*thread etiquette...?*

some of you youngsters won't remember these musical artists, but being a musician and being old, I do.
This parallels a little with a post from a few days back, speaking of the word FUCK and it's origins. I sidestepped the thread and took it for a musical ride into the use of the word in 'old codger' rock song lyrics. Of course, now days, it is rather common in some types of music. But, the use is blatant, and brash. No class to it, at all.

I also like (liked, because these are old songs?) the twisting of songs into a sexual context, without being found out by the recording company. Yes, it was rather tough back in those days. LOL, not any more, huh?

Two artists who did this were masters at it. One did it a little, and the other did it on a normal basis.

Jackson Browne is still making music but he has been around a long time. The most recent I have heard from him is the mid 90s. "The Pretender", and "Runnin' on Empty" are a couple of his songs. Also, one called "Rosie" is a slow song, with lots of harmony and I am sure the women love it. Yes, it seems like a very sappy song, but if you listen to the lyrics, it is not.

It is about a guy who plays in a band, and sees a girl he likes. But, she falls for the drummer, and so the song continues to the 'meat' of it. The song is about him going home and jacking off! Rosie is from Rosie Palmer and her 5 sisters fame, and he is very good at not giving it away, unless you are very keen at finding these things.

Rosie is his HAND. If you still don't get it, listen to the words more closely: "you turn out the light","you wear my ring" and "I've got to hand it to me". On the same topic, "Redneck Friend" (another song he does this in) is his penis (really). Lines like "the damage would do you good" kind of make that one more obvious. By the way, the keyboard player listed as "Rockaday Johnny" on "Redneck Friend" is really Elton John. Just a little tidbit of info.

The second artist was (yes, he's dead) truly a master at this. Frank Zappa (and the Mothers of Invention) was one of those writers where you had to listen closely or you would miss something.

I have posted lyrics from one song "Dinah-Moe Humm", but they lose an awful lot, without his masterful music style. And, each song is a story, so the few lyrics I have included are probably not going to make any sense to you.

---------SNIPS from Dinah-Moe Humm-------
I couldn't say where she's coming' from,
But I just met a lady named Dinah-Moe Humm
She stroll on over, say look here, bum,
I got a forty dollar bill say you can't make me cum (Y'jes can't do it)
She made a bet with her sister who's a little dumb She could prove it any time all men was scum
I don't mind that she called me a bum,
But I knew right away she was really gonna cum (So I got down to it)
I whipped off her bloomers'n stiffened my thumb An' applied rotation on her sugar plum
I poked'n stroked till my wrist got numb
But I still didn't hear no Dinah-Moe Humm,
Just get me wasted
An' you're half-way there
'Cause if my mind's tore up
Then my body don't care
I checked out her sister
Who was holdin' the bet
An' wondered what kind of trip
The young lady was on
The forty dollar bill
didn't matter no more
When her sister got nekkid
an' laid on the floor
She said Dinah-Moe might
win the bet But she could use a little ________
if I wasn't done yet
So I pulled on her hair
Got her legs in the air
An' asked if she had any cooties on there
(Whaddya mean cooties! No cooties on me!)
She was buns-up kneelin' BUNS UP!
I was wheelin' an dealin'
She surrended to the feelin'
An' she started in to squealin'
Dinah-Moe watched from the edge of the bed
With her lips just a-twitchin'
an' her face gone red
Some drool rollin' down
From the edge of her chin
While she spied the condition
Her sister was in
She quivered 'n quaked
An' clutched at herself
While her sister made a joke
'Bout her mental health
'Till Dinah-Moe finally Did give in
But I told her All she really needed
Was some discipline...
Kiss my aura...Dora... M-M-M...
it's real angora
Would y'all like some more-a?
Right here on the flora?
An' how 'bout you, Fauna? Y'wanna?
MMM...sound like y'might be chokin' on somethin' Did you say you want some more?
Well, here's some more... MMM

Anyway, I was just in a mood to speak my mind on this. Ah, the good old days...
Don't know if it is considered proper thread etiquette, but if you got this far, I should at least say thanks for reading.

...Now, back to our regular programing, already in progress.
i got that far and you're welcome. --- i know, i need a life, but i have been writing today rofl

i don't recall the song you've snipped though 'Dinah-Moe Humm'... i didn't think we were that far apart in age though... the lyrics don't ring a bell with me, i wonder if the tune would?

"Runnin' on Empty" now this one i do remember! i haven't heard it for a long time though.

i think i was probably diverted from listening to your kinds of songs DVS... heck i remember the look on my parents faces when i told them what Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was really about.

reminising is can be fun.

awful lot ohhhh you've been definately studying!
Captain Jack


You mustn't forget Billy Joel's Captain Jack... it was oh so subtle..

Your sister's not at home,
She's on a date.
So you just sit at home and masturbate.
The phone's gonna ring soon,
But you just can't wait for that call.

Captain Jack will get you by tonight
And take you to that special island
Captain Jack will get you high tonight
Just a little push and you'll be flying...

Oh for the good old days of quality lyrics... :)

No, it probably isn't likely you have heard any of Frank Zappa's songs. That is, unless you purchased the albums. They were not allowed on normal radio stations because of content, but he love it.

There is one favorite of mine, "Dirty Love" that has been on the radio, but I don't think on a station you listen to, if you know what I mean.

There is no foul language to bleep, but it is still suggestive. From the title alone, you can tell that.

I also doubt you would know his songs from the tune, either. Like I said, you would know Frank, if you heard him.

I was luck enough to breifly meet him once, after a concert. He was a short man, but very tall in tallent. You should have seen his body guards. They were HUGE!! They really looked huge beside him, at slightly more than 5 feet.

Jackson Browne is still around, but only doing special things, I am sure. The songs of his I mentioned were all from the early to mid 90s. The album "The Pretender" is one of my favorites.

Oh, you may have heard of Frank Zappa's kids... Moon Unit (his oldest daughter who sang the song "Valley Girl" a few years back) Diva Muffin, her sister, but Dweezil and Ahmet, the sons are both older than Diva Muffin.

An interesting story about Dweezil's name. Frank had names for everything. They said he named furniture, and other household items. He also had names for his wife's toes. But, when Dweezil was born, the attending nurse wouldn't put Dweezil on the birth certificate. So, he got the name Dwee.
But, they always called him Dweezil, and when he was about 12ish, Frank told him is real name was Dwee. Dweezil said "that name sucks, let's make Dweezil legal". All of the kids love their names. It is something of dad they take with them always.

Sorry, I guess I am in one of those moods, remembering when music was really music (IMO).
Re: Captain Jack

bridgetkeeney said:

You mustn't forget Billy Joel's Captain Jack... it was oh so subtle..

Your sister's not at home,
She's on a date.
So you just sit at home and masturbate.
The phone's gonna ring soon,
But you just can't wait for that call.

Captain Jack will get you by tonight
And take you to that special island
Captain Jack will get you high tonight
Just a little push and you'll be flying...

Oh for the good old days of quality lyrics... :)


Oh, yes. I love Captain Jack. And, Billy is a great one, too. I saw him play that song in a concert, and when he came to the word masturbate, he sort of moved his head aside, so the word didn't come out as prominent. Then he had a cat ate the mouse grin on his face after.

"you're all dressed up in your uptown clothes, but still your finger's gonna pick your nose"

some of these lyrics may sound hoaky, in this setting, but all together with the music...priceless.
"you're all dressed up in your uptown clothes, but still your finger's gonna pick your nose"

you know, it might be a guy thing, it might feel real natural to pick your nose, but geez it's such a turn off... please do it somewhere where i cannot see you doing it.
guy things in public


I so agree...
please do it somewhere where i cannot see you doing it.

And since this is a thread about etiquette... why do guys think they can reach their hand up their shirts and scratch or rub in public? This drives me nuts... and not in a good way. Makes me wonder if they have critters on them...
I am happy to say I am politically and publicly correct. I was brought up that way. I don't do ANY of these little nastys.

Now, on the other hand, I might like to reach my hand up your skirt and rub a pubic. I love how it gets them hot, when they can't do anything about it.

Driving along in the car, inching her skirt up and sticking my hand down her panties to start her interest, on the drive home. It is amazing how she WANTS me to speed, in these cases.

I remember one time I had a date's hands cuffed behind her back, and we were driving to my house from a lunch date. She didn't wear panties on purpose, and I raised her skirt up to her waist and watched her wiggle against my finger, as I drove her home (more ways than one :D).

We both got a great laugh when one of those tall pickups started riding along beside us and the driver nearly had a wreck! Man, was she hot that day!
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but i do have to say, it's cute. at least, for the moment, it's cute.

till i put it in a cake...

hmm just a thought... is a dancing banana like the above, an inanimate object?
DVS said:

Jackson Browne is still making music but he has been around a long time. The most recent I have heard from him is the mid 90s. "The Pretender", and "Runnin' on Empty" are a couple of his songs. Also, one called "Rosie" is a slow song, with lots of harmony and I am sure the women love it. Yes, it seems like a very sappy song, but if you listen to the lyrics, it is not.

It is about a guy who plays in a band, and sees a girl he likes. But, she falls for the drummer, and so the song continues to the 'meat' of it. The song is about him going home and jacking off! Rosie is from Rosie Palmer and her 5 sisters fame, and he is very good at not giving it away, unless you are very keen at finding these things.

Rosie is his HAND. If you still don't get it, listen to the words more closely: "you turn out the light","you wear my ring" and "I've got to hand it to me". On the same topic, "Redneck Friend" (another song he does this in) is his penis (really). Lines like "the damage would do you good" kind of make that one more obvious. By the way, the keyboard player listed as "Rockaday Johnny" on "Redneck Friend" is really Elton John. Just a little tidbit of info.

Just found this out...TONIGHT SHOW with Jay Leno has Jackson Browne as the musical guest TONIGHT, Wednesday, 10-02. Just in case you want to see who he is. That is probably for only U.S. people, though. I wonder how far some of our U.S. shows are transmitted.
wildsweetone said:
hmm just a thought... is a dancing banana like the above, an inanimate object?

It is an animated inanimate object. To be more succinct, an abnormally animated inanimate object. Poor little thing looks tired. Destined to a life of constant dancing for the crude and rude enjoyment of humans who include them in posts (because they are cute).

Oh, was that a rhetorical question, sweetie?
DVS said:

Just found this out...TONIGHT SHOW with Jay Leno has Jackson Browne as the musical guest TONIGHT, Wednesday, 10-02. Just in case you want to see who he is. That is probably for only U.S. people, though. I wonder how far some of our U.S. shows are transmitted.

A L L THE WAY TO CANADA ... like it or not. ;)
Svenskaflicka said:
Something that both men and women do, that makes me shudder is spitting on the street.

Particularly when preceded by a bubbling cough! I take my shoes off at the door, you never know what you have stepped in out there......:( :eek:
To all you squeamish souls:
Please take my advice.
NEVER watch a baseball game. :(
squeamish souls

To all you squeamish souls:
and when you visit the South do not drink out of a cup or bottle that you haven't had in your sole possession.. people that chew tobacco may have, in their effort to be polite, spit into that cup or bottle....... YECH... picked one up by accident once and only was alerted by the funny smell...the thought of it still makes me gag...:(

*turning green*
guilty pleasure said:

Particularly when preceded by a bubbling cough! I take my shoes off at the door, you never know what you have stepped in out there......:( :eek:

Taking your shoes off when you enter a person's home (or even your own, for that matter) is considered common courtesy in Sweden and large parts of Asia.
Re: squeamish souls

bridgetkeeney said:

and when you visit the South do not drink out of a cup or bottle that you haven't had in your sole possession.. people that chew tobacco may have, in their effort to be polite, spit into that cup or bottle....... YECH... picked one up by accident once and only was alerted by the funny smell...the thought of it still makes me gag...:(

*turning green*

YUCK! I am turning green, just reading about it.
Svenskaflicka said:

Taking your shoes off when you enter a person's home (or even your own, for that matter) is considered common courtesy in Sweden and large parts of Asia.

With family in Denmark.....I knew that. Now we just have to educate the dirty great shod masses. Entering a private home with stockinged feet is so much more civilised, dontcha think?
...stockinged feet?

you mean like socks? - fine, so long as the feet don't stink lol

or do you mean like stockings and suspenders...?
Actually, I always watch where I walk, and know when I have stepped in something. Actually, I won't step in anything. If I can't go somewhere without stepping in something to get there, I don't go there.

And, I always wipe my feet, when there is something to wipe my feet on. But, yes, I have seen the bad news, when friends leave my house. Certain people just seem to collect dirt and grim more easily, I guess.

So, can I keep my shoes on? Oh, if it is the custom, as in Japan, I don't mind. When in Japan, do as the Japanese do.
When in Swede, do as the Swedes do.

No, wait!

"When in Sweden, do as the Swedes want you to do."

Yeah, that's better...
DVS said:
But, yes, I have seen the bad news, when friends leave my house. Certain people just seem to collect dirt and grim more easily, I guess.

does this mean what i think it means? you are saying your friends are collecting nasty stuff from your house floors then leaving the house and you can see their trail as they walk up the garden path and out the gate?
wildsweetone said:

does this mean what i think it means? you are saying your friends are collecting nasty stuff from your house floors then leaving the house and you can see their trail as they walk up the garden path and out the gate?
Cute, but no. What I mean is when some friends come over, they bring whatever is on their shoes, too. And, when they leave, I can see (from where their feet were) they left me little presents. Oh, it wasn't on purpose, but presents, just the same.