To keep the review thread clean...

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My Erotic Tale said:
hey 1201,
your poetry is paramount to a bogus brig!
something smells fishy ???
I am not him, I do not know him. Stylistically mischievousgrin is closer to my writing, and I was worried about promoting him. I am not him either.
I am not annaswirls, WickedEve, Tristess, Tathagata, either, and I am notoriously inept, or indifferent when it comes to self promotion, i.e. how long did it take before I even bothered with a sig line?
This does not belong in this thread.
twelveoone said:
I am not him, I do not know him. Stylistically mischievousgrin is closer to my writing, and I was worried about promoting him. I am not him either.
I am not annaswirls, WickedEve, Tristess, Tathagata, either, and I am notoriously inept, or indifferent when it comes to self promotion, i.e. how long did it take before I even bothered with a sig line?
This does not belong in this thread.

wait ... twelve
amigo, I didn't mean it like that,
bows humble, sorry, I know the new name syndrome
has a few in a tale spin but in no way did I mean you
to be anyone other than 1201, I would closer guess
bogus to be another long before I would suspect a 12
to lower to a ten <grin>
My Erotic Tale said:
1201 and Rybka, that's like the bear laying with the salmon??
or the hawk and the dove, certainly not the two fish of buddha
You must know the yin and yang cross over at times, and in one is a little of the other.
Besides, I hear he gets cranky too.
My Erotic Tale said:
your welcome sweetie,
I think most here will tell you ...
I didn't write like I do now when I first came here <BIGrin>

and it is a pleasure to see your growth, one of the reasons I'm so hard on you. Because you learn.
My Erotic Tale said:
wait ... twelve
amigo, I didn't mean it like that,
bows humble, sorry, I know the new name syndrome
has a few in a tale spin but in no way did I mean you
to be anyone other than 1201, I would closer guess
bogus to be another long before I would suspect a 12
to lower to a ten <grin>
yeh, I fooled you once with anonamouse, but I didn't promote him. I like the way bogusbrig writes, I'll have to write better. Object is we all have to write better. The stone either shrapens or dulls, depends on how you hold the blade.
twelveoone said:
Object is we all have to write better. The stone either shrapens or dulls, depends on how you hold the blade.

here here!! wise words there 1201
du lac~
twelveoone said:
Liar proves 1201 wrong here: Join The Dots

Here is something that sent me into a movie.
Those two links both goes to Join The Dots. As much as I appreciate the mention, I think you had another poem in mind there. Wold be nice to know which it was. :)
twelveoone said:
du lac, I want that picture you had up, that blew me away. And thank you for your kind words, last sunday?

1201 I will put it in a yahoo album for you and then you can copy it from there okay?

one minute...

album with pic of soldier for 1201

hope this works
ps you are welcome well deserved.. and also.. this is a powerful pic that immediatly connected to me with your poem.. both are outstanding..
Liar said:
Those two links both goes to Join The Dots. As much as I appreciate the mention, I think you had another poem in mind there. Wold be nice to know which it was. :)
Duh, I did. Thanks for pointing it out, I corrected. So much good stuff, the past week, today, those hit me. Read the others, too. Those, just the tip of my iceberg.
Du Lac said:
1201 I will put it in a yahoo album for you and then you can copy it from there okay?

one minute...

album with pic of soldier for 1201

hope this works
ps you are welcome well deserved.. and also.. this is a powerful pic that immediatly connected to me with your poem.. both are outstanding..

Looks like I got part of it, seems to be cropped at the top of the head. I'm not good at this sort of thing. Thank you.
PatCarrington said:
hard to believe these 2 were missed. in my mind, the most interesting poem today (despite the misspelled title):


and from yesterday:


both by a newer poet.
I second the recommendation. I never would have noticed these poems if you hadn't mentioned them. Thanks. :)
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twelveoone said:
yeh, I fooled you once with anonamouse, but I didn't promote him. I like the way bogusbrig writes, I'll have to write better. Object is we all have to write better. The stone either shrapens or dulls, depends on how you hold the blade.

bows humble to the wisdom of the twelve
now get your ass in gear and write a kick ass poem <grin>
(move post)

Angeline said:
My empty face, my face of stone
the night he said come home now
when I sunk into the rocking chair,
rocked until I felt nothing behind my eyes
but her grave holding me for years
in the void of a covered mirror,
where I couldn't see my black dress
with its kaddish torn sleeve.
Has an almost Psalm like feel to my mind. Gripping. :)
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My Erotic Tale said:
your welcome sweetie,
I think most here will tell you ...
I didn't write like I do now when I first came here <BIGrin>

my love, there is nothing no one on lit could tell me about you that i don't already know
and yeah.....BIG DIFFERENCE........but better
smile cause someone luvs!
nin- :kiss:
My Erotic Tale said:
bows humble to the wisdom of the twelve
now get your ass in gear and write a kick ass poem <grin>
well it wasn't exactly Kick ass - but it had ass in it - now go read it (should make you cry, I did)
My thanks to du lac and 1201 for mentioning Schematic Scapegoat and to all those whoe left comments.

Thanks too, to Scott Leavitt for his kind words.

(move post)

Wow, this is wonderful. Best I've read in weeks.

PatCarrington said:
I used my last match and lit
the candle, watched the smoke
curl up to – where? You,

I imagined. A vain act of love.
But full of sacrifice, I thought,
as bad as I needed a drag.
And of courage, as hard as days

finish now without you. They end
stiffer than the wood the sisters
used to drain belief and the blood
of Jesus out of me. Yet I come back

for more. I said your name, louder
than I meant to. I heard it echo
in the rafters. The roof was higher
than your uncle’s tobacco barn
where we lit our first cigarette,
where you always went to disappear
as quiet as a prayer.

I’m not the kind of guy who forgets
or passes without taking a whirl.
I lit candle from candle, until the
smoke was thick. I just can’t shake

the hope of kicking the habit,
or the notion that you might be hiding
up there. Listening, swinging
your legs from the crossbeams.
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Angeline said:
Judy said You be the Virgin Mary,
you're Jewish
, so I climbed
into the brick barbeque pit
her father built in the backyard
and stood hands prayer pressed,
dark eyes on the morning sky,
searching for one ray of sun
between clouds that might be God.

He wouldn't mind if a little girl
in hand-me-down seersucker culottes
and a tshirt pretended to grant blessings,
played a vision among brick and ashes.
I tried to be saintly like the Blessed Mother
appeared to Bernadette at Lourdes,
shimmering benevolence, intent but small,
the only way I knew her flicker gray
on our black and white tv, not torn,
her paint-by-number eyes beseeching
from separate sides of Daddy's chair
after he ripped the painting I won,
red spots on his cheekbones,
his blue eyes beseeching, saying
That's not who you are.

It's hard to know who you are
when all the other girls take confession,
wear white lace dresses to communion.
They got to look like angels every Sunday
while I sat in the windowsill watching them
have somewhere to go. I sat at my desk
in school isolated as one of their martyrs
until I spotted Jewel Tarver's face, dark
as coffee without cream across rows
of desks and she smiled at me shy,
but wide enough to show her silver tooth,
and I knew she understood.

Judy's father said You girls leave
that damn barbeque alone
so I walked home down D'arcy Avenue,
pulling honeysuckles from branches
between the chain link fences, biting
the yellow flowers and swallowing
sweet nectar, thinking God made that.

Angeline, this is just beautiful, and though I am not Jewish, I can relate to teh wonder of the others going on Sunday, looking like angels. Thanks for posting this one here. :heart:
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Maria2394 said:
Angeline, this is just beautiful, and though I am not Jewish, I can relate to teh wonder of the others going on Sunday, looking like angels. Thanks for posting this one here. :heart:

TY sister. :kiss:

and Cat? I know you Catholic girls were no angels cause I grew up with you all, but I wanted the dress damnit--itchy or not!
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Angeline said:
TY sister. :kiss:

and Cat? I know you Catholic girls were no angels cause I grew up with you all, but I wanted the dress damnit--itchy or not!

You can have mine. :rose: ;)

ee will love you in it 'cause man it's gonna be a tad short. :devil:
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Liar said:
to curve space,
short board trip
the event horizon.

Grab an abacus
and discover god
lurking in the no man's land
where mathematics trails off
and meta physics is just
warming up.

Don't you dream
of a truth to prove
the entireness wrong,
undo a reality knot
and send logic shattered
into the void?

to möbius loop time
into tangents of possible,
to juggle singularities
and live
to tell the tale.
right on... very nice, Liar—especially that second stanza.
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