To keep the review thread clean...

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Sunday reviews

Hi all sorry about the reviews last week... PC was angry lol... Sunday reviews will be up later this afternoon... have a wonderful day!
du lac~
Tathagata said:
what's with all the death
they ask
ghosts and graves and mausoleums
you depressed?
do you want to talk?
you can talk to me.

i tell them
in old paintings there was always
off in a corner
or under a table
that represented death
it is always there
that's how i see things
that's all

they look at me moon faced
as if I had just handed them a dead pigeon

You see?
I can't talk to you
and now I've ruined paintings for you too

ah they never learn
Ha! In the lower left hand corner of my av there is a little monkey-thing (almost cropped out, but much clearer in the original) that eyes the fleeing couple with a deathly smile!

Good poem, btw.
Wednesday Review's

ok, it is 8 am and there are no new poems posted as of yet...I have to go to work, I will check back in later. Sabina
darkmaas said:
Take one Turk
Raised on goat's milk
chick pea flour
without any taint
of Pepsi drool.
Remove his silly slippers
and his feathered hat.
(This is fusion cooking baby)
Apply to spit
and roast till tender.
Save the head for dark Salome
who has a taste
for the odd and oriental.

thank god--i was running out of poems...and coffee
Thank you to all of the hard working reviewers and for those posting comments!

Thanks especially for the kind comments on my from my pillow poem, I was overwhelmed, and really appreciate the feedback.

Thank you du Lac for your mention :)

I got a few others to add dear fishy. Hope I didn't step on your fins, but I see we have similar tastes. I just had some time and thought I'd review. I think I'll do a spinner, too. I like the spinny game.
I admit I drink lots of Organic Ethiopian coffee, very Dark and Powerful, and still listen to the Harrison "Bangladesh" relief album.
You better confer some Horse Sense on me Darkmass. "Stick to just eatin grass," is a likely answer.

Im feeling all over the map.


Good to see you!
Thank You Rybka and Ange

Both for the mention and kind words on my poem.

Ange no Elvis but maybe the dogs playing poker?

Thank you Rybka for the mention on Barista. My poetry muse is starting to play in the back of my head again for the first time since last year. I guess she is just a summer/fall kind of gal...
Thanks Angeline!

I appreciate your mention on my poem... I only wish I had a bit more motivation to write... But... There will come a time! Thanks again!

EE said:
You better confer some Horse Sense on me Darkmass. "Stick to just eatin grass," is a likely answer.

Well I suppose one could eat grass.

It always surprises me the cultural differences between our two countries, in spite of a common continent, language etc. Up here, the custom is to take a small rectangle of thin paper, folded lengthwise down the middle and gummed along one edge, and use this to roll a quantity into a tight cylinder. (The quantity varies from region to region. My neck of the woods has a high proportion of lawyers and stock brokers so we tend to roll a tight, rather anal, affair and twist the ends mercilessly. Out west, I am told they favor a more hospitable looser roll. On the pacific coast it seems they even go so far as using coloured and flavoured papers!)

I digress.

After the rolling ritual, the cylinder is lit with a flame of sorts and the resulting smoke inhaled.

I suppose eating it would be quicker. Is there preparation involved? Perhaps a sauce or vinaigrette...

darkmaas said:
EE said:

Well I suppose one could eat grass.

It always surprises me the cultural differences between our two countries, in spite of a common continent, language etc. Up here, the custom is to take a small rectangle of thin paper, folded lengthwise down the middle and gummed along one edge, and use this to roll a quantity into a tight cylinder. (The quantity varies from region to region. My neck of the woods has a high proportion of lawyers and stock brokers so we tend to roll a tight, rather anal, affair and twist the ends mercilessly. Out west, I am told they favor a more hospitable looser roll. On the pacific coast it seems they even go so far as using coloured and flavoured papers!)

I digress.

After the rolling ritual, the cylinder is lit with a flame of sorts and the resulting smoke inhaled.

I suppose eating it would be quicker. Is there preparation involved? Perhaps a sauce or vinaigrette...


Passing Clouds - that's what those rainbow cigs were called I remember. Toastie tasting and exotic but not munchies-making.

Speaking of munchies - brownie anyone?
The Witch

Ishtat quote:- Tath pretty much summed this up except that for me the last 3 and a bit stanzas were a sort of fade out but that's probably just me.

I know what you mean Ishtat and I was wondering whether I should stop at the point you indicate the poem faded for you. While I felt I was still dealing with the same thought process, I did have my doubts as to whether I was starting a new poem or not. However for a while now, I have been playing with the idea of drawing a poem out into a multiple of ideas and making it quasi narrative rather than encapsulating a single thought or idea into a more traditional poetic form.

I have have been playing around with altering styles and marrying together ideas as a way of trying to get narrative momentum without totally compromising more traditional poetic form too much. Whether I shall ever succeed or feel capable of pulling off this vague ambition is another matter. I have felt dissatisfied with traditional poetic forms for some time now but I'm not altogether sure what I'm looking for.

Thanks for your comments and compliment.

May I thank Tathagata and JC for their comments too. Oh Tath, your comment, I would go back again and again and again! :eek: :D
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Tristesse said:
Passing Clouds - that's what those rainbow cigs were called I remember. Toastie tasting and exotic but not munchies-making.

Speaking of munchies - brownie anyone?

Why yes, thanks!! Some tea also perhaps, on that Veranda where the bricks are new and the tables dont wobble.

:kiss: :rose:
darkmaas said:
EE said:

Well I suppose one could eat grass.

It always surprises me the cultural differences between our two countries, in spite of a common continent, language etc. Up here, the custom is to take a small rectangle of thin paper, folded lengthwise down the middle and gummed along one edge, and use this to roll a quantity into a tight cylinder. (The quantity varies from region to region. My neck of the woods has a high proportion of lawyers and stock brokers so we tend to roll a tight, rather anal, affair and twist the ends mercilessly. Out west, I am told they favor a more hospitable looser roll. On the pacific coast it seems they even go so far as using coloured and flavoured papers!)

I digress.

After the rolling ritual, the cylinder is lit with a flame of sorts and the resulting smoke inhaled.

I suppose eating it would be quicker. Is there preparation involved? Perhaps a sauce or vinaigrette...


Not sure about the Vinagrette, but we once dipped a big west coast dooby in a bottle of ether in Biology class, while putting fruit flies to sleep to learn all about genetics.

We went out in the ditch and had a nice nap, as I recall. Missed dinner that night I believe.

(smart ass Canadians-sheesh) :) :)
Tristesse said:

You have to wait on that bop. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :D

Those of us who had access to Greenwich Village could get many of these exotic flavored papers you Canadians describe--strawberry, chocolate or decorated with American flags and such. I don't recall ether flavor though.

I bet the monkey knows all about those papers.
Tathagata said:
There on the bathroom wall
someone had written
"Except Jesus'
in black indelible marker

I wonder if Jesus would correct his spelling?
or just love him anyway

I went back to my desk
and got a red marker
and wrote above it
" Everybody had a great time at the party..."

I wonder if Jesus would laugh at that?

would seem you and quietpoet in a cynical way would agree in this pic...
and yet I see save and rescue as two different you rescued
the birds so does the christ in each of us to be that for us all....salute...

Thanks for the mention. After I wrote it, I felt that it might be like a scene from something larger. What do you think?

- J

Rybka said:
OK, there are 10 new poems today. Of the 10 there are at least three that I like. My favorite of the day is Judo‘s

If you look at the Story tags and reread the poem, you should understand why. Judo is one of the most accomplished poets of those who post on Literotica.
Ha ha. I knew you'd know.
And fun with the other's stuff. No?

- Judo

Angeline said:
Oh god. I knew you'd do this.

<takes a deep breath>

A Scattered Foam

Toes on the carpets Cara.
Hands in the Sun. Hips.
Eyes closed in mystery, tragic
Swaying like the wind's era.

Always I wonder darkly alert,
Never with hot intent. Rest.
Day's end nods peace. Dissolve.
Simplify. I watch my sins deter

Other peoples' guile. Please
For tunes they heard deceived
The mind's eye, turned off
Insight, bottomed me in bins. Two.

More distractions tear my heart: Granada
Evening, dusk at Sahara's mart with him.
JUDO said:
Ha ha. I knew you'd know.
And fun with the other's stuff. No?

- Judo

You make it fun, lol.

I don't know many people who challenge me to double acrostics. Ok, I don't know anyone else who does. It's one reason you're so precious. ;)
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