To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Summer Sonnet

Angeline said:
The sky is made of marble, blue gray streak,
and the willow green iridescent sways
in summer's moist grass-scented haze oblique
as memory of other years allays
the small apartment and the tiny room
where music plays, where poetry is born
in tears and laughter, even in the gloom
of rain or breaking night, so Sun's not worn
from care or pain. Each day the dawn breaks light
like lemon sliced in tea, so sweet and tart
that underneath the darker taste of fright
is swallowed. Let the morning sing its heart,
its freedom taken in small bites, its dreams
built warm in shaded season's burnished gleams.

Wow! Just wow. You really are amazing.

Thank you all!

I would like to thank all of you who have read Binding Chords, and especially those who have left comments, Angeline, TaraBlackwood, Tathagata, Bluerains and flyguy69.
I feel very fortunate to have stumbled onto this site, and all the wonderful writers here. You have all been helpful and inspirational. Not just brothers and sisiters in poetry, but muses as well.
In case I haven't kissed up enough yet....:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :D
AACK! It's Tuesday!

Sorry to all. I forgot to review poems today. I'll get 6/29's poems tomorrow, though it'll be late again. :rolleyes:

40 lashes for me.

Anyone feel like doing the honors? :D

Re: Re: Re: AACK! It's Tuesday!

minsue said:
I knew I could count on you...;)

More if I forget tomorrow, too

I'll remind you, though I do love doling out punishment.



Now sleep, Goose!

Poets --

Syndra is unable to do her reviews today, and Tath and I have agreed to fill in for her this week and split them.

There have been no reviews since neo's on Sunday, and that is not a good thing.

They'll be up later on.....sometime today.

:kiss: Tara
thanks Tara!

annaswirls returns from her three-day escapade in the woods with three poems, and I'm sure she has a bagful, courtesy of her loving trees and streams.

circular symbiosis absolutely floored me....anna shows her incredible versatility with a style that is different from her usual, more lyrical in language and flow. Here's a sample:

they forward me instructions from the splash zone
as I fold distractions into leaf boats
sending them down stream one by one.
"Away! Away with you!"
all bay bound until we are alone

Anna's other two offerings are equally impressive. Make sure to take a walk with her inwaiting for Sophie , and read her almost haikuishbutterfly .

Thanks Tara! It was a wonderful trip my spirit aged and my body got younger, I wrote about a hundred poems. I decided to stretch them out :)

All three poems are just 100% what happened-- kind of narrating my trip, these were two of the VERY few people I saw and said more than "Hi" to. Very isolated. Gotta do it more often.

I did speak to a lot of birds, trees and butterflies.

they are so fucking insightful!

Thanks Tath and Tara for yeoman's work on those reviews and for mentioning my two poems--even if Liar doesn't want to hear about semantics from me. :D
Angeline said:
Thanks Tath and Tara for yeoman's work on those reviews and for mentioning my two poems--even if Liar doesn't want to hear about semantics from me. :D

perhaps he's just anti semantic....
Thanks Tara

For the mention of my poem, Snake in the grass, I much appreciate it. :rose:

Innuendos were only half implied ;) seriously—the jest was to capture a moment in words like a snapshot.

Thanks again!

- neo
A :rose: to Tathagata for his nod to my Fiona today.

And a :rose: to you who posted feedback and comments. Much appriciated.
Randi Grail said:
A :rose: to Tathagata for his nod to my Fiona today.

And a :rose: to you who posted feedback and comments. Much appriciated.

it was my pleasure
a wonderful piece
Tathagata said:

Hyperbatic -Lauren Hynde

I am not even remotely qualified to attempt this poem
I know that Hyperbatic refers to the changing of word orders ..
But, like a man listening to jazz, i can appreciate the music but can't even grasp the complexities
It has some stunning images:
Through the walls, the reptilian whispers
and poison;
through the waters, the eagles with floating and fulgent bones
and the tall trees of intimate seas
below the oceans and coral islands
with lit florescence
of neon and anemones.
How do you critique something that makes you see and feel something beyond your grasp?
Lauren's work is always a revelation
Read it
That is all I can say without stumbling all over myself
Thank you, Tathagata, for mentioning my poem and the best possible compliment: "How do you critique something that makes you see and feel."

That's what it's all about. ;)

Also, thank you to Maria, Eve, Fawnie, Liar (who left comments) and all others who read and voted. :rose:
Thanks to all who've commented on my two most recent poetry submissions. I've been busy the past week so there's been a shortage of time to visit the forum and stay more than caught up with everyone. You've all been writing some great poems and I've been enjoying getting through the ones I haven't had the time to read.

I was disappointed that there were no Monday and Tuesday poetry reviews. [taking back=bone of contention]I note now that, yes, the review thread is important and a definite time saver. [/taking back].

Again, thanks to my public commentors on poems such as Formalities or my latest, (one of the Monday poems that moved onto page 2 of the new poems list quite quickly, what with the surfeit of poems on Tuesday) Guiltless.
Tara's review

tarablackwood22 said:
Cordelia is a poet whose work always thrills me, and today is no exception. She offersWaiting Room , a gorgeous poem of form and flow:

I sigh in spectrums under-toned,
with passions held in color-fast
while rapture waits in time I’ve loaned

Read it all!!


:heart: Tara

Thank you for the kind words about my feeble little villanelle. I was actually sitting in a waiting room reading about all these people who signed up for the first commercial flight to the moon right after the 1969 moon landing. They were promised seats on the flight as soon as it was commercially available. It all seemed so full of hope, even after 35 years. I thought about this and my impatience in a waiting room...

I love life's subtle ironies...

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Re: AACK! It's Tuesday!

minsue said:
Sorry to all. I forgot to review poems today. I'll get 6/29's poems tomorrow, though it'll be late again. :rolleyes:

40 lashes for me.

Anyone feel like doing the honors? :D


stands to one side--hands folded--black leather mask in place--not wanting to be the first to break the silence
scary thoughts

Okay, so tonight whilst looking for a home for some of my stray poems...(such scraggly mutts):catroar:

I type in "Erotic Poetry journals" or something like that

one of the first hits turns out to be a site run by one of my




I closed that window damn quick and ran like the wind.....
back to the safety of....

um...I wonder how many of them are here at literotica eek.
I guess I should behave and put some pants on.


added: your children are safe, I am out of the profession and no I never wore those boots in the classroom.
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ohhhhh that was delicious fun! thanks for adding Ang!
Re: calico kitty litter

Mia Moore said:
( with really HUGE apologies to neonurotic and all other vegans, cat lovers, et al)

calico kitty parts litter roadside
marring an otherwise scenic view
imagine this-

returning from farmer's market
kristen said, let's take the long way, again
and kitty still there though
this time not alone

tufts of fluff, orange protrude
from beaks of buzzards black
as tar against the morning haze
carrion hasnt had time to raze
the pitiful body of the Risinger's cat

turn around car and go back
take another look, delicious
breakfast where you find it
roadside buffet, no cows
in the way, innards glisten
against freshly mowed grass

was kitty chasing crickets
when she ran into the road?
I guess we'll never know

mama mia!
eagleyez said:
playing bass
like the scrawny tshirt
in guadalcanal diary
at Eisntiens on the beach
all ages-

we danced in the water at
1 am,
just down the sand
from the Watusi Rodeo
and bodysurfed
in the moonlit foam
till shirts
clung to chests
and whitewaterwaves
yanked shorts clean off-
hang on to em with your ankle and
kiss me salty.

you sent me on vacation in only 19 lines!! excellent poem, I hope you post this, amade me want to do body shots off muscular college guys and dance nude till the sun comes up :)

I am unwell - I read them eagerly every day so am aware that some may be disappointed.
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