To keep the review thread clean...

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SeattleRain said:
precise V7 rolling ball fine point

scratch a request drop it into my box
the word whore is IN

check tomorrow
return address request
of the cyber poetess
slut with the hostesses apron
strings included
snipped upon request

kicked from the nest

but not before
opening my poem wide
for the plunge and plunder

just leave the compliment
on the side trable
a pat on the head
good girl poem whore

and if you are really good
rtommorow I may say you are
the best
as a tip

perhaps asking you about your
childhood and inspiration

just stroking your ego
as I stroke my

thinking of new ways to defy
the laws of physics
and man
with a backward twist of metaphor
twirling like a thread between
fingers not sleeping untuil

you come and come and come back for more
mind fuck from the poem whore

wowy! talk about a mind fuck! chit! lol
originally posted by Liar

Lipsticksunset1984 impresses with heat , a poem that creeps under my skin. It described heat (and we talk about weather here, nothing else) in a way the doesn't make me sweat, but makes me feel the sun burn at my skin.

dogs’ tongues dripped
and dried,
cats clawed and killed
for shade.

worms withered.

men who had cried
over the same deaths
drew knives
over parking spaces.

Jay-sus, that's sharp penning.

:heart: :heart: Thank you, Liar.
neonurotic said:
Angeline also presents to beauties, July 4th, Some Other Year and Wildwood Crest. The latter could easily be a prose poem, as it such a great slice of life.

- neo
[/b] [/B]

Thank you dear neo and all who commented on these two poems. Wildwood Crest received a lot more attention than I expected. It's just a memory from a teenaged summer spent living at the beach and working as a waitress (illegally, I was underaged but I said I was 18). I still have a photo of Ricky, too, one of those photos you take in those little booths that are all over the boardwalk. :)

And special thanks to Tara, whose Seaside poem in the passion thread got me thinking and wanting to write. That was the beach I usually went to when I was a kid, Tara. :kiss:
neonurotic said:
My recommendations for today, begin with Liar. He earned his first 'E' from the editor with Interim Denizens
Congrats on the 'E', but even more, for writing such a fine poem as this preview:
Thank you neo, and good of ya to come back and cover ass right after getting ass covered. :)

Now, was that an E ever misplaced. Not that I don't appriciate it, as well as all the great feedback and comments...


...but I got it for a poem that is the least thought through and written with the least ambition in months. A new age-ish wierdo trip sprinkled with whatever stuck in high school history class. I cringed when submitting it, and as soon as I saw it up, I wanted to edit things. :rolleyes:

I was advised not long ago to select a handful of my best poems and submit them to some poetry zines. Now, this poem today is a clear indicator that I need a personal assistant when it comes to things like that. Since I obviously can't tell my head from my arse. :D

Liar said:
Now, this poem today is a clear indicator that I need a personal assistant when it comes to things like that. Since I obviously can't tell my head from my arse. :D


Post pictures of both & I'll see if I can help.

- Mindy, job application at the ready ;)
minsue said:
Post pictures of both & I'll see if I can help.

- Mindy, job application at the ready ;)
Which one is this?

Re: lipstint sunset

SeattleRain said:
what color are your lips, ticksunset?
I will tint my legs to match after the

purple nerple
grin and gurgle
whistle for the thistle
lie back in the lilac

challenge before
I rhyme againm

god how I want to delete but
this will be moy penance

submit reply
and cry

I would very much like to meet you down anna's basement!! :D
knock knock - excuse this where I come to thank neo for mentioning my poems? I've lost my way in the maze of threads.

So, neo - if you're out there - thank you! Thanks too, to all who commented and voted.

Re: Poem Review

Reltne said:

Don't include your review in your public comment, just say where to go to read it. ;)

It takes me a couple of hours to do my review, so I write them on the comments, that way I don't have a page open under the forum, posting to it every two minutes, because I would probably lose it like I did a month or so ago if lit goes down during the two hours I'm working on it. This way, it's there, and printed and I can just copy it. Also, It was suggested that people like to read their review on the thread, and people that don't read the poetry forum also have access to the review.
Re: Re: Poem Review

perks said:
It takes me a couple of hours to do my review, so I write them on the comments, that way I don't have a page open under the forum, posting to it every two minutes, because I would probably lose it like I did a month or so ago if lit goes down during the two hours I'm working on it. This way, it's there, and printed and I can just copy it. Also, It was suggested that people like to read their review on the thread, and people that don't read the poetry forum also have access to the review.
1.) Write in Word. This allows you to save no matter what the net does, and to spell check also. (Literotica uses an old vB script that does not have that feature. The newer scripts do.)

2.) Just referring should draw more people to this forum. (But maybe that is not wanted??)

Hey, Perky? There's nothin wrong with your reviews nor the way you post them. What is it w/ these newbies- JC and Reltne wantin to change everything? Reltne? Why would you think we don't want new blood here? For your info, the only person I know well here is Angeline and Maria... I don't know Perks at all... I do know I've been posting on these boards for almost 3 yrs and heve never had a problem.

Sit down. Relax. Enjoy and be welcomed. It's a friendly place and you can learn a lot. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Poem Review

Reltne said:

2.) Just referring should draw more people to this forum. (But maybe that is not wanted??)


You'd rather no reviews or mentions then? (Maybe that would be more helpful??)
Chill out, everyone. Reltne is just saying that if you send a message to the new poets directing them to this board instead of posting the entire critique as a public comment, you'd force them to come here to see it. It's a valid point.

He never said anything about not getting mentions or reviews. That's just stupid. :rolleyes:
Lauren Hynde said:
Chill out, everyone. Reltne is just saying that if you send a message to the new poets directing them to this board instead of posting the entire critique as a public comment, you'd force them to come here to see it. It's a valid point.

He never said anything about not getting mentions or reviews. That's just stupid. :rolleyes:
Missed the hullabaloo. I acree with Porto chick. Chill, friends.

Just wanted to say that my IP is still blocked from sending feedback mails. That's why I post the reviews as PC.

I have PMed Laurel and mailed the webmaster address about it, but without result. Laurel replied once that it was fixed, but it never was. :(

Poem Reviewing

2.) Just referring should draw more people to this forum. (But maybe that is not wanted??)


You'd rather no reviews or mentions then? (Maybe that would be more helpful??)
No, I was suggesting that the designated reviewer only might draw more people to this site by not posting her review in the Public Comments; just a direction of where to go to find it. Everyone else should be encouraged to post PCs (Hint! Hint!) :)

:rose: :kiss: :rose:
So, I should just say, I posted what I thought on the new poems thread, that way they'll come here? Is that the whole point?

That's fine, however, I do say that in the title of all my reviews. I just happen to post my review in both places. It gives them a choice of coming over if they want to, or just reading what I have to say anyway in case they don't. I don't want to push anyone into taking more of their time to do something they don't want to do, just to get more numbers into the forum.

I think the word thing is still a good idea, But I think I'm still going to write my reviews and post them how I do and where I do. It works for me. And not everyone does it that way, every reviewer is different, and I'm ok with that. I hope you can be ok with that too.

If you'd like more people to come over you could email them and give them a specific invite and tell them why you'd like them here. That's always worked for me, and It's how I came over. You guys are probably kicking yourself over that now. *grin*

have a great day all, I'm on a break from my day, and I'll get back to you later.

btw, I didn't take offense to the suggestion, nor did I expect anyone else too. It wasn't offensive by nature, unlike me when I have a suggestion. *bigger grin*.
...and I didn't mean to offend, either. I don't have a lot of tact sometimes, and get misunderstood a lot. :confused:
BooMerengue said:
Hey, Perky? There's nothin wrong with your reviews nor the way you post them. What is it w/ these newbies- JC and Reltne wantin to change everything? Reltne? Why would you think we don't want new blood here? For your info, the only person I know well here is Angeline and Maria... I don't know Perks at all... I do know I've been posting on these boards for almost 3 yrs and heve never had a problem.

Sit down. Relax. Enjoy and be welcomed. It's a friendly place and you can learn a lot. :rose:

Reltne? I hope you don't think I'm being mean; I'm not. I just speak my mind and sometimes it doesn't read so well. I do the same w/ my mouth and get in trouble a lot.

What I do see here is a circle of friends... some better than others and a lot of chitter chatter that's typical of any group of buds. But NEVER have I seen anyone be deliberately rude to anyone, and newbies really are welcomed- we ALL like to see new styles and new voices. We'd love for you to be part of that circle.

I only said what I did cuz it seems like all of a sudden folks are wanting to rock the boat and (not you in this case) take over whats been workin pretty well for quite awhile. So if I sounded abrupt- I truly am sorry.
Reviewer Needed

JC will not be doing Thursday reviews for awhile. I would cover for this Thursday, but I'll be in the hospital. Can anyone do this Thursday, maybe cover Thursdays for awhile?
Thank you to the reviewers for the recent and kind mentions on my poems. It's greatly appreciated.
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