To keep the review thread clean...

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Tristesse said:
Do you remember how it was?
The three of us, too short to reach
so we stood
on that up-turned bucket
to reach the lowest branch
and scrambled, monkey-like
the rest of the way.

Oh! Those sun-warmed cherries
coming in twos and threes to a stem.
"Look! I have earings."
Peering through the foliage
giggling silly.
Spitting fleshless pits and
hitting the target
all of a foot away.

Afterwards. back home
- red-lipped and sticky,
we discussed, soto voce,
how to explain the red splotched
white T-shirts.

happy independance day!

hope everyone's enjoying being with friends and family this weekend.. atleast enjoying some fireworks and some bubbly!

cheers!!:kiss: :kiss:
Mornin ms fawnie and back atcha. :)

I'm enjoying some coffee at the moment and considering additional snoozing. Aren't fireworks fun? I used to go to a park next to a river--sit on the bank and watch them across the river. (And I knew the best place to park too, lol.) This year though--I don't want to get caught in the 2-hour traffic jam afterwards. Maybe I'll go write about them instead.

I am buying sparklers later though. :D
Angeline said:
Mornin ms fawnie and back atcha. :)

I'm enjoying some coffee at the moment and considering additional snoozing. Aren't fireworks fun? I used to go to a park next to a river--sit on the bank and watch them across the river. (And I knew the best place to park too, lol.) This year though--I don't want to get caught in the 2-hour traffic jam afterwards. Maybe I'll go write about them instead.

I am buying sparklers later though. :D

fireworks are the best part! we're 20 mins from st paul which even back when i was in college had the best fireworks i have ever seen, and of course synchronized to our fav radio station here;) so we're going to see them tonight

the birds are singing to me, i'm sippin coffee too, and there's no way this restless heart of mine is gonna let me sleep, waiting for the coffee to wake the brain abit so i can write something meaningful:rolleyes:

fawnie said:
fireworks are the best part! we're 20 mins from st paul which even back when i was in college had the best fireworks i have ever seen, and of course synchronized to our fav radio station here;) so we're going to see them tonight

the birds are singing to me, i'm sippin coffee too, and there's no way this restless heart of mine is gonna let me sleep, waiting for the coffee to wake the brain abit so i can write something meaningful:rolleyes:


Did you go to the uni there? I have a relative who taught there for many years. :D

It's a mite chilly up here in New England, and a mosquito just bit me on the foot damnit!

Angeline said:
Did you go to the uni there? I have a relative who taught there for many years. :D

It's a mite chilly up here in New England, and a mosquito just bit me on the foot damnit!

i did go to uni here, anong other places. geeez i dread saying it's been nearly 20 years since the start of my college days.
and yes it's been cold here too ever since we rolled into town...a nice healthy reminder why i'm living in the south now. and the bugs are so bad this year i'm thinking we might just watch the fireworks from the car.
:D ok that in all reallity will not happen but i'm wearing a space suit or something!
Holy Bananas


My first Editor's Choice poem! Sonate (ad libitum) a violin I thought I'd write a poem about a virtuoso and his violin. As I was researching the difference between the ornamentation notes of tremelo and vibrato, I saw the break down of the 4 movements in a classic Sonata. The tempo and expression of each strophe somewhat echoes the style and rhythm of the music ;) thus the frosting.

I hope you all enjoy the read!
Angeline said:
Did you go to the uni there? I have a relative who taught there for many years. :D

It's a mite chilly up here in New England, and a mosquito just bit me on the foot damnit!


where are you in new england - I weekended at isle la motte VT for many years and sojourned in various parts of Maine and Atkinson NH

had some romantic intrigue in Boston too but that was back when men still worse spats.


(I'm actually trying to sell mione on E-Bay at the moment
where are you in new england - I weekended at isle la motte VT for many years and sojourned in various parts of Maine and Atkinson NH

had some romantic intrigue in Boston too but that was back when men still worse spats.


(I'm actually trying to sell mione on E-Bay at the moment
Ebay is what I'm doing right now. I swear you practically have to give away your Ngady aMwaashs and Mohongwe Reliquary figures now. Too much competition! I just listed a Pende Fetish, which I suspect is really Songye. Oh well... back to wheeling and dealing and trying to write a prose poem. :)
WickedEve said:
Ebay is what I'm doing right now. I swear you practically have to give away your Ngady aMwaashs and Mohongwe Reliquary figures now. Too much competition! I just listed a Pende Fetish, which I suspect is really Songye. Oh well... back to wheeling and dealing and trying to write a prose poem. :)

I never sold stuff on ebay, but I bought a whole lotta Pokemon toys there from Japan before you could get it in the USA. My son was ahead of his time, and it was all he wanted for Christmas one year. :D

Oh yeah and I got the Spice Girls change purse for my daughter. You think this stuff is easy to find?
Angeline said:
I never sold stuff on ebay, but I bought a whole lotta Pokemon toys there from Japan before you could get it in the USA. My son was ahead of his time, and it was all he wanted for Christmas one year. :D

Oh yeah and I got the Spice Girls change purse for my daughter. You think this stuff is easy to find?
Want to buy a fertility doll? I have one. I don't use it, though. God no! :D
WickedEve said:
Ebay is what I'm doing right now. I swear you practically have to give away your Ngady aMwaashs and Mohongwe Reliquary figures now. Too much competition! I just listed a Pende Fetish, which I suspect is really Songye. Oh well... back to wheeling and dealing and trying to write a prose poem. :)

selling fetishes??
how quaint

How much for you in heels , black lipstick, and you call me Mr Mcvein??
Tathagata said:
selling fetishes??
how quaint

How much for you in heels , black lipstick, and you call me Mr Mcvein??
Oh, that reminds me! I almost forgot about my "assignment" tonight. I'm suppose to get gussied up big time and take pics. The story behind it is really naughty. Naughty. Go ahead and ask me how naughty. Ask!
WickedEve said:
You find black lipstick amusing but not the name Mr. Mcvein? lol

I find black lipstick *on* Mr. McVein pretty amusing though...
Angeline said:
I find black lipstick *on* Mr. McVein pretty amusing though...
Well, that depends on how it got on there. :eek:
Maybe Mr. McV just likes to look pretty.
WickedEve said:
Well, that depends on how it got on there. :eek:
Maybe Mr. McV just likes to look pretty.

Nothing wrong with that.

I once took a magic marker and drew a little happy face on every one of my toes. They looked like they were saying hello. It was at a party. I was in college then, what can I say...I was obviously under the influence of something or other...

Was it wrong to tell you this?
I hear Eve's goin' on a photo shoot tonight

I sure wouldn't wanna ask her about that

Capt Kangaroo


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WickedEve said:
I meant to say, "Please ask me, Mr. Mcvine." Or was it vein?

ok tell me
now that i've eaten burnt meant and had 15 or so beers.........

tell me eveykins
WickedEve said:
Well, that depends on how it got on there. :eek:
Maybe Mr. McV just likes to look pretty.

ever hear Little Richard's version of " I Feel Pretty"?

rock and roll history
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