

T: omg
D: O M G

T. I'm glad google remembered my password.
F. I have feelings about feeling.
D. Creeping threads, making dinner, and getting ready to go to a munch.

Hello luscious, I'm glad to see you. How's things?
T: omg
D: O M G

T: What she said
F: Imposter Syndrome running rampant and feeling small in the presence of giants
D: Trying to put down ideas and terrified that the deep end of my gutter is too weird for the denizens of Lit....
Hello, sweet beast, I've missed you
T: What she said
F: Imposter Syndrome running rampant and feeling small in the presence of giants
D: Trying to put down ideas and terrified that the deep end of my gutter is too weird for the denizens of Lit....
too weird?.... do tell me more

T: My gardens will be glorious.
F: pumped
D; taking a break from planting pretty things and dancing in the front yard. I should really have my cashapp embroidered on my shorts if I am going to keep doing this.
Tentacles or beasts or even a string of strangers using her. All of her. Extracting, monetizing every bit from all available holes in an orgy of pleasure. Farming out her mouth and ass for any needy cock that wants satiating... modified so that her pussy’s (or her ass. Or both) a seed bed to lay eggs with. The machine milking her breasts for the bounty she provides. Punished for quotas she can’t meet... curling horns used to face fuck on the cock needing her attention...

My problem is I don’t know how to get her into this predicament... and the whys and hows are just as important to me as getting off on that...

The feminist side of my brain is very offended by my gutter
~shorted to make the post shorter. ~
My problem is I don’t know how to get her into this predicament... and the whys and hows are just as important to me as getting off on that...

The feminist side of my brain is very offended by my gutter

I hate when my clit is like -i like that- and the entire rest of my being is offended.

As far as predicaments goes, I read or watched a theory recently about a human shaped colony of aliens living in a very deep lake in Russia. They are supposedly like 9ft tall and when divers woke up after seeing them they were on the shores edge. Two of their dive team were missing, and have never been seen again.
She could be a scientist or a thrill diver.
T: I am not getting wet over the idea of being used by aliens. I am not getting wet... I am not getting ...
F: getting wet over the idea of being used by aliens
D: what was I doing?

T: i should plant the rest of the pretty things with a flashlight.... damn rainy day.
F: tired. Riding someones face for two hours will leave you rather tired.
D: not going to bed early because I'm tired and have to get up early to fix the fucking leaky hot water box thing.

I'm also not trying to remember which company makes the egg-laying dilldos, cuz I forgot if it's the one with the dragon in the name or a completly different company.
Primal hardwere... someone had recently shared linkies with me. They look interesting. But entirely way more work than I am willing to put in to get off. I am very lazy. And will leave things like that to fantasies... where they’re free and less work to indulge in
Tentacles or beasts or even a string of strangers using her. All of her. Extracting, monetizing every bit from all available holes in an orgy of pleasure. Farming out her mouth and ass for any needy cock that wants satiating... modified so that her pussy’s (or her ass. Or both) a seed bed to lay eggs with. The machine milking her breasts for the bounty she provides. Punished for quotas she can’t meet... curling horns used to face fuck on the cock needing her attention...

My problem is I don’t know how to get her into this predicament... and the whys and hows are just as important to me as getting off on that...

The feminist side of my brain is very offended by my gutter

For what it’s worth, VT, I wrote something along these lines with littlesisters in the forum. It’s not my favorite writing I’ve done on this site, but the pitchforks didn’t come for me. I don’t think you should feel like it’s too weird at all.
My problem is I don’t know how to get her into this predicament... and the whys and hows are just as important to me as getting off on that...
The possibilities seem endless... I mean if the problem is realism or like a hard Sci-Fi sort of explanation, you could always go with a previously unknown plant from the Amazon whose creepers (read tentacles) seek out dark, nutrient rich places to plant seeds, guided perhaps by the scent of organic decay. I realize it doesn't sound sexy, but it works. If you're willing to go further, I once started (but sadly never finished) a story about a sort of accidental alien transformation into a female creature with tentacles and a ovipositor who would then use pleasure to control other women and impregnate them with eggs. I'm sure I could come up with more if these don't work, LOL!

The feminist side of my brain is very offended by my gutter
I told Prissy Feminist (one part of my rather fractured personality) to shut up and get her nose out of my sexuality a long time ago. I don't really see a conflict between wanting equal power, equal rights, equal pay, and equal respect and then wanting to come home and be tied up and fucked silly with alien tentacles or strange dicks or whatever. To me that's equal rights in the bedroom. Don't call me a slut because I like sex on my terms and not what everyone says I should want in bed.

Sorry, not sure what happened there. Kinky Bitch and Prissy Feminist seem to have signed a truce while I wasn't looking and then teamed up to write the latter half of that paragraph. I didn't quite realize I was that passionate about it. LOL

Vita :rose:
T: There are days when I really do miss this place and those that I met here. :heart:
F: Somewhat nostalgic.
D: Reading back through some old threads.
T. Could I not have to freaking move so quickly.

F. Hopeful about someone to beat.its been SOOOOOO long.

D. Waiting. Stressing, waiting.
T~ A good day today, hope tomorrow is the same or better.

F~ Comfortable in my own head right now.:rose:

D~ Exchanging messages with a friend and relaxing.
T~ Death awaits us all. I wonder what kind of person I'll be when I finally meet death.

F~ bleak, an insensitivity for those who suffer from wounds self inflicted.

D~ on break smoking wondering why this cycle constantly repeats itself..
Thinking of how heavy cobwebs might be if they accumulate in prodigious proportions...

Feeling like dusting off some of said cobwebs and seeing if the magic of the written word still flows within me...

Doing...many things, perhaps too many, all at once.
Thinking I'm spending way too much time on Lit

Feeling like I can't get enough of my new obsession

Doing what I shouldn't be doing as often as I'm doing it!

Yeah, that was a little vague.