To keep the review thread clean...

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Thank you, MET..

for that mention of HEAD ON in the reviews yesterday. Ah, haha yeah, no picture. I did the po in fancy font, for impact, but for whatever reason it did not show up the way my file appears, on my computer. I resubmitted it, as an rft and am hoping it'll show in a day or two, looking the way I intended. But I do thank you for taking notice.
Orig. Posted by:
Du Lac~

Abandon by Rhyme Fairy

Explosive and potent. This is the encore on the fourth of july fireworks. Perfect!

Just had to Thank You Du Lac for the mention, and the great comments.

I do appreciate the time all the other poets ( and friends ) take to read and comment.

I love feedback..
Good or bad..
Just please take the time to let me know why~~
So's I can fix it... :catgrin:
Thank you

Thank you. Such kind encouragement helps me have the guts to post stuff. I love the reviews, and use them often to find new people to read.

All my best,
Willow Rain said:
Thank you. Such kind encouragement helps me have the guts to post stuff. I love the reviews, and use them often to find new people to read.

All my best,
I just want to pick you up and squeeze poetry out of you it's so good! Is that encouragement?
Sugaring Off

Rybka said:
....Later on SeattleRain presents an erotic poem that brings a new meaning to ‘sugaring off’. :)
Regards, Rybka
flyguy69 said:
Just out of curiosity, what was the old meaning of "sugaring off"?
- Thanks for the question. “Sugaring off” refers to the boiling down of the sap to maple syrup or to maple sugar.

In the old days when they used to boil the sap over wood fires in open sheds out in the woods they would often have a “sugaring off” party when a batch would near completion. It was quite a sight and scene for all the senses.

Sugaring Off

You are out in the dark
naked woods of a clear night.
It is cold and frosty breath crisp
so you are well booted and bundled.
Maybe crunchy snow on the ground
perhaps a full moon, God allowing.
Possibly only stars
with the sound of the boil-fire snapping
sending hot fire-fly sparks sky-rising.

The sweet smell of bubbling syrup
mingling with the tang of wood smoke.
Old “country friends”
music from a group of neighbors
instruments to vary
potluck supper
some liquid warmth in season’s toast
for those of age enough.

The evening crowning was dessert
a ladle of the boiling sugar-thick
onto a dish of snow to crystallize.
That and a pickle sour for contrast
as you stood cold but warm
in the dark of nature’s arms
among those most dear.

Those nights are long gone now.
It was younger then

and better.

flyguy69 said:
Just out of curiosity, what was the old meaning of "sugaring off"?

The collection of maple sap to be boiled down to make maple syrup for you morning flap-jacks.
Rybka said:
- Thanks for the question. “Sugaring off” refers to the boiling down of the sap to maple syrup or to maple sugar.

In the old days when they used to boil the sap over wood fires in open sheds out in the woods they would often have a “sugaring off” party when a batch would near completion. It was quite a sight and scene for all the senses.

Sugaring Off

You are out in the dark
naked woods of a clear night.
It is cold and frosty breath crisp
so you are well booted and bundled.
Maybe crunchy snow on the ground
perhaps a full moon, God allowing.
Possibly only stars
with the sound of the boil-fire snapping
sending hot fire-fly sparks sky-rising.

The sweet smell of bubbling syrup
mingling with the tang of wood smoke.
Old “country friends”
music from a group of neighbors
instruments to vary
potluck supper
some liquid warmth in season’s toast
for those of age enough.

The evening crowning was dessert
a ladle of the boiling sugar-thick
onto a dish of snow to crystallize.
That and a pickle sour for contrast
as you stood cold but warm
in the dark of nature’s arms
among those most dear.

Those nights are long gone now.
It was younger then

and better.

That is beautiful, Rybka. Thank you for sharing it.
Thanks Rybka, for the spinner mention. It's nice to be reminded that I could write once, when stuck in the middle of my current inspiration drought. ;)
lovely poem Rybka! Thanks for the mention, and for doing the reviews :)

And THANKS DUCKIESMUT for reviewing last week-- it is nice to get a mention, and I appreciate your time :)
annaswirls said:
lovely poem Rybka! Thanks for the mention, and for doing the reviews :)

And THANKS DUCKIESMUT for reviewing last week-- it is nice to get a mention, and I appreciate your time :)
Why do I want to stick my nose in your av?
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Hi guyz and galz...thank you so much for the notice and the E, and no, no cynicism other than the fact we do, here in the free world, worship our trivial pursuits (GO SPURS)...still, what's wrong with that? Sorry about the awol status but there were (are) some health issues to deal with, not to mention that, damnit, work keeps getting in the way of my pleasure, as I am a poet by nature and not necessarily by trade. steve
flyguy69 said:
Why do I want to stick my nose in your av?

I don't know, you are the perv not me :cathappy:

but you might not want to stick your nose there

they are my ankles and I am perpetually barefoot
shhhh don't tell
I am not supposed to show them in public
annaswirls said:
I don't know, you are the perv not me :cathappy:

but you might not want to stick your nose there

they are my ankles and I am perpetually barefoot
shhhh don't tell
I am not supposed to show them in public
Sexy ankles!

Congrats on the monkey business-- I remember that wonderful poem.

:nana: hoo! hoo! hoo!
Tathagata said:
what poor miners
when we toil to extract the same ore
agony or ecstasy
over and over

our digging probes no new vein
just different alchemaic results
words wrapped
in foil, or drizzle
words tied up like a tiny coffin
or a deranged submissive
eyes glazed
in imagined expectation

where are the promised words?

black lung of depression
of lust and like
and we cough in the morning
to clear our mind

melted down into banal trinkets
that hypnotize
without gratification
vegas poetry
we read with a hard on and go home
sure we had something there

the cave wall sits
immortal and sure
and i entreat and badger
i curse with the blood of forefathers
and cajole with the breath
of myriad succubus
and still

i find the words discarded
along un-walked unwanted thoroughfares
dimes in a sewer
spoken in patois
in gutter slang

buddha winks from the depths
of a strip joint
and offers me a seat
christ lights a cigarette
and inhaling deeply tells me
of the desert trials
and looks out the window for
answers in the maple leaves

all alone

God is all alone
and these temptations provide

i weaken
and submit
to the will of the lord

the mining
can wait

Holy Shit!!! Where did that come from? :eek:

:D Good stuff.....
The_Fool said:
Holy Shit!!! Where did that come from? :eek:

:D Good stuff.....

Yeah, I wanted to echo this thought.

I know nothing about form and mechanics but I could be in the places he wanted me to see.

Thanks Thath,
I want to thank everyone who took the time in commenting on my poem, Swallow. I've been out of sorts lately so it was especially good to see kind public comments such as those. :rose:
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Liar said:
Thanks Rybka, for the spinner mention. It's nice to be reminded that I could write once, when stuck in the middle of my current inspiration drought. ;)

Liar you can still write and do it well.. I always love reading your work
Thank you

Du Lac for the mention of my poem

and to all who voted and commented

b'brig the name weather bug is actually a little program I run on my computer that tells me the temperature , humidity, heat index, etc on my tool bar.
I was looking at the numbers 82, I had the screen door open and it was only 930 in the morning.
Then I heard that heat big and the poem just came

fascinating huh?
Tathagata said:
b'brig the name weather bug is actually a little program I run on my computer that tells me the temperature , humidity, heat index, etc on my tool bar.
I was looking at the numbers 82, I had the screen door open and it was only 930 in the morning.
Then I heard that heat big and the poem just came

fascinating huh?

Hmm I think I prefered the big black bug of my imagination squatting like a stone temple dog on your chest! :rolleyes:

Fascinating? Absolutely! It's amazing what triggers our imaginations.

Makes you realise that poetry is like a verbal equation and misinterpreting or repositioning X2 or Y2 alters the answer, though of course ones answer is never wrong in poetry. :D
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