To keep the review thread clean...

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Saturday poem reviews

I got up early to read and review, but no poems
are out as of yet, I will be gone most of this day
but will be in tonight, if anyone feels froggy
jump right in if they >>>'poems,' show up <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
Saturday poem reviews

I got up early to read and review, but no poems
are out as of yet
Today is the 7th. There are lots of them, actually, and they're been there for almost 12 hours. :D
My Erotic Tale said:
Saturday poem reviews

I got up early to read and review, but no poems
are out as of yet, I will be gone most of this day
but will be in tonight, if anyone feels froggy
jump right in if they >>>'poems,' show up <grin>

The poems were up exceptionally early today I think in fact on the 6th at least on the West Coast USA. It was certainly fairly early morning in Sydney. :nana:
well 'heck' I read those when I got in from work 'yesterday' afternoon, woke up this morning <sleepy> saw no new poems and thought they weren't out yet, well this will be simple and easy I already read them <grin> Ill be right back...

thank you ladies...I am awake now <grin>
I don't usually do this but...

...I just, having nothing much better to do today, looked the new poems and hit on one by rarebreed. Then I looked at the others. Fucking amazing! All new. All 'different'. I like.
MET - Thanks!

Big Thanks to My Erotic Tale for commenting on my recent posts. Thanks, too, to Reltne and and Jennifer C.
PatCarrington said:
there is probably no need to recommend a poem by wicked eve, since i would assume everyone reads every poem she posts. you certainly should.

but there are no reviews up today, and this is a must read:

spring poem
Thank you, Pat. :)
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Maria2394 said:
i set aside time............for poetry
with intentto write something nearly profound
and the notebook I took with me
into the garden, is now
covered with soul and cast aside
alone on the swing while I kneel
into the earth, not very worried
about writing anything
much less anything profound


I like your av.
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A fatwa (usually fatwah) is to be associated with an incitement to kill a heretic. The most famous example is the fatwah issued by the Ayatollah Houmeini (sp?) against Salman Rushdie because of his book 'The Satanic Verses'. Rushdie is still living -- in hiding.
(move post)

delayed reaction, well...because.

annaswirls said:
use this
use this
use this motherfucker use it

fuck that turned me on.
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evelyn_carroll said:
A fatwa (usually fatwah) is to be associated with an incitement to kill a heretic. The most famous example is the fatwah issued by the Ayatollah Houmeini (sp?) against Salman Rushdie because of his book 'The Satanic Verses'. Rushdie is still living -- in hiding.

The fatwa was actually against anyone having anything to do with the book. The Japanese translator and, I think it was the Italian translator were both murdered. The fatwa has been rescinded by the present Ayatollah, but I imagine there are still many people who would like to see Rushdie die.

Thank you duckiesmut and du lac for mentioning my poems "fatwa" and "peacock"

evelyn_carroll said:
A fatwa (usually fatwah) is to be associated with an incitement to kill a heretic. The most famous example is the fatwah issued by the Ayatollah Houmeini (sp?) against Salman Rushdie because of his book 'The Satanic Verses'. Rushdie is still living -- in hiding.

Beg to differ Evelyn, the definition given by Duckiesmut is correct .It is a formal legal opinion or decision by a religious scholar on a matter of Islamic law. The opinion is given by a man(of course) who is called a Faqih - careful how you say it!

The notorious Rushdie Fatwa issued in Feb 1979 was declared un-Islamic by the Ulama of al-Azhar and Saudi Arabia and was also condemned by 48 of the 49 member-states of the Islamic Conference the following month

Many Islamic authorities attacked the Fatwa on the grounds that Khomeini lacked the scholarship necessary,some that he also lacked the spiritual authority. You may have noted that Khomeini never achieved the title of Grand Ayatollah (cf.Sistani) and was never highly regarded by the Ulama. The greatest tragedy is that his aberrant ideas have become the Wests image of Islam. :)
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
and last but certainly not least I bring you refusing my perscription by annaswirls
"of course
I eat poems
spiceless and raw
fresh off the street"

oh sweet anna...stop hitting the delete button, :( please...where else am I to read you from? your poetry list is empty where it was once full...don't deprive us your poetry and prose!


Sabina, I like your no-nonsense reviews. Thanks for the time you put into doing these, you are appreciated.

And you are kind, I took down my poems because trying to venture away from literotica, where my babies lived, was difficult for me. Same reason I turned off voting.

But I missed having poems here, people here are good people and I wanted to play along.

As far as where can you find my poetry? Funny you should ask, I was itchin for self promotion and you gave me the opportunity:

my site:
mannequin envy

you can find some of my work there, better yet, the work of other poets, writers, artists, photographers.... come check it out. Bring friends. Bring your poetry.

I will be updating it VERY soon, it will be better. I am still figuring out what the hell I am doing.

oh THANKS for the mention! It was a fun poem to write, glad you enjoyed it too :)

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(move post)

always_smiling said:
I've said you talk too much.
Do something instead
of your jaw flapping
back and forth.

Damn those words,
open your mouth,
down on your knees,
start lapping
down south.

Slide your tongue
in and out
my warm,
juicy flesh.

again and again

You'll enjoy the taste;
It's a promise,
and I'll get off
knowing I said
to shut up, and
put that mouth to work.

You won't say much
the rest of the day
or evening, in fact
I'll have worked you
too hard to speak.

And I won't be sorry
for putting the chain
around your neck
with the end in my hand
pressing your face in to
my tunnel of love.

Maybe later, I'll feel bad
for telling you to shut up,
but I highly doubt it.
This may explain your perennial smile!

Very hot poem :)
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flyguy69 said:
This may explain your perennial smile!

Very hot poem :)

Thanks! I'm really a good girl, honest.

I'm as innocent as they come.

Now, shut up and fuck me. :D
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have been here

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Liar said:
Why the fuck
can't I write poetry
about people anymore?

Where did their faces
bugger off to? Why do they
hide out of focus? Are
they even people, or just
periphery hallucinations?

Where are the words
that glues metaphor to movement
and paints a voice in monochrome?
Why do no lovable quirks drip from my
fingertips, trip across my lips?

Why the fuck can't I write
poetry about people
wow..resonates with self so frigin well..damn this is good ...write some more please...!!!
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bluerains said:
wow..resonates with self so frigin well..damn this is good ...write some more please...!!!
Hockay. But not about people. :rolleyes:
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Liar said:
Hockay. But not about people. :rolleyes:
I have found humans in this generation to be that of hollow sounds as well pen on pen on...
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Second in line today is Wicked Eve with The other One. WE is one of Literotica’s most enjoyed poets and a stanza of today’s offering aptly demonstrates why. A :rose: for these words alone:
Thanks, fish. The poems I've submitted this month have been tossed out a bit too quickly, and they could be better, including this one, if I had put more time into them. Still, it's nice that some of you are finding some enjoyable lines in them. Thank you. :)
WickedEve, that poem (The Other One) I read today was absolutely awesome! I just had to say it again. It was the best read of the day for me.

Anyway, to those who stopped by and read my poetry today, a huge thank you, and hug and kiss. :rose:

At times I'm speachless to the reception of some of my poems. I feel I ought to say something but I'm not sure what. I just want to say to those people who enjoy and comment on my poems, that your comments and support are greatly appreciated. You make writing a joy and so much easier. Thank you. :rose: :rose: :rose:
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