To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Another joins the ranks of guru...

minsue said:

Any words of wisdom, Guru Fawnie? ;)

uhm, i don't do well under pressure, well that's a lie nevermind!

dance today and everyday like it's your last, because then you know they're going to bury you with a smile!:D
Min, a :rose:

I know that feeling. Good poem, heartbreaking subject.
minsue said:
She shuffled to the piano
painfully, slowly,
by the daughter
she no longer recalls.

Gnarled, stiff hands,
so fragile and thin,
grasp at sheet music
as unfamiliar as hieroglyphs.

She stared at those pages
and down at the keys
before finally, haltingly
plinking random notes

This woman, once renowned
for her independence,
her stubbornness,
now frail and lost
within a home
she can't remember.

Playing piano in her
own private hell.

You should post that one, Min... its wonderful! Thank you.
Re: Thanks JC

tarablackwood22 said:
originally posted by JCStreet

TARA BLACKWOOD is a diarist in

the wails of witch hazel

a rich videotape of morning vignettes -
folks out and about on their lawful occasions--caught in the
camera's eye--frozen for a moment we
see their caught faces and then
hear their talk, laughter, joshing, earnest
discussions.....she personalizes it - brings it into our own experience - just change the names - slap on a bit of mutatis mutandis and it's OUR town too.

Why isn't this woman a columnist for the Chi Tribune?? (does that paper still exist?? - 100s don't)


is my wooing improving
Thank you, JC :heart: :heart:
UI was born about 1100yards

Angeline said:
Don't be makin me blush now you Liar you. ;)

Ok. I have coffee and Van Morrison is rockin out some blues. I'll stop this half-alsleep swaying and go review poemies. Swirly love and mini sweet, if I ain't back with em in about an hour I'll come a callin. :) :kiss:

from van's place

I was on Grand Parade--he was squalling into being on Cypress Avenue

I love his TB Sheets - they all used to get TB in Britain because it was so fuckin' filthy and expensive to heat
You have a sweet tone to you Angeline

Angeline said:
Ah but first I must thank Carlie for his excellent critiques and all of you who wrote such beautiful comments on my poem Nothing, which was real and yes, of course I felt and do but not that day. It was easier to be a rock that day. One of my best friends died--in an entirely separate incident--that same day. It was the worst week of my life, but as you see--I survived. You are all kind, lovely people. :rose:

And yes, I'm so so Needy. And venal. Of course I want that country house. Who wouldn't? Thanks for the good words, poets. :)


1. subj. refers.
Sundat reviews

Thanks neo for the mention of that one.

Just chalk up the cryptic to one of My moods - when the leather longs to be lifted and nothing nor one is near to cradle the landing of it.... Nor hear its singing

Razz :devil:
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Re: Re: Re: Thanks JC

lipsticksunset1984 said:
....your taste in poetry sure is! :eek:

:heart: :heart:

because I always wrote in a vacuum--I've made it a practice in life to avoid writers like the plague--avoid their hubris and weekend workshops and pub talk (unless they actually WERE writers--a tiny subset of the so-called writer chort)

this is the first time I've been involved in an ongoing workshop with others

just glad it happened before I got old (cough) [flexes muscles]
cohort--not chort

because I always wrote in a vacuum--I've made it a practice in life to avoid writers like the plague--avoid their hubris and weekend workshops and pub talk (unless they actually WERE writers--a tiny subset of the so-called writer chort)

this is the first time I've been involved in an ongoing workshop with others

just glad it happened before I got old (cough) [flexes muscles]

chort may be a distant relative of "chert" which itself is some kind of thing that geologists peer at
Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks JC

because I always wrote in a vacuum--I've made it a practice in life to avoid writers like the plague--avoid their hubris and weekend workshops and pub talk (unless they actually WERE writers--a tiny subset of the so-called writer chort)

this is the first time I've been involved in an ongoing workshop with others

just glad it happened before I got old (cough) [flexes muscles]

There are a lot of people here glad about it too. :rose:

mouthfire -new poem.

a treason of roses -new poem.
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Re:New Poems Peview

Lastly, toungetied2u laments liquid gold—a shiny emotional piece.

Thanks for rhe mention neo. Thanks for all your work on the reviews.:rose: ;)

I was hoping for more

More? For god's sake man--there are about 30 volumes of the thing. You'll be catatonic. :)


note to self: use this line on darkmaas
Re: UI was born about 1100yards

from van's place

I was on Grand Parade--he was squalling into being on Cypress Avenue

I love his TB Sheets - they all used to get TB in Britain because it was so fuckin' filthy and expensive to heat

I am very taken with Van's The Phislosopher's Stone these days. Wonderful stuff. :)
Good morning Ang and Carl!

Hope you're on the Bright Side of the Road today!
Just passing thru...:D :kiss:

tarablackwood22 said:
:confused: :confused: :confused:


3rd time I posted in the wrong thread.

I'm in need of some sort of medication!! :eek:

how would you like that administered??:D

i think you need Coffee
Re: Good morning Ang and Carl!

tungtied2u said:
Hope you're on the Bright Side of the Road today!
Just passing thru...:D :kiss:

I am now! We lost electricity for about an hour, but it's back so it is both literally and figuratively brighter now. :D

Hope you're well today my friend.

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