To keep the review thread clean...

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Rybka said:
If nobody else is going to review/mention poems each day, then I will stop doing it also. - I can understand somewhat on days like today, when even Annaswirls is not at her best, but there is always something to mention.

Am I just wasting my time on Thursday?

Should I quit?

hey fishy boy,
smarty pants-
I get sick of trying to look for some masterpiece inside myself :rolleyes:
I figured I will just write and post and write and post like before
shotgun approach ha!

I know that one was off the mark.
I suck at love poetry, I gotta knock it the fuck off.
Being happy kind of kills my will to write

but good news, the moon is almost on my side
and the cranky unpredictable out of her fuckin mind poet is on her way back.

for now, sleep

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annaswirls said:
hey fishy boy,
smarty pants-
I get sick of trying to look for some masterpiece inside myself :rolleyes:
I figured I will just write and post and write and post like before
shotgun approach ha!

I know that one was off the mark.
I suck at love poetry, I gotta knock it the fuck off.
Being happy kind of kills my will to write

but good news, the moon is almost on my side
and the cranky unpredictable out of her fuckin mind poet is on her way back.

for now, sleep

I think it was more of a compliment than an insult. More is expected from you. One very kind poet even slapped a Feedback disclaimer on of my recent poems, basically telling new readers that I can do a lot better. :D I hope he realizes that my email wasn't an angry one. I actually thought it was funny.
Those of us who have been here for awhile don't get off too easily when our poetry drops below a certain standard. Anyway, I'm going to go read your poem and decide for myself. :)

Fish, I'll start a new thread and see if I can figure out who is doing which day and if they are still doing it.
Rybka said:
If nobody else is going to review/mention poems each day, then I will stop doing it also. - I can understand somewhat on days like today, when even Annaswirls is not at her best, but there is always something to mention.

Am I just wasting my time on Thursday?

Should I quit?

There's always something to mention...

but if no ones going to do it neither am I?


reviewing is a lot of work
I try and take one day a week and go through 4 or 5 days worth of stuff and mention something that may have been overlooked.

I wouldn't quit because no one else is doing it...I'd quit because I didnt want to do it on a regular basis.

I know Tess said she couldn't do tues any more
I know Duckie is up to her ass in work and study and school...otherwise I have no idea who does what days.
annaswirls said:
hey fishy boy,
smarty pants-
I get sick of trying to look for some masterpiece inside myself :rolleyes:
I figured I will just write and post and write and post like before
shotgun approach ha!

that's what I'm doin' too
they can't all be gems
WickedEve said:
years ago,
nearly three,
and ten days before he left,
nasa was spoken into the recorder.

darling, i never listened
till tonight.

and how could i?
my words were shy
blushing, building
up and outward into the atmosphere.

but you,
calm like the sun,
when the sun is distant.

no wonder i circled you.
just stop touching everywhere.

i want your arms
spread out all the way. just lay there
and move your ass against the bed,
the way you would be showing me

if i was standing
at the foot,
looking down at you.

in dreams, it is peaceful in space.
i drift from one dark corner to the next,
but there are really no corners,
just stopping places when going too far left
or right seems like life.

i listen to nasa and space is a comet--all
collision out there, with me looking to crash,
crash, crash, crash...

fuck your cunt.
i'd fuck your mouth.
baby, i'm dripping cum all over the place.

cum with me.
still have more cum in you?
still have more cum?
still have more cum?

and sometimes
the affairs we speak
float beyond the corners,
hiding until we listen.
Hey! Watch where you point that pen! You could kill a man with a poem like that!
dark waters...

Thanks JC for the mention..nightmares are a terriablue thing to waste... : :cool:
Tathagata said:
that's what I'm doin' too
they can't all be gems

nope, its about the process and staying in good poetic shape...
do they have poetic personal trainers?
annaswirls said:
nope, its about the process and staying in good poetic shape...
do they have poetic personal trainers?

yes but i think they wear really silly sweatbands on their heads
flyguy69 said:
Oh my! I have to reiterate Tath's recommendation of LittleMina-- this, folks, is poetry!
Just read it and commented. I'll have to check later and see if she has more.
WickedEve said:
I think it was more of a compliment than an insult. More is expected from you. One very kind poet even slapped a Feedback disclaimer on of my recent poems, basically telling new readers that I can do a lot better. :D I hope he realizes that my email wasn't an angry one. I actually thought it was funny.
Those of us who have been here for awhile don't get off too easily when our poetry drops below a certain standard. Anyway, I'm going to go read your poem and decide for myself. :)

Fish, I'll start a new thread and see if I can figure out who is doing which day and if they are still doing it.

oh yeah, I know it was an overall compliment, thanks for the reassurance. But you are right, I gotta stop writing cute, or at least keep it in the private sector. Maybe save my cutesie sucky ones for another nic. Hmmm how about SugarWalls?

It is all good feedback, kick my butt out of la la lovey dove land :)


annaswirls said:
oh yeah, I know it was an overall compliment, thanks for the reassurance. But you are right, I gotta stop writing cute, or at least keep it in the private sector. Maybe save my cutesie sucky ones for another nic. Hmmm how about SugarWalls?

It is all good feedback, kick my butt out of la la lovey dove land :)


I write cute and mush and nonsense and I even post it. Sometimes it just oozes past you before you know it. lol
WickedEve said:
I write cute and mush and nonsense and I even post it. Sometimes it just oozes past you before you know it. lol

doncha hate when it squishes between your toes as you try to stop it down?

like a slug trail
the ooze remains

besides I have never seen mush or overly cute from you! Nonsense, well, that is a given, no respectable poet gets away without nonsense.

annaswirls said:
doncha hate when it squishes between your toes as you try to stop it down?

like a slug trail
the ooze remains

besides I have never seen mush or overly cute from you! Nonsense, well, that is a given, no respectable poet gets away without nonsense.

...little brown box,
tremble for the rip
little brown box,
crumple like tissue baby

little brown box,
butter-knifed like a bitch...

Um... I mention babies. And most are overly cute.
champagne1982 said:
Come to me dear friend
I long to have you in my mind
it's been an eternity since
we've shared
more than smiles and tears.

I want your touch on me
as I move my hands to the music
of your direction.

My lips whisper thirst into your kiss
then drop to your skin
and slake this incredible thirst.
My water of life in the midst
of this sear landscape --
my life.

Kneel over me and offer
the joy of your pleasure
in one triumphant sweep
of that baton through the air.

I love you
and how I wish
I could play
for you.

Tune me to the perfect pitch
for my audience of one
and when you listen
to this symphony, know
I perform
for you.


Ya ever read a poem, then sit transfixed
within the realm of all you have read ... felt.
This poem did this to me.

Loved the sensual flow, and the imagery
that just sparkled, as it took over ~

RhymeFairy said:

Ya ever read a poem, then sit transfixed
within the realm of all you have read ... felt.
This poem did this to me.

Loved the sensual flow, and the imagery
that just sparkled, as it took over ~


Echo That!! It's a wonderfully written poem Carrie ~ a really beautiful piece... :rose:

<bows humbly at your feet>

Well, I have to respond to this. I placed erotic poetry around the dirty talk. The dirty talk was real and honest. I wanted the real thing in my poem. I like the contrast between the dirty and the pretty poetry. I wanted that feeling of drifting in space. I tried to write that way, then bring the reader back to reality, with the not so pretty words, then drift away again, then back to the real sex talk--words that lovers do say. You know I don't just jot down mindless filth. When you see words like that in one of my poems, it's not for shock value. It's not because I'm unoriginal. Every word in my poetry is there for a reason. I really like this poem, and yes, I did consider writing the parts in italics with less fuck and cum. But no way. Not for this poem.

I'm not surprised by your opinion and I'm sure many will share it. Once again, it's a pleasure to get your take on one of my poems, fishy.
WickedEve said:
Well, I have to respond to this. I placed erotic poetry around the dirty talk. The dirty talk was real and honest. I wanted the real thing in my poem. I like the contrast between the dirty and the pretty poetry. I wanted that feeling of drifting in space. I tried to write that way, then bring the reader back to reality, with the not so pretty words, then drift away again, then back to the real sex talk--words that lovers do say. You know I don't just jot down mindless filth. When you see words like that in one of my poems, it's not for shock value. It's not because I'm unoriginal. Every word in my poetry is there for a reason. I really like this poem, and yes, I did consider writing the parts in italics with less fuck and cum. But no way. Not for this poem.

I'm not surprised by your opinion and I'm sure many will share it. Once again, it's a pleasure to get your take on one of my poems, fishy.

Worked for me
for the reasons you stated and a few others.

I didn't find it shocking at all

:kiss: :rose:
champagne1982 said:
I don't get it... But isn't Milque Toast the cockroach in Bloom County?
I think it is a French Canadian dish. A long loaf of bread sandwiched between two milky orbs.

Eve wrote a poem about it.
It’s an eponym, named after a fictional cartoon character named Caspar Milquetoast, invented by the American illustrator Harold T Webster in 1924. The strip was called The Timid Soul and appeared every Sunday in the New York Herald Tribune up to his death ...

....And the usual sense is that of a person who is timid or meek.

A reflection of his apparent shock at Eve's boobaracha's
Tathagata said:
A reflection of his apparent shock at Eve's boobaracha's

I laughed so hard and loud at 'boobarachas' that the kids came running from the back and I had to lie to them about what was so funny!!! Could that be a STC?
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