To keep the review thread clean...

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Reltne said:
My thought is that if the daily reviewer waited until the next day to post his/her reviews/’mentions’ they would not only lose some of their directing/’Go Read’ power, but the delay may deter others from recommending poems that were not mentioned since they are now a day old/cold.

It is also not possible to be honest and yet say something nice about everything that is submitted to Literotica. Much better, in my opinion, to only comment in the reviews on works that the reviewer likes and leave the rest unsaid, or for others. If you criticize a poem, someone will object that your words were not 'kissy-kissy' enough. If you don't mention a poem/poet people will complain as well. - You can't win! That is why I stopped doing daily reviews.

I've waded through the discussion and suddenly clicked into Reltne's comment. Why not wait until the day after a poem has been posted to put up a review?

I use the Review thread (and have recommended it to others) because I do not have time in my day to read every single poem that appears. When I do have extra time, then I go into the New Poems submission pages myself and click and read for a while.

I see nothing wrong with reviewing the previous day's postings. It makes perfect sense. Anyone who is interested in their own poetry and learning skills can cope with waiting 24 hours.

It gives the reviewers extra time to work through the poetry. It gives poets a little time to calm after that heady posting experience. And, it gives all poets in the PF a chance to have a read through and form their own opinions before reading the reviewer's opinion.

Story submissions can take a week to be posted after they've been submitted on Lit.

Submitting to a print publication can take months.

The Poetry Forum reviewers exceed expectation by getting their reviews done the same day as they're posted.

The next day is plenty soon enough, in my opinion.


Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Whispers by
I really like illustrated poetry, it gives the reader a point down a path that might not have been achieved with just the prose. Bogus Brig had a good point in the comments though...which becomes more powerful in this genre, the art or the poem? :rose: any poem that gets the brain pondering this early gets a gold star for the day. nice work
Thank you for the mention Sabina. Bogusbrig has made an excellent comment and during this last couple of weeks with learning about how to write and process illustrated poetry I have come to realise that it is not an easy task to find that fine connection between the words, the print and the illustration. It's a great challenge. :)
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Reltne said:
..... If you criticize a poem, someone will object that your words were not 'kissy-kissy' enough.
Oh, come on. Did anyone ever complain that you aren't "kissy-kissy" enough, Reltne? With that mug?
wildsweetone said:
I've waded through the discussion and suddenly clicked into Reltne's comment. Why not wait until the day after a poem has been posted to put up a review?

I use the Review thread (and have recommended it to others) because I do not have time in my day to read every single poem that appears. When I do have extra time, then I go into the New Poems submission pages myself and click and read for a while.

I see nothing wrong with reviewing the previous day's postings. It makes perfect sense. Anyone who is interested in their own poetry and learning skills can cope with waiting 24 hours.

It gives the reviewers extra time to work through the poetry. It gives poets a little time to calm after that heady posting experience. And, it gives all poets in the PF a chance to have a read through and form their own opinions before reading the reviewer's opinion.

Story submissions can take a week to be posted after they've been submitted on Lit.

Submitting to a print publication can take months.

The Poetry Forum reviewers exceed expectation by getting their reviews done the same day as they're posted.

The next day is plenty soon enough, in my opinion.

Don't make me throw you in a dumpster, WSO! :D
*shaking in my boots* yep, really I am. lol

It just made perfect logical sense to me that's all.

*going back to paint my nails... or something...*


btw, which dumpster was it?
wildsweetone said:
*shaking in my boots* yep, really I am. lol

It just made perfect logical sense to me that's all.

*going back to paint my nails... or something...*


btw, which dumpster was it?
Ohhh... bad girl, huh?

Shoulda known when you snatched the cigarette from my mouth and sucked reeeal slow.
(move post)

Angeline said:
I greet the sun
in you, stretch my arms
past the chill of 6 am
and hug the wind
that travelled miles
to whisper your
good morning.


stop being so damn talented

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Thanks Rybka

2-28-2002 by Syndra Lynn
I am not a student of Eastern philosophy but I think this one something of a koan. Read it silently, then think about it.

I had to look up koan:A puzzling, often paradoxical statement or story, used in Zen Buddhism as an aid to meditation and a means of gaining spiritual awakening.

Exactly! That's what I intended all along :rolleyes:

I do appreciate the mention, considering that this (old) one and my other 2 entries today were tossed out there in a moment of facetious bitchdom. (that's MY word and you can't use it)

These are my poem seeds. I write them and collect them, admire them ocassionally, until I am ready to nurture them into full poems.

I truly thought one of them should garner an E. Don't you?

Syn (still being slightly facetious bitch-queen) :devil:
My 2 Cents

PatCarrington said:
i'm sure each day's reviewer reads every poem posted on their day. to expect them to discuss and opine on every one does not seem reasonable, especially when any reader is free to post and mention a poem they think worthy if the reviewer did not cite that poem.

each reviewer has his/her own style, but i don't see the problem with them mentioning only those they feel were of high quality. everyone can always go read the entire batch if they prefer, and offer their 2 cents.
One day I posted a poem...Eternal Lust. I was CRUSHED that it was not mentioned in the reviews.

I turned my heartbreak into creativity and three days later submitted Desperately Seeking Calliopeia. That one was mentioned in the reviews. Ta Da! Success!

As Pat says, each reviewer has his/her own style. Not every poem gets mentioned. Life sucks sometimes (and so do I.) :eek:

Just my 2 cents.
(move post)

Tathagata said:
amongst such
sartorial splendor
i remain
the crabapple

namaste' S

Crabby Appleton?
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Tathagata said:
you know the street where I grew up was Appleton
it's also my favorite rum
~twilight zone music wafts through~

we frighten me sometimes.
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Angeline said:
we frighten me sometimes.

We frighten me too when we crank up the McDonnel Douglass tornado machine otherwise known as new fangled hair dryer.

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Angeline said:
We frighten me too when we crank up the McDonnel Douglass tornado machine otherwise known as new fangled hair dryer.


Stop posting under my login damnit! You make me look schitzoid.

you're lucky you can still hear the hairdryer, musicman

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Angeline said:
We frighten me too when we crank up the McDonnel Douglass tornado machine otherwise known as new fangled hair dryer.


new fangled
that's like me saying " dungarees" instead of jeans
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(move post)

Tathagata said:
new fangled
that's like me saying " dungarees" instead of jeans

You want my login too? Then we can all post like the three faces of Eve...well um know.

Off to vindows.

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(move post)

I must be allergic to this poem. It makes my eyes watery.

Very nice, Pat.
PatCarrington said:
fatherhood has much to offer
to those who like to be sad. it is
creating what you cannot keep
that haunts, the inevitable
reductions to ghosthood. in life
everything you make seems
to get stolen. and you reach
to those little nods and smiles
that appeared solid and slow,
the ones you can never hold
too long. there are no moments

quite like the moments when
air is taken without permission,
when breath is held. the fullness
of such pleasant larceny i wanted
to keep, expected to. in my hands,
or eyes, or lungs. somewhere.

my girl, you were the thief that day
grasping my hand and bounding down
the hill with legs grown long, faster
than a child should be able to
or should, when you saw it,
may’s first violet. you touched
me. Pulled. and I knew you had

things to teach me. how careful
you were with your tiny feet,
walking between the rows
knowing you were a giant,
conscious of your trespass, afraid
the largeness of your freedom
would injure its small simplicity.
how you refused to pick it, gently
wrapped your fingers on it as if
it were a hand, smaller than yours,
your daughter’s perhaps. it opened
to the oils of your touch as it would
to its lover the sun, like a locket.

you looked up to someone you could
not see. when he didn’t answer, you
watered it yourself. i had never seen
a child cry with joy. i knew you
were thinking to that flower
the same words i thought to you.
don’t think I’ll ever let you go.
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Review Time-Line

Sorry to be flogging what, to everyone else, is a very dead horse but I made an interesting discovery just now. I posted a poem this morning around 9 AM. It was approved sometime today, along with another that had been pending for a good long time.

As of now (4 PM) neither of those poems has yet to appear on the New Poems list.

Not a complaint, judgement, or my bitching in any way, just what I hope is a meaningful observation. Do with it what you will.


neonurotic said:
Good afternoon Poets

Hey, long time no see.

Hopefully I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by doing Friday's New Poem mentions, but it's noon here in Seattle-ish, the sky is falling and I just have the time:

Since there were very few poems that hit the New Poem's page, I decided to pull one from Rybka's and do a spinner for illustrated poetry. I'm fully visual and I find that Angeline is exceptional in creating illustrated poetry.

Ange's Gemini is no exception.​



Take it EZ,
- neo

Thank you Neo. Coming from you--whose illustrated poetry I just love--it's quite a compliment. :)

Fflow said:
Sorry to be flogging what, to everyone else, is a very dead horse but I made an interesting discovery just now. I posted a poem this morning around 9 AM. It was approved sometime today, along with another that had been pending for a good long time.

As of now (4 PM) neither of those poems has yet to appear on the New Poems list.

Not a complaint, judgement, or my bitching in any way, just what I hope is a meaningful observation. Do with it what you will.


Want to bet they will be there tomorrow, since that is the approval date they have on your page? :rolleyes:
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Lauren Hynde said:
Want to bet they will be there tomorrow, since that is the approval date they have on your page? :rolleyes:
does that mean it is too early to leave comments?
PatCarrington said:
i'm sure each day's reviewer reads every poem posted on their day. to expect them to discuss and opine on every one does not seem reasonable, especially when any reader is free to post and mention a poem they think worthy if the reviewer did not cite that poem.

each reviewer has his/her own style, but i don't see the problem with them mentioning only those they feel were of high quality. everyone can always go read the entire batch if they prefer, and offer their 2 cents.
I'm up to a dime now, Pat, surprised a little we agreed on a few.
A really good day

Saturday 7 May 2005. There is an unusually large number of quality poems today not only from the familiar names but from some not so well known. Bit of a cop out but I suggest reading the lot. Not enough time for recommendations, I'm off to Queensland for the day. :)
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