To keep the review thread clean...

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Shush? Don't Shush!

Hey, I'm new here too. We should not feel like we should 'shush' just because we're new. Great thinking often comes from outside the existing paradigms. This has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history.

Anyway, I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just trying to help.


Fflow said:
Anyway, I'm not trying to piss anyone off. I'm just trying to help.



If you want to help...feel free to review the poems you think were missed or overlooked.

Bitching about how things are done and expecting them to be changed because you don't like it will tend to piss people off.
Fflow said:
By having assigned reviewers for each day, it creates the reasonable expectation that they will, at the very least, consider reviewing the entire set of poems posted for a given day. Currently, that is not the case.

i'm sure each day's reviewer reads every poem posted on their day. to expect them to discuss and opine on every one does not seem reasonable, especially when any reader is free to post and mention a poem they think worthy if the reviewer did not cite that poem.

each reviewer has his/her own style, but i don't see the problem with them mentioning only those they feel were of high quality. everyone can always go read the entire batch if they prefer, and offer their 2 cents.
I believe Fflow was mainly complaining about the reviews being made too early, at the risk of new poems that are posted later on during the day being ignored. In three years I've been there, though, that must have happened what - five, six times?

If someone notices there were poems posted after that day's recommendations, there's a very simple way out, isn't there? Read them and make your own recommendations of the batch.

Tathagata said:
Bitching about how things are done and expecting them to be changed because you don't like it will tend to piss people off.

It was not my intention to 'bitch'. I perceived a problem and tried to address it in a reasoned and constructive way. Live and learn.
Fflow said:
It was not my intention to 'bitch'. I perceived a problem and tried to address it in a reasoned and constructive way. Live and learn.

Why did you perceive there was a problem? I think it is dangerous to assume that the reviewer "missed" a poem just because they did not mentioned it. I think it is far more likely that the reviewer, as is his or her right, chose not to include that poem in their daily report.
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Fflow said:
It was not my intention to 'bitch'. I perceived a problem and tried to address it in a reasoned and constructive way. Live and learn.
I think your proposal has merit, Ray, but i don't think it will work. Both readers and reviewers are too impatient to wait a full day for reviews. Since the current system is not significantly broken, there isn't any significant reason to change it.
Fflow said:
It was not my intention to 'bitch'. I perceived a problem and tried to address it in a reasoned and constructive way. Live and learn.

I'll say it again...
you mentioned it before and no one responded.

If you feel like poems, yours or anyone else's, arent getting mentioned then mention them.
If you have the time to post your " reasoned and constructive" objections to the current seems you have the time to go through and mention the poems you feel should be mentioned.

To continue to " object" and not be willing to " do" anything about it looks like bitching, to me anyway.
Lauren Hynde said:
I believe Fflow was mainly complaining about the reviews being made too early, at the risk of new poems that are posted later on during the day being ignored. In three years I've been there, though, that must have happened what - five, six times?

If someone notices there were poems posted after that day's recommendations, there's a very simple way out, isn't there? Read them and make your own recommendations of the batch.

I agree here with Lauren. I usually do my Sunday reviews in the afternoon or sometimes at night.... it all depends on what is going on in my life. Sunday is usually a large contribution day so it takes me at time 2 or more hours. If a poem is added late and this has happened it can be mentioned by other readers.

I read all the poems and have narrowed my selections down. Sometimes I have many sometimes I have only 3. When I feel a poem has potential I will commit on the thread or send a PM but not mention it in the new poems reviews. I have seen others comment on poems that I did not list and feel this is good.

For some reason that poem did not hit me as something to mention. This is what poetry is about.. writing... living... different tastes, style and desires.... that is why we are here.

It can be confusing to go back to the prior day as you review because of all the newly listed poems. I feel it allows others the opportunity to become involved in the reviewing when they do not see a poem listed that they like. I leave some out sometimes that I feel are borderline assured that someone else will mention it. This almost always happens.

I am not afraid of change just do not really see what all the fuss is all about. If you like a poem and it is not mentioned.. review it and post it! What is so hard about that?
Du~ :catroar:
I'm not reading through all these post, but I am going to state this once again. The poetry community wants poetry "mentions" so the poetry community has the review thread. Anyone can review. We simply have volunteers to make sure each day has at least some sort of review. We understand that no single person can review every poem. In the old days, kids, one person would do the all the reviews every day for months. I know I have many times and so have others. It just didn't work. It's too much for any one person. So let us be grateful for our reviewers. And at any time, if any of us feel that a good poem has been overlooked, then we should most definitely post our own review/mention.

One more time: Reviewers, feel free to mention only the poems you feel deserve a recommendation. We all have a varying opinions on what's good poetry. I'm sure someone will step up and mention any poem you've missed. Not everything we write and submit is worthy of reading. Literotica accepts any group of words presented as poetry. Fortunately, many of those words are poems. :)
WickedEve said:
I'm not reading through all these post, but I am going to state this once again. The poetry community wants poetry "mentions" so the poetry community has the review thread. Anyone can review. We simply have volunteers to make sure each day has at least some sort of review. We understand that no single person can review every poem. In the old days, kids, one person would do the all the reviews every day for months. I know I have many times and so have others. It just didn't work. It's too much for any one person. So let us be grateful for our reviewers. And at any time, if any of us feel that a good poem has been overlooked, then we should most definitely post our own review/mention.

One more time: Reviewers, feel free to mention only the poems you feel deserve a recommendation. We all have a varying opinions on what's good poetry. I'm sure someone will step up and mention any poem you've missed. Not everything we write and submit is worthy of reading. Literotica accepts any group of words presented as poetry. Fortunately, many of those words are poems. :)

thank you aunty eveypoo
Fflow said:
May I make an official suggestion here for all the reviewers? It is a simple one, and will address what I feel is a fairly serious problem.

First, I do not believe that all submissions for a given day are posted at the same time. Some may be posted in the morning and others later. If a reviewer, assigned to review Tuesday's poems, does so at 1 PM, the reviewer may miss poems that are posted later in the day. These poems will not be reviewed the following day, as that reviewer will be looking at that day's poems only.

So my suggestion is this: The person assigned to review on Tuesday should review all submissions for Monday, and so on. That way, the complete approval cycle will be complete and no poems will be accidentally missed.

What say you all?



I'm wondering why you single out the Tuesday reviewer.

I'm in the pacific time zone and - often - I'll check the new poems on Monday night when they start to appear. However I often can't my review done much before early afternoon out here by which time there is NO doubt all the poems are in place.

As several people have said - if poem isn't mentioned that you feel should have been - YOU do it.

P.S. - I :heart: catbabe
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WickedEve said:
I'm not reading through all these post,
I'll spare you having to read through:
There was an issue, and it got resolved.
Then it rose again, so we stomped it down.
Then it stood up, so we stabbed it to death.
Then it came back to life, so we rolled it up in a rug and threw it in a dumpster.
Then there was muffled screaming, so we closed the lid.
Then you came in.​
flyguy69 said:
I'll spare you having to read through:
There was an issue, and it got resolved.
Then it rose again, so we stomped it down.
Then it stood up, so we stabbed it to death.
Then it came back to life, so we rolled it up in a rug and threw it in a dumpster.
Then there was muffled screaming, so we closed the lid.
Then you came in.​
So this is what goes on when I'm not around? Can't you people be left alone for a few minutes? Umm... left alone and actually not cause mischief?
WickedEve said:
So this is what goes on when I'm not around? Can't you people be left alone for a few minutes? Umm... left alone and actually not cause mischief?
Tath brought the cigarettes. I was was just holding one for him.
Tathagata said:
I bought them for my mom and one just went off....
And that guy in the dumpster was already there. We were just poking him to see if he was sleeping.
Tathagata said:
I bought them for my mom and one just went off....

Flyguy said:
And that guy in the dumpster was already there. We were just poking him to see if he was sleeping.

You both know how totally pervy both of these statements sound? :p

Tess :heart: :rose:
My 2¢ plain

My thought is that if the daily reviewer waited until the next day to post his/her reviews/’mentions’ they would not only lose some of their directing/’Go Read’ power, but the delay may deter others from recommending poems that were not mentioned since they are now a day old/cold.

It is also not possible to be honest and yet say something nice about everything that is submitted to Literotica. Much better, in my opinion, to only comment in the reviews on works that the reviewer likes and leave the rest unsaid, or for others. If you criticize a poem, someone will object that your words were not 'kissy-kissy' enough. If you don't mention a poem/poet people will complain as well. - You can't win! That is why I stopped doing daily reviews.
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