To keep the review thread clean...

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The_Fool said:
That and a low cut dress.... :D
Yes, yes. I know what you want. A dress with the neckline meeting the hemline.
Shame on you and Pat. No particular reason why. Just shame, shame.
And does anyone know what ZMP stands for?
PatCarrington said:
my guess is "Zen Mountain Poem."

aren't i smart? :)
You are so smart, bless your heart. And don't you ever let anyone tell you differently.
WickedEve said:
You are so smart, bless your heart. And don't you ever let anyone tell you differently.

now you can stop fretting, and put on that neckline-meets-hemline deal. :)
WickedEve said:
You are so smart, bless your heart. And don't you ever let anyone tell you differently.

quit messin' with the threads, mod....

.....and don that dress.
WickedEve said:
Yes, yes. I know what you want. A dress with the neckline meeting the hemline.
Shame on you and Pat. No particular reason why. Just shame, shame.
And does anyone know what ZMP stands for?

Mostly weekends or when I can
I like to read the zen masters poems,
hince 'zen mountain' is where
I post what I like that I have found.
After these readings
I am inspired and I write ZMP
<zen master poetry>
what is zen master poetry poems
by zen masters <grin>
no I am not a zen master but
...a zen poem is a poem with out
emotions added or thoughts of,
a pure writing of what is seen
I think jim said it best but thats the
jest of this type poem and
most are lessons from nature <grin>

but keep these poems together
in my growing list at LIT
I put ZMP~ in front of them and they
are a set of poems in this
style or topic .... as with 'A' ROSE series
'a' amarillo rose ... 'a' pecos rose
'a' paris rose and now the new 'A' french rose
and 'a' cherokee rose <grinin>

but thanks for the mention Scott
and welcome to the entertaining
world of LIT...(~_~) Bows Humble
Last edited:
PatCarrington said:
quit messin' with the threads, mod....

.....and don that dress.
I was cleaning the review thread and then I had to stop for a naughty phone break. Oh, life is so hard. :)
PatCarrington said:
quit messin' with the threads, mod....

.....and don that dress.
What dress? If the neckline meets the hemline, then it's called a string.
My Erotic Tail said:
Mostly weekends or when I can
I like to read the zen masters poems,
hince 'zen mountain' is where
I post what I like that I have found.
After these readings
I am inspired and I write ZMP
<zen master poetry>
what is zen master poetry poems
by zen masters <grin>
no I am not a zen master but
...a zen poem is a poem with out
emotions added or thoughts of,
a pure writing of what is seen
I think jim said it best but thats the
jest of this type poem and
most are lessons from nature <grin>

but keep these poems together
in my growing list at LIT
I put ZMP~ in front of them and they
are a set of poems in this
style or topic .... as with 'A' ROSE series
'a' amarillo rose ... 'a' pecos rose
'a' paris rose and now the new 'A' french rose
and 'a' cherokee rose <grinin>

but thanks for the mention Scott
and welcome to the entertaining
world of LIT...(~_~) Bows Humble
I really should have guessed the Zen part. I saw how you have your poems in categories like the rose ones. Cool idea.
The Poets said:
I was cleaning the review thread and then I had to stop for a naughty phone break. Oh, life is so hard. :)

that was you on the phone?'re bad, for a girl from the bible belt.

where did you learn those words? :cool:
PatCarrington said:
that was you on the phone?'re bad, for a girl from the bible belt.

where did you learn those words? :cool:
the bible? well, there's an awful lot of begetting in it.
WickedEve said:
the bible? well, there's an awful lot of begetting in it.

even they can't deny it when they look around.

with all the people, it obvious someone's doing it to somebody.

that's why they had to put it in there. :), how thick is the string? :cool:
PatCarrington said:
even they can't deny it when they look around.

with all the people, it obvious someone's doing it to somebody.

that's why they had to put it in there. :), how thick is the string? :cool:
It's rather floss-like. Need to clean your teeth? I'll be glad to take it off and give it to you.
WickedEve said:
It's rather floss-like. Need to clean your teeth? I'll be glad to take it off and give it to you.

i haven't flossed after supper yet.

you can leave it on while i clean.....i'll manage.
PatCarrington said:
i haven't flossed after supper yet.

you can leave it on while i clean.....i'll manage.
Oh, stop before I have to get the dildo again.
PatCarrington said:
didn't he floss either?
I have a new dildo trick. I toss it up high in the air so that it does three black flips and a half twist before landing. Hard part is getting horizontal and spread fast enough.
WickedEve said:
I have a new dildo trick. I toss it up high in the air so that it does three black flips and a half twist before landing. Hard part is getting horizontal and spread fast enough.

try it in the back yard. you can toss it higher.

you'd probably even have a rooting section. i hear everyone down there is downright neighborly.
PatCarrington said:
try it in the back yard. you can toss it higher.

you'd probably even have a rooting section. i hear everyone down there is downright neighborly.
Yeah, but once there's any sign of liveliness, everyone shows up with a banjo. (I'm not kidding.)
WickedEve said:
Yeah, but once there's any sign of liveliness, everyone shows up with a banjo. (I'm not kidding.)

if you tell me they're blind and have no teeth, i'm coming to rescue you.

though watching you position under a falling dildo with flatt and scruggs playing the soundtrack does have a certain charm. :)
PatCarrington said:
if you tell me they're blind and have no teeth, i'm coming to rescue you.

though watching you position under a falling dildo with flatt and scruggs playing the soundtrack does have a certain charm. :)
"Dueling Dildos"?? GAD! Don't get her started on Rowdy Ted Again! - Hey who ever ended up with him anyway??
Rybka said:
"Dueling Dildos"?? GAD! Don't get her started on Rowdy Ted Again! - Hey who ever ended up with him anyway??

who the hell is Rowdy Ted? :confused: does he occupy the drawer below Goliath?
I blush

And blush again, kind sir.

ishtat said:
Evelyn Carroll's " Broadside Girl" on Monday is worth looking at .Very different to most of the work posted here. This person puts a huge amount of energy into her work and backs it with a potent brain.. She can be picked over but there's no missing the talent. :)
Thank you, duckie, for the mention of my poem, and thanks Rybka, for mentioning goddess of green.:rose: :rose:

I send giant hugs to everyone who read and commented and sent email. IT is appreciated more than you'll ever know :heart:

Thank you mucho--

Duckie, I appreciate the mention of my first audio.

And thanks so much to all who commented! I do appreciate your kindness. I am just sick that about half my comments and PMs say they got no audio. As my first submission in this media it leaves me wondering if I did something wrong. I followed the directions and submitted an Mp3 by e-mail, so I don't know what went wrong. Have been working on a very hot an saucy recording, but now wonder if I want to waste the time. :confused:

Oh, well. Thanks to all that took the time to read :heart:

Syn :rose:
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