to all

Okay Lance...

Fuck off you asshole.

Feel better now?

Come on -- you *know* I think you're an asshole...why would a bit of flirtatious teasing cause you to become confused and think otherwise...

My, my, my -- what a semi-naked semi-sub flaming red-haired erotically charged woman can do to some weak-willed men.

Sad, really...just sad.

Persephone "Sides with no one, dances to her own beat, takes no prisoners" :rose:
Re: Okay Lance...


Persephone36 said:
Fuck off you asshole.

Feel better now?

Come on -- you *know* I think you're an asshole...why would a bit of flirtatious teasing cause you to become confused and think otherwise...

My, my, my -- what a semi-naked semi-sub flaming red-haired erotically charged woman can do to some weak-willed men.

Sad, really...just sad.

Persephone "Sides with no one, dances to her own beat, takes no prisoners" :rose:
Re: Re: Okay Lance...

Lancecastor said:

Stop whining you wuss! :p

I thought you were supposed to be a Dom. ;)

(besides YOU know you're an asshole -- no point being coy -- leave that to the subs.) :p :p :p

P. "Way too tired to type her own name one more time" :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Okay Lance...

Persephone36 said:

Stop whining you wuss! :p

I thought you were supposed to be a Dom. ;)

(besides YOU know you're an asshole -- no point being coy -- leave that to the subs.) :p :p :p

P. "Way too tired to type her own name one more time" :rose:

Just an Oprah moment; I'm feeling my old insensitive bastardly self again.

Lance "Getting In Touch With My Inner Dr. Phil" Castor
Re: Re: Re: Re: Okay Lance...

Lancecastor said:

Just an Oprah moment; I'm feeling my old insensitive bastardly self again.

Lance "Getting In Touch With My Inner Dr. Phil" Castor

Thank god! You were scaring me there for a moment.

Persephone "Getting in Touch With Her Rabbit" :rose:
Persephone36 said:

Thank god! You were scaring me there for a moment.

Persephone "Getting in Touch With Her Rabbit" :rose:

Fear is good....and better for my cred.

Lance "Pet The Bunny" Castor
Lancecastor said:

Fear is good....and better for my cred.

Lance "Pet The Bunny" Castor


YOU -- have cred????????

Oh my gosh, thanks -- I needed a good laugh!

(btw, the book's name is "Pat the Bunny" -- that's what you meant, wasn't it?)

Persephone "Always Has To Get The Last Word In" :rose:
Persephone36 said:


YOU -- have cred????????

Oh my gosh, thanks -- I needed a good laugh!

(btw, the book's name is "Pat the Bunny" -- that's what you meant, wasn't it?)

Persephone "Always Has To Get The Last Word In" :rose:

Yes, it is Pat, pet. Seen the movie?

Lance "inCredulous" Castor
Two distinct qualities mark a person who lives in the light of God. That person is giving and forgiving. Lord, create in me the desire to set You above all else.
With that kinda attitude, it's no wonder I don't know any Christian Doms!

Quint "Smite me, I dare ya"
Thanks for the PR, pr.

peace rules said:
Two distinct qualities mark a person who lives in the light of God. That person is giving and forgiving. Lord, create in me the desire to set You above all else.

Forgiveness in particular is a powerful gift, Peace Rules.

I hope you'll continue to drop by.

I for one find comfort and strength in your messages, particularly in this place, which can be a test of that of which you speak so succinctly.

Thank you.

Those that least deserve your love are the ones that need it the most. Lord, may I have the humbleness of spirit to reach out even when my feelings may be hurt.
peace rules said:
Those that least deserve your love are the ones that need it the most. Lord, may I have the humbleness of spirit to reach out even when my feelings may be hurt.

It has not been lost on me that you appear nightly at the same time as the Troll that disrespects Cym.

I forgave you from the outset.

My light shines brightly and with conviction that oustrips your game tenfold.

Don't fuck with me ...or the intelligence of this group.

If you have more than you need, but still feel it isn't enough, then you are poor. Lord, may I take time to recognize and enjoy my blessings.
hey Lance

Lancecastor said:

Well, I do try to be quick on my feet, good with my fingers and am naturally possessed of a silver tongue and a genuine love for smiles and chuckles, even when things get rugged.

"This moment made possible by a generous grant from the Lance Castor Home for Wayward Subs."

Quick on the feet and mmmm good with the fingers always works for me!! ^5's Des on being wayward too!!:devil:
peace rules....

peace rules said:
If you have more than you need, but still feel it isn't enough, then you are poor. Lord, may I take time to recognize and enjoy my blessings.

I am truly blessed ,my Master,children.lots of friends health,lots of things too may to mention eve...ALAHU AKBAR.."God is great":rose:
Lance, I know I'm late to arrive to this thread, but now that I've read it all the way through, I must admit I thought at first that you were offering a harbor for lost U-boats.
When you can't seem to be a shining example, at least twinkle a little. Lord, when I am weary, You are there. When I am weak, You are there. When I stumble, You are always ready to pick me up.
Forget what you have done for others and remember what they have done for you. Lord, a gift is given freely with no expection. May I become a truly giving person.
ok i remember ,really I do..

others Have done alot for me...Artful's ("I know how to be humble" )dream:rose:
If you feel the need to get even, try getting even with those that have helped you. Lord, free me from any thoughts of revenge because this only shuts the door to my own happiness.
Deal with the shortcomings of those around you as gently as you would your own. Lord, help me to treat others as I want to be treated.
peace rules said:
Those that least deserve your love are the ones that need it the most. Lord, may I have the humbleness of spirit to reach out even when my feelings may be hurt.

And came to pass that there were many Domly ones in the land. And they spake and said "we shall take this peace-rules person and apply our nipple clamps and take out our floggers, for the purpose of chastising this ass (!!)".

And having made utterance they did secure this person with many restraints and marveled at the smile that ensued once they had done so. And thus did procede to flog with great that 'peace rules' did learn to reach out when the ass is more hurt than the feelings......and say "more please".
sir-to-k said:

And came to pass that there were many Domly ones in the land. And they spake and said "we shall take this peace-rules person and apply our nipple clamps and take out our floggers, for the purpose of chastising this ass (!!)".

And having made utterance they did secure this person with many restraints and marveled at the smile that ensued once they had done so. And thus did procede to flog with great that 'peace rules' did learn to reach out when the ass is more hurt than the feelings......and say "more please".

What an inspirational response! *gives standing ovation*