To keep the review thread clean...

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Angeline said:
I don't remember. I thought *this* was the one we're allowed to gab on...
Can we gab here? I'd hate to move posts to the "to keep the thread that keeps the review thread clean... clean." :rolleyes:
The_Fool said:
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Heavens dooooor...
Oh, god. I don't know if I'm answering the door. I peeked out the window and those lips have been stretched pretty thin. I'm afraid if they wrapped around anything good, they'd snap back to wherever you are, taking my goodies with them.
WickedEve said:
Oh, god. I don't know if I'm answering the door. I peeked out the window and those lips have been stretched pretty thin. I'm afraid if they wrapped around anything good, they'd snap back to wherever you are, taking my goodies with them.

If you go to his house, there could be two knockers on the door.

how come it's not as funny when i say it?
Angeline said:
If you go to his house, there could be two knockers on the door.

how come it's not as funny when i say it?
Oh, go on girl! You're funny! (politely laughing and backing away.) two stay out of trouble.....I think it's time to get home. Work really sucks.....So I'm going to go home and do some more of it.... :p
Bless Your Heart

Dear Eve,

We all bless your heart, liver, spleen, duodenum and, of course, your alimentary canal. For those who like scatalogical alliteration, we also bless your anal canal.

There are other parts of you that, I feel sure, someone somewhere is willing to bless. I prefer to bless the totality of you which, in my humble opinion, is pretty cute.


Fflow said:
Dear Eve,

We all bless your heart, liver, spleen, duodenum and, of course, your alimentary canal. For those who like scatalogical alliteration, we also bless your anal canal.

There are other parts of you that, I feel sure, someone somewhere is willing to bless. I prefer to bless the totality of you which, in my humble opinion, is pretty cute.


I feel blessed. lol
WickedEve said:
Oh, go on girl! You're funny! (politely laughing and backing away.)

You bitch. lol. I don't care. EE and my kids think I'm funny. Well, my son does. My daughter is at the eye-rolling "mom is so weird" stage...
Angeline said:
You bitch. lol. I don't care. EE and my kids think I'm funny. Well, my son does. My daughter is at the eye-rolling "mom is so weird" stage...
So... ee thinks you're funny? What do you do to make him laugh? Is it possible he has to laugh so that you don't... oh, I don't know... lock him the closet with his underwear on his head?
Angeline said:
You bitch. lol. I don't care. EE and my kids think I'm funny. Well, my son does. My daughter is at the eye-rolling "mom is so weird" stage...

are you sure it's a stage? I am 40 and still do that around Mom. :D

But I am a very cool Mom. Just ask my daughter. My son just quietly backs away with a look of horror on his face.

WickedEve said:
So... ee thinks you're funny? What do you do to make him laugh? Is it possible he has to laugh so that you don't... oh, I don't know... lock him the closet with his underwear on his head?

I cannot answer these questions without incriminating myself. he just does. i can say no more. lol.
Backing Away Slowly

Nobody thinks I'm funny. My wife looks at me blankly, and my step-daughter bites my hand (even though I feed her!) My dog occasionally gets my jokes, but he's a bit of a madcap.

I, of course, think my jokes are hilarious!



Thank you, Eve, for citing "Playing God" in the review thread. You're so sweet. Like a big chocolate bunny. :cathappy:

Thank you, too, those that commented. You're all so sweet I just want to bite your ears off!
flyguy69 said:
Thank you, Eve, for citing "Playing God" in the review thread. You're so sweet. Like a big chocolate bunny. :cathappy:

Thank you, too, those that commented. You're all so sweet I just want to bite your ears off!
Someone had too much chocolate for Easter, didn't he?
WickedEve said:
Someone had too much chocolate for Easter, didn't he?
Or too little!

The bunnies seem to like it when I treat them rough; sink my teeth into their backsides, plunge my finger into their hollow guts, suck the sugar right out of their skin. Peeps, on the otherhand, are all about romance and song.
Thank you for mentioning one of my poems (well two, sort of) in the forum. I'm glad to see some of my work taking notice! I'm still getting used to the site and don't really know how to add things like poems I've recorded, or other sound files (some are rather "interesting") and I hope I can get a handle on how to submit better. So, again, thank you for the time and response!
shattered_lily said:
Thank you for mentioning one of my poems (well two, sort of) in the forum. I'm glad to see some of my work taking notice! I'm still getting used to the site and don't really know how to add things like poems I've recorded, or other sound files (some are rather "interesting") and I hope I can get a handle on how to submit better. So, again, thank you for the time and response!
Oh, you'll get lots of suggestions on how to submit! :D

Welcome, Lilly; nice to see you on the boards. There is a "roll call" thread for you to introduce yourself on the off-chance you want this group to know any more about you!
I'm out of touch with protocol in here now so I hope this is the right place to give my thanks to Syn for mentioning my poems and to all of you who left comments.

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