*thread etiquette...?*

shoe polish


So tell me, what connection does the bird have to do with shoe polish? This has always been a great mystery to me!

Birds mating--- very bizarre--- the drakes around here bite the hell out of the head of the ducks while they are at it... No hiding if Daisy Duck has been having a good time...:)

Re: shoe polish

bridgetkeeney said:

So tell me, what connection does the bird have to do with shoe polish? This has always been a great mystery to me!

Birds mating--- very bizarre--- the drakes around here bite the hell out of the head of the ducks while they are at it... No hiding if Daisy Duck has been having a good time...:)-b
Well, surely you know that many animals are rather violent during sex. Even domesticated animals. Cats are quite violent, to the point you would think they are fighting. Hair flying all over the place. Cute kitties become wild and scary to be around. Why would cute ducks be any different?

Don't they call it "the call of the wild"? And, when a human is rather forceful during sex he/she is considered acting like an animal.:D

I do agree with you that it is strange how nature works. And, it is the poor female that usually suffers the most. But, species do carry on, so the females must either like it, or put up with it. At least they do live through it.

This process does tend to make one feel that BDSM is more natural than our so called civilized society would care to know.

There are people who only use the missionary position, don't care to sweat, stifle screams and other emotional sounds out of embarrassment, and roll over on opposite sides of the bed afterward, for sleep. Some people call this civilized behavior.
Re: shoe polish

bridgetkeeney said:

So tell me, what connection does the bird have to do with shoe polish? This has always been a great mystery to me!

Birds mating--- very bizarre--- the drakes around here bite the hell out of the head of the ducks while they are at it... No hiding if Daisy Duck has been having a good time...:)


this tells ya briefly all abouts it dear :)

darn, we have them kinda drakes around here too. being Spring time an' all. half the street stands outside watching them - nasty blighters. makes me think of roasted duck and orange. hmm.
look out, Jeopardy! here I come


You are sooo helpful. I'm glad that the guy wasn't married to someone from the US... bald eagle polish doesn't have the same ring..

Duck a l'orange... a definite favorite of mine... it's just a royal pain to make correctly...


I think that you would say that because I whip cream and beat eggs I am really into dominance and sadism, but am too repressed to acknowledge it. :)

It's all in the eye of the beholder...

-b :rose:
There are people who only use the missionary position, don't care to sweat, stifle screams and other emotional sounds out of embarrassment, and roll over on opposite sides of the bed afterward, for sleep. Some people call this civilized behavior.

YIPPEE let's do the civilised thing!!!

what exactly is civilised behaviour?
wildsweetone said:

YIPPEE let's do the civilised thing!!!

what exactly is civilised behaviour?
It means different things to different people and classes of people. And, in different countries, it can mean different things, too. And, you can put this label on a lot of things, some of them not justifiably so.

As far as sex is concerned, it seems the "unusual" sexual positions are considered uncivilized by some. Again, it isn't something that is believed, across the board.
Shoot, some women (hopefully not too many) feel sex more than once a day isn't civilized.

Some small towns still consider a curfew for under aged kids, because being out after a certain hour isn't civilized.

We don't have an eye for and eye, when someone kills and is convicted of killing. We in the U.S. use lethal injections, because it is more civilized. That is one thing that sometimes bothers me. The violence of murder can be terribly shocking.

Someone in the northwestern U.S. was recently found guilty of chopping the head off of a girl. But, he will die (after exhaustive appeals) with a needle in his arm, in a calm and medical manner. It is said we are like this because we are a civilized country. We are above the murderer, so we don't stoop to his measures.

In my area, a man by the name of John Robinson is soon going on trial, after they decide on a jury. He is accused of killing 4 women who answered adds he had in BDSM magazines, and stuffing their dead bodies into barrels. Then, he cashed their welfare checks for himself.

He is assumed to have killed several more, but it is very difficult to convict someone, if a body is never found. One woman's body that was never found was 21. She had an infant child, who has recently been found to be living with his brother and his brother's wife.

Robinson's brother adopted this child from him. She is today 14 I think, and just now finding out who she really is. She now knows the man who she thought was her uncle probably killed her mother.
The dead women's bodies were found in a shed on Robinson's property, and in a storage bin he rented, in another part of town. If found guilty of these murders, Robinson will probably be put to death by lethal injection.

Some states have other forms of execution, but they are now few and far between, because our society considers these methods to be too barbaric and uncivilized. The gas chamber is one, and the electric chair is another.

Back in the 60s, hanging was how the murderers of a rural Kansas family were executed. This story was later written into a book and movie entitled "In Cold Blood". If you are familiar with this story, you know how violent and cold blooded these murders were. If something like this doesn't deserve and eye for and eye retaliation, what does?

OK, I do know we like to think the U.S. is a civilized nation, and I also know there are other countries around the world that would jump on this and say just the opposite.

I do think we are trying, but there are some small authoritative groups (states, counties, religions) that try to use the civilized ideal as a way to control others. This idea then gets taught by parents within these smaller groups and soon we have pockets of unusual descriptions of civilized. These are just some of mine.

I understand how a civilized nation is trying to do the right thing. I know how and eye for an eye convictions can get out of hand.

I also think we are trying, but there are some small authoritative groups (states, counties, religions, etc.) that try to use the civilized ideal as a way to control others. This idea then gets taught by parents within these smaller groups and soon we have pockets of unusual descriptions of civilized. These are just some of mine.
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wildsweetone said:
did you know, generalisations and stereotypes completely ruin writing?

I thought generalisations and stereotypes made up about 50% of all the stories here at Lit?

Except in IR - there they make up about 80%...
i'm thinking seriously of opening up a thread titled:


man, it must be getting close to christmas or something...

WSO- Other than slagging as used in the smelting of iron, I have no clue what "slagging" means....

Please have pity on this poor Southern Belle and enlighten me...

flippin heck, sorry bridget... i reduced myself to slang hmm

in my pocket oxford 'slag' says: 1. n Refuse left after ore has been smelted etc; slagheap, hill of refuse from mine etc.

hmm to slag one off, in kiwi slang, means to verbally abuse another.

i was annoyed at the crap going on around here. ignore me,

oh well, back to the jungle... my characters appear to be behaving themselves better than some people on the boards, and that's saying something.
wildsweetone said:
flippin heck, sorry bridget... i reduced myself to slang hmm

in my pocket oxford 'slag' says: 1. n Refuse left after ore has been smelted etc; slagheap, hill of refuse from mine etc.

hmm to slag one off, in kiwi slang, means to verbally abuse another.

i was annoyed at the crap going on around here. ignore me,

oh well, back to the jungle... my characters appear to be behaving themselves better than some people on the boards, and that's saying something.
Well, so much for my kiwi slang page. It had NOTHING about slagging. :( Are you sure you didn't just make it up, WSO? Hummm?:rolleyes:

like it?

I do agree with you that it is strange how nature works. And, it is the poor female that usually suffers the most. But, species do carry on, so the females must either like it, or put up with it. At least they do live through it.
DVS- Unlike the black widow spider and ants and bees... the males of all of these get to go out with a "bang" so to speak. :)


Calm yourself, sweetie.

Darla from the Little Rascals... cutie with dark hair that Alfalfa was ga ga for.
Re: like it?

bridgetkeeney said:
DVS- Unlike the black widow spider and ants and bees... the males of all of these get to go out with a "bang" so to speak. :)
And that, my sweetie, is why the world is still populating. If it was all up to the female, a lot of us might not be here.

without dinner and a movie, that is. I never understood that, myself. I always thought I made sure the woman enjoyed herself. Why is it necessary to barter?

AND, the higher on the food chain, the more the need for negociation. Perplexing.
Re: darla

bridgetkeeney said:

Calm yourself, sweetie.

Darla from the Little Rascals... cutie with dark hair that Alfalfa was ga ga for.
Ah yes. But I think she looks more like...wait a minute...dark hair...was on 90210...then Charmed...but not any more...(damn)I'll get back to ya'.

If it was all up to the female, a lot of us might not be here.
DVS- News flash *It is all up to the female*... we just let you think that you have a say... :D

As far as negotiating is concerned, some of us are better at it than others, and we do it for our children's sake. The only guy I was willing to risk having children with was the one who would financially and emotionally support any kids and me. I know that Svenska will take exception to this, but when it came down to it, I wanted someone who was committed for the long haul... single parenthood holds/held no appeal for me.

Shannen Doherty is the chick you're thinking of...
Re: negotiation

bridgetkeeney said:
DVS- News flash *It is all up to the female*... we just let you think that you have a say... :D

As far as negotiating is concerned, some of us are better at it than others, and we do it for our children's sake. The only guy I was willing to risk having children with was the one who would financially and emotionally support any kids and me. I know that Svenska will take exception to this, but when it came down to it, I wanted someone who was committed for the long haul... single parenthood holds/held no appeal for me.

Shannen Doherty is the chick you're thinking of...
Oh yes, I agree with you on the NEED to watch who the father of your kids is. I was more talking about just having fun together (no kids being made).

Oh, and thanks. Yes, Shannon Doherty is who she looks like,but with blonde hair.

And that, my sweetie, is why the world is still populating. If it was all up to the female, a lot of us might not be here.
DVS- I thought the pro-creation was the point of the discussion...
Re: misunderstood

bridgetkeeney said:
DVS- I thought the pro-creation was the point of the discussion...
Oh, I had just gotten off work and was tired. I just couldn't resist a little sexist fun. Then, I promply went to sleep.

Variations of how animalistic we can be could have been part of my thought process. Doesn't lack of sleep tend to bring out different personality traits in us? :D
No stereotypes please, sweetie. Don't you see the bugs in my teeth? ---->:D Life is good!
Re: stereotyping

bridgetkeeney said:

WSO, as usual you nailed it, hon! :D
If you ladies aren't getting nailed as often as you would like, don't blame me. :p
No stereotypes please, sweetie. Don't you see the bugs in my teeth? ----> Life is good!

far out! that picture Quasi showed was YOU?!!! i didn't realise you had a mole right there though.

getting nailed... is that anything like getting 'plastered'?

*contemplating whether i should resort to using another wink... deciding against it*