*thread etiquette...?*


want me to cross-stitch you a sign for the front doorway dear?
one of these might help:




Could work, but shipping would be expensive, I think.
stockings versus socks

wildsweetone said:
...stockinged feet?

you mean like socks? - fine, so long as the feet don't stink lol

or do you mean like stockings and suspenders...?

Stockings with suspenders....definitely. Stinky socks don't get past the hall carpet unless he's REALLY cute.
I prefer sweaty socks to muddy shoes. I like to walk around barefoot in my apartment, and I don't want to get mud on my feet.
no grit

I'm with Svenska- at least if their socks are damp they will be picking up any grit on the floor... can't stand grit on my feet.

Being the genius I am, I put cream colored carpeting in my house and NO ONE is allowed into the house with shoes on.... makes it awkward to have Christmas parties...

Actually, it's kinda fun to see an immigrant come into your home, and force him to take off his shoes and sit there, uncomfortable and feeling strange.

I'm a sadist in disguise...:rolleyes:
Oh, and sadist I understand, but make some poor sole take his shoes off, and feel uncomfortable? I am more of a sexual sadist, I guess, not a social sadist. And, not really a sadist, but I do like to sometimes do sadistic little nasty things.
Electro torture is my favorite.
DVS, you got it all wrong. OK, I'll explain it to you one more time. The Rednecks live in southern USA.
The Red Commies live in northern Europe.
The Rednecks share wives with their brothers.
The Red Commies share EVERYTHING with EVERYONE.

Do you understand it this time?

The Rednecks live in southern USA.

hate to break the news to you Svenska, but I have found red necks all around the world... it's not a geography thing, but an attitude thing...

living in the south, I am with more stereotypical rednecks everday, but they were there in Chicago, Regensburg, Eindhoven, Taipei and Beijing when I lived in those places...

they live from paycheck to paycheck, in trailers while owning the hottest hot rods and an above ground pools...

they are convinced they will win the Lotto if they just play often enough

they cry over soap operas and will argue about who is the father of Mindy's child, not knowing who the father of their own child is.

they have the tendency to wear their clothes too tight-- both men and women

the list goes on and on...

i realized i was becoming one when i picked up the phone and couldn't quite remember the number i wanted to call.. instead of looking it up, i called the number that i thought it might be.. i eventually got it right..... :)

If that's the description of a redneck, I think Sweden is full of rednecks in the summer...

I saw some when I was out last week, too. Maybe they missed hibernation time?
I worked delivering furniture.

New homes, mud, etc. Brand new carpets.

Work boots. Sorry lady we don't remove our boots period ever. So what the construction workers do. I ain't losing Workmens Compensation for your new table. Should have thought of your carpet before we came and had it covered. Oh you want it left here in the doorway? fine that's ok with us. No go ahead phone the office, they won't say anything different. Here's the number, ask for Tony the delivery manager.

That was my life for 4 years. Ruined a lot of cream coloured carpets too. Well steam cleaners DO get out mud if you own a steam cleaner of course. Scotchgard protection, wonderful stuff for carpets too.

Me at home. I wear my shoes in the house. I wear em so I don't care if my friends wear theirs. Of course any idiot that walks in with obviously filthy boots will be told to get the fuck out (likely won't be asked back). I never suffer "stupid" people forever. In dry weather, footwear is not really a problem to me.
Svenskaflicka said:
If that's the description of a redneck, I think Sweden is full of rednecks in the summer...

I saw some when I was out last week, too. Maybe they missed hibernation time?
doesn't Sweden spray for them? We spray for them, here in the U.S.

Oh, wait a minute. That's roaches and misquitoes we spray for. Sorry. Maybe that is why we still have so many rednecks. And, they seem to spring up all over. Kind of like dandylions.

But, some people look the part of rednecks and aren't. They are just trying to get by on what they can, living check to check. They don't have an above ground pool, but they do live in a trailer park. In the summer, they watch the weather, very closely. Tornados don't like trailer parks.

Never lived in a trailer, myself. But, they aren't too bad, when they are all set up. Some are better than others, and they do tend to be of the shotgun variety. Some are double wides, though. They look more like real houses, inside.
But, trailers, just the same.

I don't see a reason for a backyard pool of any variety. Just an extra expense I can't and don't want to personally afford. I just see them as a keep up with the Jones thing. I think spas are the same. If I was rich, I might see things differently, but I am not. I have a shower and a garden hose, LOL.

Redneck is not a monetary distinction. It is an attitude or a frame of mind. Sort of a good ol' boy with a vendeta. Good ol' boys are OK, unless a redneck is around. Then the good ol' boy can turn on you.

Rednecks can be racist. Good ol' boys just tell racist jokes. They don't take offensive action.
But, rednecks can be the catalyst in a group of good ol' boys. Life sucks, sometimes.

Just my stereotypes of the day.
This rests on a generalization, but it feels true ... at least enough to laugh at.

Cats & Humans, and now Kangaroos.
Quasimodem said:
This rests on a generalization, but it feels true ... at least enough to laugh at.

Cats & Humans, and now Kangaroos.
It took me a while to figure this out. But, I'm confused. Well, maybe not as much as the two kangaroos. Are they enjoying this? Oh, are the nipples inside the pouch? That would make it a little different, I guess.

And, the one off to the side. Is he a judge or something? From the look on his face he is also confused.

Still, a funny picture, just the same.
Figured it was a fruity country. Now, I have my proof...or are you talkin' about the bird?
the bird dear, the bird.

haven't you heard of our famous flightless feathered kiwi?

virtually the same colour as the outside of the kiwi fruit (ie chinese gooseberry for those who don't know)

and i have yet to see a piccy of two kiwis doing what those two roos were doing... mind you, they have real long beaks.