To keep the review thread clean...

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Tathagata said:
I'm usually the one asking that...
I'm typing with my tongue. This is really bad. It's not just the legs. My boobs are on my back and my arms are wrapped around my neck. I tripped on a leggo.
WickedEve said:
I'm typing with my tongue. This is really bad. It's not just the legs. My boobs are on my back and my arms are wrapped around my neck. I tripped on a leggo.


help Eve feel better
sell her to a sideshow and retire
help eve feel better
sell her to a sideshow and retire

Tathagata said:

help Eve feel better
sell her to a sideshow and retire
help eve feel better
sell her to a sideshow and retire

I like the alliteration and repetition, but the rhyme is a bit forced, and you didn't capitalize the second Eve. One less line and this could be a haiku. Not bad minimalist poetry but I think it needs more.
I give it a 3. But that could change if you revise it. Either way, trying submitting it to the Monthly Monkey.
WickedEve said:
I like the alliteration and repetition, but the rhyme is a bit forced, and you didn't capitalize the second Eve. One less line and this could be a haiku. Not bad minimalist poetry but I think it needs more.
I give it a 3. But that could change if you revise it. Either way, trying submitting it to the Monthly Monkey.

sell Eve to a sideshow and retire
Tathagata said:
sell Eve to a sideshow and retire

Okay, Ange. I found the hot lit women thread. A chick mentioned me. By the way, thanks M.O. :D
WickedEve said:

Okay, Ange. I found the hot lit women thread. A chick mentioned me. By the way, thanks M.O. :D

Sorry, I thought it was The Mutt. I confuse them sometimes because they lurve each other. :D
Angeline said:
Sorry, I thought it was The Mutt. I confuse them sometimes because they lurve each other. :D
A woman thinks I'm hot and you blessed my heart and I have 3 legs. I need tea in my giant kitty cup. Yes, that makes me happy.
WickedEve said:
A woman thinks I'm hot and you blessed my heart and I have 3 legs. I need tea in my giant kitty cup. Yes, that makes me happy.

oh. you saw that heart blessing, huh? :D

the only other person i know who says "bless her heart" is karmadog. he thinks you're hot, too.
Angeline said:

are you trying to get her to kill him?

hey guess what? i found a sestina i wrote that i forgot all about. :p

There's that "S" word again....

I did one on Marias boobs and never got a rise out of anyone.... :p
Angeline said:
oh. you saw that heart blessing, huh? :D

the only other person i know who says "bless her heart" is karmadog. he thinks you're hot, too.
Did he bless my heart, too?!
Tathagata said:
sell Eve to a sideshow and retire
Oh, wait. I'm having a thought. Side show. My pic is sideways. Right? Or you want to sell me to a sideshow because I have boobs on my back? Actually, I have a photo of my boobs pasted on someone's back... but that's another story...
WickedEve said:
Oh, wait. I'm having a thought. Side show. My pic is sideways. Right? Or you want to sell me to a sideshow because I have boobs on my back? Actually, I have a photo of my boobs pasted on someone's back... but that's another story...

Rather have my lips pasted to your boobs, but that would be kind of a long stretch even for my pucker....
The_Fool said:
Rather have my lips pasted to your boobs, but that would be kind of a long stretch even for my pucker....
Someone's at the door. Is that your lips? :D
Angeline said:
Not specifically that I recall, but I'm sure he does. ;)
Hey, where's that crazy thread with the purple shag? I think Boo started it. I just realized that we're all gabbing on the review/clean thread.
WickedEve said:
Hey, where's that crazy thread with the purple shag? I think Boo started it. I just realized that we're all gabbing on the review/clean thread.

I don't remember. I thought *this* was the one we're allowed to gab on...
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