To keep the review thread clean...

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Review Policy

May I make an official suggestion here for all the reviewers? It is a simple one, and will address what I feel is a fairly serious problem.

First, I do not believe that all submissions for a given day are posted at the same time. Some may be posted in the morning and others later. If a reviewer, assigned to review Tuesday's poems, does so at 1 PM, the reviewer may miss poems that are posted later in the day. These poems will not be reviewed the following day, as that reviewer will be looking at that day's poems only.

So my suggestion is this: The person assigned to review on Tuesday should review all submissions for Monday, and so on. That way, the complete approval cycle will be complete and no poems will be accidentally missed.

What say you all?


Fflow said:
May I make an official suggestion here for all the reviewers? It is a simple one, and will address what I feel is a fairly serious problem.

First, I do not believe that all submissions for a given day are posted at the same time. Some may be posted in the morning and others later. If a reviewer, assigned to review Tuesday's poems, does so at 1 PM, the reviewer may miss poems that are posted later in the day. These poems will not be reviewed the following day, as that reviewer will be looking at that day's poems only.

So my suggestion is this: The person assigned to review on Tuesday should review all submissions for Monday, and so on. That way, the complete approval cycle will be complete and no poems will be accidentally missed.

What say you all?



Didn't you suggest this in another thread??

I would suggest perhaps the lack of response to things in here, in general, is polite silence and indifference, not the fact that no one " saw it".
Some people only have a certain amount of time to do reviews, some can only do it on a specific day.
as always, if you see or feel any poems have been " missed" feel free to pick up the slack and mention the ones they missed.
Problem solved.
Tathagata said:
Didn't you suggest this in another thread??

I would suggest perhaps the lack of response to things in here, in general, is polite silence and indifference, not the fact that no one " saw it".
Some people only have a certain amount of time to do reviews, some can only do it on a specific day.
as always, if you see or feel any poems have been " missed" feel free to pick up the slack and mention the ones they missed.
Problem solved.
Actually, that's a very good suggestion. It doesn't hurt to have an extra reviewer to pick up any late added poems. We all have to remember that our reviewers are volunteers (okay, I've "persuaded" more than a few into doing it) and there's only so much a reviewer can do, so we all need to pitch in and help out. And god, I sound like a mommy this morning. You need to pitch in and help you sister pick up those toys from the floor before mommy gets another pokemon wedged between her toes.
WickedEve said:
Actually, that's a very good suggestion. It doesn't hurt to have an extra reviewer to pick up any late added poems. We all have to remember that our reviewers are volunteers (okay, I've "persuaded" more than a few into doing it) and there's only so much a reviewer can do, so we all need to pitch in and help out. And god, I sound like a mommy this morning. You need to pitch in and help you sister pick up those toys from the floor before mommy gets another pokemon wedged between her toes.

Legos are the worst. I would always forget to put my glasses on and I'm blind as a bat without em. Step right into a pile of those babies first thing in the morning--that'll wake you up and not in a good way. :D

Do we have to share, too, Mom? Will there be snack? And a nap? I like the nap part best.
Miss Oatlash said:
I'd rather spank his cute little ass with a fly swatter.
Good morning, Litizens. I had the most wonderful dream last night. There were flypaper restraints, and umbrella handles, and ass smackings... But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you? No, Aunty Em, this was a real truly live place...
Angeline said:
Legos are the worst. I would always forget to put my glasses on and I'm blind as a bat without em. Step right into a pile of those babies first thing in the morning--that'll wake you up and not in a good way. :D

Do we have to share, too, Mom? Will there be snack? And a nap? I like the nap part best.
I vote for hard plastic dinosaurs. I'd rather step on a real one.

Oops, umm... everybody go look at Love Shove by Arika Lee.
Message Sticks

Tathagata said:
Didn't you suggest this in another thread??

I would suggest perhaps the lack of response to things in here, in general, is polite silence and indifference, not the fact that no one " saw it".
Some people only have a certain amount of time to do reviews, some can only do it on a specific day.
as always, if you see or feel any poems have been " missed" feel free to pick up the slack and mention the ones they missed.
Problem solved.

Tath is pretty right I think. If the system is elaborated too much, that itself might cause unnecessary complications. One possibility is when a review is completely missed which happens occasionally, people in different time zones might be able to help with at least a brief list of "mentions".

In Sydney We are some 14 to18 hours ahead of the USA. On a couple of occasions I've made a short list of poems I liked when the reviewer went missing. Unfortunately for four irregular days out of seven I'm in such remote parts that message sticks are the usual form of communication.I will try to do something when I notice omitted reviews on my 'at home' days.

On the other hand pehaps message sticks thrown at poets might not be a bad idea? :devil:
webmistress_01 said:
what an amazing insight to poetry this has given me
The thread or the dumb poets who are chatting away about pokemon, legos and dinos?

You people do know that all this chat will be moved to the poetry board dump that we call "keep the review thread clean", don't you? By the way, if anyone is missing a post on any thread, that's where you'll find it. I use the "keep the review thread clean" thread as a rug--sweep it under the rug. Which explains the fat rug in the corner of my room. :rolleyes:
flyguy69 said:
Good morning, Litizens. I had the most wonderful dream last night. There were flypaper restraints, and umbrella handles, and ass smackings... But it wasn't a dream. It was a place. And you and you and you...and you were there. But you couldn't have been could you? No, Aunty Em, this was a real truly live place...
Oh, that it really could be...
Reivew Policy

ishtat said:
Tath is pretty right I think. If the system is elaborated too much, that itself might cause unnecessary complications.

In my suggestion, the current set of reviewers would not have to change the day they write their reviews but, rather, review the poems from the previous day. That's not too complicated, is it?

The question, then, becomes: Why is the current system set up this way, and can it be improved without providing any hardship for the volunteers?

To me, the current setup is similar to writing a literary review based on the first chapter of a book. To me, it doesn't make sense.

Even if my solution is not sound for some reason, discussing the issue is, in and of itself, meaningful.

On the nature of the reviews

Fflow's point makes me think of another one. The current system focuses on individual poems as they appear. What if a poet is engaged on a sort of 'metapoem', where no one work really stands alone? This is my project. It seems to be METale's too.

Trouble is, I can't really think of a way to institutionalize reviews on this basis. Maybe it's me that should be institutionalized.

Perhaps a new thread called Litrospectives?
:confused: E.
Fflow said:
In my suggestion, the current set of reviewers would not have to change the day they write their reviews but, rather, review the poems from the previous day. That's not too complicated, is it?

The question, then, becomes: Why is the current system set up this way, and can it be improved without providing any hardship for the volunteers?

To me, the current setup is similar to writing a literary review based on the first chapter of a book. To me, it doesn't make sense.

Even if my solution is not sound for some reason, discussing the issue is, in and of itself, meaningful.


Just my two cents...

Some days, I don't have time to sort through 20, 40, or however many poems are posted on a particular day. When that happens, I check out what that day's reviewer recommends and go back later to look at the rest. I know I'm not the only one who uses the reviews for that purpose.

If the reviewers review poems each day for the day prior's postings, the reviews lose their effectiveness in the above regard.

It's been brought up already that if a reviewer misses a set of late-posted poems, whoever notices is able to mention them. Can't we just leave it at that?

As far as the literary review example goes, it's not quite the same. Each piece of work by a poet is not dependent upon the next poet's submittal in order to produce the final result. Chapters in an author's book being reviewed incompletely is not comparable to different poets' submissions reviewed separately.
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Fflow said:
In my suggestion, the current set of reviewers would not have to change the day they write their reviews but, rather, review the poems from the previous day. That's not too complicated, is it?

The question, then, becomes: Why is the current system set up this way, and can it be improved without providing any hardship for the volunteers?

To me, the current setup is similar to writing a literary review based on the first chapter of a book. To me, it doesn't make sense.

Even if my solution is not sound for some reason, discussing the issue is, in and of itself, meaningful.


I am sure everyone will be more open to your ideas regarding reviews as soon as you work here as a daily reviewer for a few months.
Status Quo

duckiesmut said:
As far as the literary review example goes, it's not quite the same. Each piece of work by a poet is not dependent upon the next poet's submittal in order to produce the final result. Chapters in an author's book reviewed incompletely is not comparable to different poets' submissions reviewed separately.

Please forgive my inadequate metaphor. I hope that, despite this, one may glean from it my intended meaning.

Of course we can leave things as they are. The status quo is always more comfortable than change. That doesn't necessarily mean that it is better.

By having assigned reviewers for each day, it creates the reasonable expectation that they will, at the very least, consider reviewing the entire set of poems posted for a given day. Currently, that is not the case. Why, then, should we have daily reviewers at all? Perhaps it would be better to eliminate that expectation and simply encourage folks to post reviews when they're moved to.
Open to Ideas?

*Catbabe* said:
I am sure everyone will be more open to your ideas regarding reviews as soon as you work here as a daily reviewer for a few months.

Hmm. So, because I've not worked as a reviewer that means my ideas lack merit, and have no validity? Is that how things work around here? If so, I'd like to know.
Fflow said:
Please forgive my inadequate metaphor. I hope that, despite this, one may glean from it my intended meaning.

Of course we can leave things as they are. The status quo is always more comfortable than change. That doesn't necessarily mean that it is better.

By having assigned reviewers for each day, it creates the reasonable expectation that they will, at the very least, consider reviewing the entire set of poems posted for a given day. Currently, that is not the case. Why, then, should we have daily reviewers at all? Perhaps it would be better to eliminate that expectation and simply encourage folks to post reviews when they're moved to.

Every Monday that I've done my reviews, all poems have been posted by the time I get around to them, usually between 10-11 in the morning. I check back at night, and there aren't additional poems.

Does it happen? I'm sure it does. But I don't think it's as big a problem as you're thinking.

As far as 'when they're moved to'--> the point of the daily reviewer, from what I understand, is to make sure someone is daily reading and recommending poems. If it was only when someone was moved to do so, a whole bunch more poems would fall through the cracks than with the current system.

That said, I'm still the new girl.

So I'm going to shush now. :)
Fflow said:
Hmm. So, because I've not worked as a reviewer that means my ideas lack merit, and have no validity? Is that how things work around here? If so, I'd like to know.

I'm saying how about you see how much work it is before you start telling the volunteers how better to do their "job".
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