To keep the review thread clean...

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Angeline said:
This is my naked face alone at end of day,
my private space of weary lids that close
because I’ve struggled, but I haven’t found a way

to quell the drowning tide of memory, of those
who left and those who never leave
my private space of weary lids that close

against the daily battle to retrieve
my pool of peace, a blindness that can’t see
who left and those who never leave

the air they occupy with nothing more
than air, but how their molecules disrupt
my pool of peace, a blindness that can’t see

its way to dreamless sleep, awakening abrupt
on boulevards worn thin, more choked with souls
than air, but how their molecules disrupt

the solid ground until I stumble in the holes.
This is my naked face alone at end of day
on boulevards worn thin, more choked with souls
because I’ve struggled, but I haven’t found a way.

you've heard beauty is in the eye of the beholder
true beauty is seen by a man with no sight.
nin- :rose:
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templeminded said:
you've heard beauty is in the eye of the beholder
true beauty is seen by a man with no sight.
nin- :rose:

Agreed and thank you. The poem is a terzanelle--a form I particularly enjoy writing. :)
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Angeline said:
Agreed and thank you. The poem is a terzanelle--a form I particularly enjoy writing. :)

you are most welcome
nin- :rose:
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Just wanted to say cheers and thanks to Rybka and Art for their recent reviews of my poems. And to those who read and commented on them and the illustrated ones that finally plopped up after several days in pending limbo. Especially warming when I'm in a period when I have to squeeze out words with a steamroller.

And Art...
My Erotic Tale said:
Poetry about people by liar ...some one give liar a hand, <grinin> (clapping) seems that even the calm and passive liar has a frustrating moment, this poem hit my chucklebone~
Calm and passive? Bwhaha, you have no idea of the creative frustration and permanent chaos that dwells on this end of the wire, bro. ;) I had no idea I gave that impression to people.

WickedEve said:
Thanks, fish. The poems I've submitted this month have been tossed out a bit too quickly, and they could be better, including this one, if I had put more time into them. Still, it's nice that some of you are finding some enjoyable lines in them. Thank you. :)
"WE is one of Literotica’s most enjoyed poets" I'd like to say I agree with Rybka 100% on this. I glad to see you're tossing 'em out, instead of burying 'em in your backyard
"Still, it's nice that some of you are finding some enjoyable lines in them." This is nice, I am glad you haven't lost your touch with understatement. :rose: :rose: :rose:
I am seriously impressed, with some of the stuff you come up with.
WickedEve said:
Thanks Art for your mention of To The Zoo We Go

your welcome eve, I enjoy your poems
and this one has inspired a new one,
poem decoder rings 4.95 hehehehe

and liar too,
I like literary art, illustrated poems
and just plain good poetry <grin>

thanks Sabina~
hey 1201
My Erotic Tale said:
your welcome eve, I enjoy your poems
and this one has inspired a new one,
poem decoder rings 4.95 hehehehe

and liar too,
I like literary art, illustrated poems
and just plain good poetry <grin>

thanks Sabina~
hey 1201
Oh, Art, it's not a difficult poem. It's just about me observing the mommies before the field trip to the zoo a few days ago. I always like to write poetry about special things I do with my kids. It's like keeping a journal. I have that other poem about the camp bethel fieldtrip. I can't remember the name, though.
twelveoone said:
"WE is one of Literotica’s most enjoyed poets" I'd like to say I agree with Rybka 100% on this. I glad to see you're tossing 'em out, instead of burying 'em in your backyard
"Still, it's nice that some of you are finding some enjoyable lines in them." This is nice, I am glad you haven't lost your touch with understatement. :rose: :rose: :rose:
I am seriously impressed, with some of the stuff you come up with.
thank you for the mention of my poems
even though my stlye and lit's isn't the same
i still have fun here
thanks again

our path by templeminded thank you S~ for a wonderful poem and glad to see the artistic poet at work again <grin> The trials of love and the feelings that grow, even when apart. A very good description and a wonderful poem.

natures balance
WickedEve said:
Oh, Art, it's not a difficult poem. It's just about me observing the mommies before the field trip to the zoo a few days ago. I always like to write poetry about special things I do with my kids. It's like keeping a journal. I have that other poem about the camp bethel fieldtrip. I can't remember the name, though.

I knew exactly what it was about, just sayin, and I loved it--was awed by it in the passion thread.

And are you wearing a ribbon around your butt? :D
Angeline said:
And are you wearing a ribbon around your butt? :D
If I don't gift wrap it a little, no one wants it. :rolleyes:

If you love it, vote! It's getting trashed and I don't think it's that bad. lol
Thank you Ange for recommending my poem
(glad I didn't call it " accruing tenderness")
check's in the mail babe
WickedEve said:
If I don't gift wrap it a little, no one wants it. :rolleyes:

If you love it, vote! It's getting trashed and I don't think it's that bad. lol

I keep thinking I vote and comment on your stuff because I see it in a thread...
either that or the ass ribbon distracts me

It's a great poem
some of your best writing in my opinion
thanks for sharing
WickedEve said:
If I don't gift wrap it a little, no one wants it. :rolleyes:

If you love it, vote! It's getting trashed and I don't think it's that bad. lol

I will after I sleep some more. I'm feeling a bit ill from a pm someone just sent me. ;)
Tathagata said:
Thank you Ange for recommending my poem
(glad I didn't call it " accruing tenderness")
check's in the mail babe

You owe me for the other mentions, too. Whenever they were...

WickedEve said:
If I don't gift wrap it a little, no one wants it. :rolleyes:

If you love it, vote! It's getting trashed and I don't think it's that bad. lol
Are you talking about the zoo poem or your ass?
The zoo poem is fantastic, one of the best. Your ass is too, but I'didn't know we could vote on it.

if you look at the ribbon closely, as I have, it says "2004 Most Influencial Poet", and the zoo poem says why...maybe wrong audience, New Yorker? no, too interesting for them..

Damn, Eve, you have to be kidding, who did you piss off? Besides me, with your "burying stuff in jar" comment. But I voted a 5, and I was blown away by it, I would have voted a 7 or an 8, but they frown on such things.
twelveoone said:
Are you talking about the zoo poem or your ass?
The zoo poem is fantastic, one of the best. Your ass is too, but I'didn't know we could vote on it.

if you look at the ribbon closely, as I have, it says "2004 Most Influencial Poet", and the zoo poem says why...maybe wrong audience, New Yorker? no, too interesting for them..

Damn, Eve, you have to be kidding, who did you piss off? Besides me, with your "burying stuff in jar" comment. But I voted a 5, and I was blown away by it, I would have voted a 7 or an 8, but they frown on such things.
I KNEW YOU WERE POUTING ABOUT THAT COMMENT! You misunderstood--once again. Now stop looking at my ass ribbon.
twelveoone said:
Look, this guy has been getting a lot of mentions here. I was going to just let it pass.

The Big Idea
I nominate this guy for something... use of the word "profundity"?
I realize that there are alot better than me, here, but this guy is in my territory and I'm jealous. I got so shaken I submitted my comment twice. :mad:
His description of vastness...
Damn you bogusbrig
I bow in homage.

You put a smile on my face this morning twelveoone because when I read your Promised Land and American Vignettes poems amongst others, I was cursing you, not just for being so damn good but for being so inventive too.

Should I be admitting this? :eek:
bogusbrig said:
You put a smile on my face this morning twelveoone because when I read your Promised Land and American Vignettes poems amongst others, I was cursing you, not just for being so damn good but for being so inventive too.

Should I be admitting this? :eek:
'tis good to be cursed for the right reasons; you forgot cranky, I'm more cranky than good.
As per usual, I went back and checked one of your earlier ones, who had comments?
annaswirls and WickedEve, I wish I wasn't so old and slow on the draw.
twelveoone said:
Look, this guy has been getting a lot of mentions here. I was going to just let it pass.

The Big Idea
I nominate this guy for something... use of the word "profundity"?
I realize that there are alot better than me, here, but this guy is in my territory and I'm jealous. I got so shaken I submitted my comment twice. :mad:
His description of vastness...
Damn you bogusbrig
I bow in homage.

hey 1201,
your poetry is paramount to a bogus brig!
something smells fishy ???
twelveoone said:
"WE is one of Literotica’s most enjoyed poets" I'd like to say I agree with Rybka 100% on this. I glad to see you're tossing 'em out, instead of burying 'em in your backyard
"Still, it's nice that some of you are finding some enjoyable lines in them." This is nice, I am glad you haven't lost your touch with understatement. :rose: :rose: :rose:
I am seriously impressed, with some of the stuff you come up with.

1201 and Rybka, that's like the bear laying with the salmon??
or the hawk and the dove, certainly not the two fish of buddha
templeminded said:
thank you for the mention of my poems
even though my stlye and lit's isn't the same
i still have fun here
thanks again

our path by templeminded thank you S~ for a wonderful poem and glad to see the artistic poet at work again <grin> The trials of love and the feelings that grow, even when apart. A very good description and a wonderful poem.

natures balance

your welcome sweetie,
I think most here will tell you ...
I didn't write like I do now when I first came here <BIGrin>
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