To keep the review thread clean...

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My Erotic Tale said:
Illustrated Poetry
Feeding the Black Dog by neonurotic an excellent illustrated poem with the wit and riddles of neo's poetic charm. When I grow up I wanta write like 'neo' a very good combination of literature and Art.
Thanks for the mention in your review art... already you are grown up and write poetry mighty fine.

Thanks also to RhymeFairy and 4degrees for stroking my Black Dog.


Now Serving By RyhmeFairy
all I can say is ...dig in <grinin> HOT ...
sizzling little poem by a very special poet <grin>
... definetly scrumptuious write.


Just had to say a big Thank You Art for the above mention.
I ways surfin' the threads and this one was inspired by some commentary that was runnin a'muck~ (Thanks also to Pat ~n~Flyguy69)

RhymeFairy~ :rose:

Originally Posted by : My Erotic Tale

Now Serving By RyhmeFairy
all I can say is ...dig in <grinin> HOT ...
sizzling little poem by a very special poet <grin>
... definetly scrumptuious write.


I had Thanked Art for the poem review on the wrong thread. I am posting my regrets for that here. I had forgotten about the *clean thread*. :eek:

I do also wanna again thank Art for the mention and great comments. Made my day I tell ya. :cathappy:

Pat~n~Flyguy69 were writing and having a conversation on a thread. Well, I kinda jumped in, as a result I ended up writing this poem. :rose:

So I am extremely grateful for the great reception I have received while back here on Lit. Thanks to all who comment, and vote. :kiss:

Neo~My Thanks for the *great ride* on Your Black Dog. :D

RhymeFairy~ :rose:
Angeline said:
The truth of it is that

If you look I will show you
my hands and all the secrets
of my heart, the pieces of it
I still can hold, and if you listen
there are stories waiting in graves,
in toyboxes under dinosaurs,
stories sunken everywhere
but here.

No one knows them,
but even the telling
can not put my hand back
in Grandpop's,
let us plant lilacs
together one more time.

Anyone can hear them,
but no number can ring
a voice that remembers
the dogwood tree small
and pink once upon a time.

Anyone can know
that dogwood petals
feel like kisses on skin,
but no one is her.

How could my hands be anything
but open
holding all these memories,
not just my own, but his and hers,
too many faces I ache to recall
more clearly.

How could my hands hold less
when everything weighs nothing
more than wind?

I've tried to close them.
I can't seem to grasp or clench
anything ever again, but I rest
my palms on one heart
that still beats.

This is beautiful Angeline. I can feel so much with this poem. The old and yet the new. Memories are a powerful thing huh. One never knows where they will take you. Enjoy the ride and keep a hold of your heart. I love this poem. Just thought I would say~ :)
RhymeFairy said:
This is beautiful Angeline. I can feel so much with this poem. The old and yet the new. Memories are a powerful thing huh. One never knows where they will take you. Enjoy the ride and keep a hold of your heart. I love this poem. Just thought I would say~ :)

Thank you. :)
Thank you Art, for recommending my poem Here and to those who commented on it. I suppose it does have a zen-like quality in that it's really just a bunch of images thrown hey! It's also an acrostic. You can read the theme of the poem by reading down the first letter of each line.

Judo made me do it.

Well done, Tath, and I couldn’t spell “Dippity-do” either!

grins...The reason I had to give him a hard time about it is because he mumbled about women fixing his spellings when he first wrote it. Three women, to be exact, gave him the correct spelling. :D
duckiesmut said:
grins...The reason I had to give him a hard time about it is because he mumbled about women fixing his spellings when he first wrote it. Three women, to be exact, gave him the correct spelling. :D
I had to google to be sure. (I would have made it two words, "Dippity Doo".) Apparently you can still buy the stuff! :)
I was going to

use Brylcreem
" A little dab'll do ya"
But I knew what you perverts would have made of that.

Thank you for your recommendation, I know you read everything and to have you mention my work was a pleasant surprise and an honor
( I think you're still loopy from doing the Hully-Gully)

Duckie: I swear I changed it..But I probably ran spell check over it and clicked it back.
techonology..gotta love it.
Thank you for your very kind words.
It means a lot to me that it hit you the way it did.

The fact that you took the time to mention it after two others did means alot to me.
I offer you honest thanks for the effort and for your encouragement.

The strange thing is I told Ange I just submitted these to be DONE with them
I wasn't thrilled with them but they were basically 3/4 done in my mind.
I kept going back and going back and I was tired of them
I said screw it, submitted them, and figured I'd move on.

Perhaps I'll leave them as is.
( except, of course, for Dippty Doo)

Thank to all who voted and commented

A very humbled
Don't sweat it, monkey man. Hell, I had Cathederal Grove up there blaring my typo until a week ago when I finally edited it.

:D :kiss:

P.S. You created some wonderful images.
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Thanks Pat C and Duckie for mentioning my poem in the reviews.

I was experimenting and was expecting it to get bombed but you've given me some confidence to push further.

your post has been edited because you done spammed us. no spamming please.


The Poets
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A big thank you to those who read and commented these past few days. It is SO appreciated!!

Tristesse said:
Saldne has three poems today as she refurbishes her poetic cupboard. I liked the emotionally brittle and bitter I Blame You, Daddy best of the three.

I am flattered. Thank you, Tristesse! :rose:

Even though it's on the darker side, I'm glad it's just as appreciated as the erotic poetry here.

This gives me more encouragement to not only write poetry, but to share it as well. I'm glad I started to resubmit my work again. Let's hope it's the last time I do this.

Thank you, once again.
hey my computer went up in flames...I am taking a leave of absence from poetry reveiws for awhile. Sorry to have missed Wednesday but this is the first chance I have had to post anything. I will resume at some later date when the infernal machine is working properly. Thanks Sabina.
Yeah OK

annaswirls said:
I have been gone for a short time and I have found that I cannot keep track of the cast of characters here in poetry world.

Please, if you will, check in on this thread-- if you are a poet, reader, troll, lurker, or just like to look at the pretty poet av's.... lets all check in.

Some possible information to include:

*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

*How would you describe your writing?

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work


**Please keep it brief
........ think of it as a reference for newbies or us old folks with failing memories

**Please don't post off topic
......... unless you absolutely cannot help yourself

**If you don't post your own bio within 2 weeks, I will make one up for you without hesitation. :)

*** Note: this is not part of the Patriot Act. Also please do not include your political affiliation, your social security number or your mother's maiden name.




yeah OK!
BooMerengue said:
I don't know why I waited so long to do this; Mom said I was a late bloomer. I hope she's right, cuz I'm still waitin'!

*What you hope to get out of your time at lit (please include level of critique you are looking for)

I like as much constructive critique as I can get, and there is never enough. It's how I learn.

*What do you hope to contribute to the poetry community at literotica? What role do you see yourself playing here?

I don't see much of a 'role' here for me, but I hope my work adds to the diversity here.

*How would you describe your writing?

Impulsive and undisciplined, though I do try to use as much form poetry as I can; spontaneous and mostly guesswork! lol I am still amazed when I write something that gets a really good response.

*URL to your work at lit, personal website etc.

My work...

*List of some of your favorite poems/stories you have at Lit, in case anyone wants to get a taste of your work.

These stories are part of a larger work; they are my favorites here.
Beginnings, Callie's Rest, and An old lady remembers

My favorite poems, for today, anyway, are...
The Fall, Still, and one I am amazed about it's reception, Flippy

Though you didn't ask, it has been asked on another thread, so I'll answer it here. I have work published at Eve'sHabit, MannequinEnvy, thievesjargon and admit2.

Sorry Boo - that weekend a while ago

1. my AOL was all upfucked

2. Then I found on reflection I was singularly unqualified to critique the work in question

3. Then - overall - I felt guilty about that overall and hid out for awhile

Thank you Rybka and to all who voted and commented.

and Ange that was the best comment ever left on one of my poems, Thankth

thanks Rybka for taking time to read and comment of Carvings...and thanks to flyguy for the was a difficult poem to write..going back to an experience with such a powerful person looming in the fragments of ones mind...thanks again... :rose:
Tathagata said:
days like this we'd be short haired
crew cuts for summer
cut off dungarees and keds
hunting for bottles under
well trimmed hedgerows
along main street

we'd buy punks
and then head to the firestation
10 cents for a ice cold bottle
of fanta grape or orange
and we'd perfected
the double pull
two bottle for one dime
the clankety old machine
never caught on

then over to
grahms market
its was old and warped wooden floors
a deli counter and cigarettes
if you had a note

we bought magic snake pellets
small black pellets that
would smoke when lit
and create one huge long black ash

gorged on fanata grape
sweat streaked face
black with soot
we'd finally wander home
considering the day
time well spent

I call incense punk sticks. :D
Borrower of Hearts

You say you never borrow another poet's words...
I really can't believe that, I can't believe what I heard!
Every word or phrase we use came from another
Your first poetry, no doubt, came from your mother.

I freely admit to be borrower of rhyme
And on this earth I am but a borrower of time
In the matter of love, what I think sets me apart
Is that I seek not to possess; I am just a borrower of hearts.

So let me come borrow away a portion of your heart
Larger amounts later, just tiny bits to start
I will probably return it all later rather worn, tattered and used
Like a well-read book, well-loved - not abused.

We really can only borrow- just living on borrowed time
Between good friends and fellow explorers love should not be a crime
With each love there is rhythm, a tempo making a notch in our mind
So reach out to me and be a borrower, I think you will like what you find.
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