To keep the review thread clean...

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My Erotic Tale said:
my pleasure~

and congrads <grin>
I poeticly recall the many I have lost over the years (~_~)

wonder woman where have you been <grin>


There's another disc too with hundreds of illustrated poems on it and about 100 audio files of me reading my poems. I'm gonna find that one next. :D

Wonder Woman? Just call me Super Grasshopper. lol.
WickedEve said:
Finally found it! lol
I save all my stuff on CD but it's disorganized. I'm searching now for my saved favorites. I'm looking for an article someone sent about portentous hush. Hey, Mr. Someone, if you still have the link, send it, please.

Is that the Salemi article... I've only read his piece 'Why poetry is dying'. But he mentions in that piece that he discusses the portentous hush 'phenomena' in earlier criticism. Is there an earlier piece to this does anyone know?
Three of four poems have been removed...

Trent_Dutch said:
I have found another disturbing thing. One of Sugarbaby4u's other submissions... 'The Lorelei' ... can be googled to find it in many different places. Google Lorelei

I can't find a solid Author for the poem, but it seems to be about 10 years old, and in alot of usenet forums and archives.

Hopefully my post here won't be removed like my other one.

All of Sugarbaby4u's poems have been removed except for her "Slave" : which bears a considerable resemblence to the following poem copywritten to: Angelia Sparrow way back in 1991

Even worse than taking the lines... the latest version rips apart a pretty good sestina:

Slavery Sestina

I kneel before you, a trembling slave;
Not daring to look on the face of my master.
I crave the whip's burning leather kiss,
You oblige me with exquisite pain.
>From my throat is wrenched a hoarse cry,
The pain I need, I receive from you, my love.

I know you do not return my love,
I am nothing to you, just a slave.
A toy to be made to moan and cry
For the pleasure of my cruel master.
If I earn it, there is harsh pain.
If I earn it, a passionate kiss.

You seek my lips, biting as you kiss.
Heartless, harsh, there is nothing of love
In it, or you. Only the need for pain,
The inflicting of it on a wanton slave.
I submit to your pleasure, my master,
As you beat me until I cry.

Under your lash, I beg, scream and cry.
Then it is over, and you claim my lips for a kiss.
My breath back, I whisper, "I love you, Master."
Needing to declare through suffering my love.
You strike me, confirming me as a slave,
Worthy only of your scorn and pain.

"Pretty slut," you say, savoring my pain.
Running a rough hand on my back brings another cry.
Your lips descend to taste the tears of a slave;
A most revealing and condescending kiss.
You draw from me perversities made decent by love,
Violence and hurt from the hand of my master.

We know I require a severe master,
One not afraid to inflict intense pain.
One to whom I must give all my love,
Fearing no return, knowing he will make me cry
As a reward for even my very best kiss.
Even as we know you need a slave.

It is my love that permits me to cry
On the whim of my master when he grants me pain,
Or the burning kiss of leather to show I am a slave.

Angelia Sparrow...

Here is the literotica version's first two stanzas:

I kneel before you, a trembling slave; not daring to look on the face of my
master. I crave the whip's burning leather kiss; You oblige me with
exquisite pain. From my throat is wrenched a hoarse cry, the pain I need, I receive from you, my love.

I know you do not return my love; I am nothing to you, just a slave. A toy to be made to moan and cry for the pleasure of my cruel master. If I earn it, there is harsh pain. If I earn it, a passionate kiss.

Ah the formatting is off here... but the words seem similar.

Looks like 4 for 4 in poetry... have to wonder about the prose.
Rybka said:
I second the commendation! - Just be aware that if this author has a loyal coterie you may get troll-bombed for awhile. - I was when I once reported a plagiarism. A word to the prudent would be not to talk about it in the comments or in open forum, but just to report it to the web-mistress along with the documentation. :rose:

(As an aside, since I post a lot of jokes, I want to declare that I did not create them nor do I claim them as mine. I just repost them here, sometimes with a little editing. If I ever know who actually wrote/told them first I do give credit. But I do not consider retelling a joke to be the same as claiming a poem as one's own and I hope no one else does either.)
I've been meaning to talk to you about that, at one time 50% of all jokes in America are written by eight guys in prison, all bad check artists, con men. It is part of their work release program. Three of them are out now and are operatives of the Republican Party, hence the name "neo-con". I know one of them. Don says, and I quote:
"His timing is off, he has way to many words out in front of the punchline"
I used the quotes, because, I would never ever steal anything from Don,:rolleyes: as he has many friends

in the IRS
Breaking News:

From the IRS:
All poetry royalties are heretofore to be taxed at the 60%.
(in inner circles, known as the Rybka tax)

From the lawyers of a certain mouse in Florida:
The use of the double ' ' apostrophe, once known as quotation marks are a registered Trademark of said certain mouse, and I have been issued a cease and desist order.
Trent_Dutch said:
Is that the Salemi article... I've only read his piece 'Why poetry is dying'. But he mentions in that piece that he discusses the portentous hush 'phenomena' in earlier criticism. Is there an earlier piece to this does anyone know?
That's it. I lost all my links when I had to reinstall windows a couple of weeks ago. I goggled portentous hush and couldn't find it. Let me try Salemi.
mojo_cat said:
i hate to say this, but this poem has been around since 1998, and circulating as an anti-drunk driving email forward since 2000. If SugarBaby4u is in fact the authour, she should get in touch with and let them know she wrote it, as it's generally attritubuted to Ruth Gillis, at Ruth's House of Poetry

I don't want to be a jerk, but I thought the rules on submitting other people's work as your own were pretty strict around here...
Next we'll learn this isn't even her rack!

Holy moley!
Thank you Duckiesmut for recommending my poem Bibliobliss. I wrote it over a year ago and actually had it here for a while, then I took it off Lit and promptly lost the disc it was on. When I found the disc yesterday I decided to resubmit it so I NEVER lose it again.

And you understood it perfectly. It's meant to be read aloud. Somewhere I have another disc with an audio version of it. If I ever find that, I'll submit it here as the audio version. :)

Thank you to those who commented, too. Reltne, you're a critical poem reader (and I mean that as a compliment), so it made my day that you didn't suggest a single change, lol. :p
WickedEve said:
Oh, forget plagiarism. You're fretting over boobs. :rolleyes:
If by "fretting" you mean "slathering with my tongue" and by "over" you mean "in big wet circles"; yes.
My Erotic Tale said:
New Poems Reviews
for Saturday 26, 2005

Monochrome by The_Fool

The_Fool is one of my favorite poets I admit
hands down, does that make me a fool? perhaps
but read his latest poem and you'll see why, I was
expecting a sonnet or limerick instead I got wit!
So I recalled the old way I use to read, close my eyes
clear my mind, then enter the poem with a blank mind
to absorb all it's colors, fragerances and glory
'then I see it all in black and white, monochrome
thanks Fool~

also posted today by The_Fool

Shades of colorless

after I read these I say to my self ..."self"
I want to write like that when I grow up...

Hey Art,

Thanks for the kind words and never grow up. I'm not gonna.

And thanks to those who left PCs. Always good to here from others.

These poems wouldn't have been written without inspiration from Tath, Pat and Anna. Good to have people you can chat with, even with poetics..... :D
It was an Honor,
thanks for sharing The_Fool~

"I poured my coffee into a white cup
and my day went black" <grin>
Thanks duckiesmut. And thanks to everyone who mentioned, commented on Emerald Suffocation and the other poems I've posted lately.
WickedEve said:
Thanks duckiesmut. And thanks to everyone who mentioned, commented on Emerald Suffocation and the other poems I've posted lately.


I'm eeking at your Av; your butt-ercises have been working well, I see. ;)
PatCarrington said:
she's killing me, ange.

.......killing me. :cool:
I would grasp your entire body between my cheeks and squeeze. That's how I'd kill a man. :)

tolyk said:
And I'm sure I can speak for everyone here.. We're very thankful for that!
Ohhh. New man on the board.

1. is that you in the av?
2. have written a sonnet in the past 30 days?
3. do you have a picture of your butt?
4. what's the capital of north dakota?
5. do you like to do more with your belt than just wear it around your waist?
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