To keep the review thread clean...

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Everyone else

left town! And for good reason. Them's bullets was flying. I may be the only townsperson who lived to tell the tale.
Well done gunslingers. Now empty out those extra bullets and let's have a drink or 3.:D
Thanks to all of you for the feedback and/or public comments on my HyperSleep. It's always appreciated!

However... I'm a bit riled up about this one...

Mom always said "Sleep on it" so I will. Then I'll let my mouth overload my ass... on the HyperChallenge thread- not here! LOL
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Re: July 22 Part 1

WickedEve said:
I suppose I'm still Thursday Reviewer. I read most of the poems. I'm still reading. There's some excellent writing in the new poems list.

Here are some that have caught my eye and refused to let it go:


Amante IX
We need only to watch the sky,
to breathe against the madre flesh of night,
and know that morning whispers by and by

Nine Amante poems and the level of excellence continues.


I'll stop here and continue reading and reviewing. :)

Un millón agradecen, mi belleza traviesa.

~ E
Re: Re: Re: July 22 Part 1

Tathagata said:
did she call you a million dollar monkey??

Boy does your Espanol suck! LOL! I think she said wicked beauty or something like that. And a man with your AV should so NOT be asking about million-dollar monkeys. :D

Re: Re: Re: Re: July 22 Part 1

Angeline said:
Boy does your Espanol suck! LOL! I think she said wicked beauty or something like that. And a man with your AV should so NOT be asking about million-dollar monkeys. :D


I yam what I yam
Bust a gut

I rarely come to the lit boards but, because of a recent absence, have relied upon the reviewers recommendations to help me get caught up. So I stop in just now, read some reviews, then Tathagata's response to Eleanora's thank you, and promptly blow a mouthfull of chips all over my keyboard. Too damn funny! I've got to go clean up.

Thanks, though, to Eve for her citation of Seduction Proof Skin.

originally posted by Wicked Eve

hour of the pearl

across the palm of god,
freezing the sun
below its waking
so the flash of heaven
will not spoil your image.

It's difficult to choose which lines to offer you here when the entire poem consists of overlapping perfection.


:rose: Thanks, Eve. :rose:
your favorite scene by WickedEve
"you can afford perversions when you're brilliant" starts this poem, and thus also speaks autobiographically about itself. It is brilliant, and can therefore afford to be this really erotically twisted.

Thanks liar.
I'm erotically twisted.
october odyssey is bloody brilliant. Poetry at its best

Thank you Syndra, but my october odyssey is now scheduled for September... september sojourn?
Liar said:

~ Touching the sun
by neonurotic
Here is a poem so ram packed with individual killer lines that it is almost ridiculous when read together. It becomes even better when we're treated to an illustration perfectly both enhancing and counterpointing the tone of the poem. And it's a cool picture in itself too.

Thank you Liar for taking the time to mention, look at and read my poem, ~ Touching the sun. I'd also like to thank those who left public comments and voted as well.

The art came to being a whole month before the poem was conceived and oddly it didn't turn out the way I thought it might. I was thinking it would be a happy uplifting thang.

Thanks again,

- neo
Give me a few hours, and mine will be up. I think I saw 16-17 that I was interested in from today's list. Was there an automotive poetry challenge that I missed? Just checking. *grin*

see y'all in a bit, start being scared now, everyone except Tris, cause she wrote a goddamn sonnet, and god knows I know nada about those. *laughing*

perks said:
. . .
Claming in Claimed Watersby Reltne
*ahem* "clamming"
You could remove this section
A stone lies facedown
man, woman, two kids in a face
the waves turn in the dark
and you will be seen
you and me
we will be seemed
as clams
in water claimed
to be steamed in one stolen swollen hour.

and the poem that's left would be more. This first part confuses me, and doesn't flow, verbally or structurally or in imagery with the rest of it, and the rest of it is stronger.
rimmed in a blue hive of sky
where the blood rush of life's possibilities
is the biggest buzz

is breathtaking. And how that, and the previous section come from the same poem is beyond me.
. . .


Uh, . . . I could say I was chumming for a YDD comment, ;) but actually I was trying all kinds of variants of "Claimed Waters", fishing, raking, etc. I finally decided to go with clearest, and I typed the title instead of cut and pasting. However, I just checked and my copy of WORD likes one "M" and flags the double, although Google agrees with you. (For anyone who doesn't know, "claimed waters" are those areas of the bay, those clam beds, which are registered to specific users. The state grants the right for only one person/family to harvest clams there. Kind of like a gold prospector's claim, and maybe more valuable, the area is off limits to everyone else for clam(m)ing.)

I understand your criticism, perks, and accept it (although this was supposed to be posted on an unperky day :p :rose: ;) ), but the poem is also an exercise in word use, and that change would also require a new title. Perhaps after it has sat awhile I may come more toward your viewpoint.

Thankyou for the mention and for finding some things you liked. :rose:


Reltne said:

Uh, . . . I could say I was chumming for a YDD comment, ;) but actually I was trying all kinds of variants of "Claimed Waters", fishing, raking, etc. I finally decided to go with clearest, and I typed the title instead of cut and pasting. However, I just checked and my copy of WORD likes one "M" and flags the double, although Google agrees with you. (For anyone who doesn't know, "claimed waters" are those areas of the bay, those clam beds, which are registered to specific users. The state grants the right for only one person/family to harvest clams there. Kind of like a gold prospector's claim, and maybe more valuable, the area is off limits to everyone else for clam(m)ing.)

I understand your criticism, perks, and accept it (although this was supposed to be posted on an unperky day :p :rose: ;) ), but the poem is also an exercise in word use, and that change would also require a new title. Perhaps after it has sat awhile I may come more toward your viewpoint.

Thankyou for the mention and for finding some things you liked. :rose:


I thought it was a good poem. I even enjoyed some of the imagery in the beginning, although I was a bit confused here
A stone lies facedown
man, woman, two kids in a face
the waves

how am I to read that?
a stone lies facedown <pause>
man,<pause> woman<pause> two kids in a face <pause>
down <pause>
the waves<pause>

a stone lies facedown, pretty straightforward, no question there. But then, the family.. man, woman, two kids...okaaaaay, then it gets weird for me "in a face down the waves" that doesn't make sense to me, so say "man, woman, two kids in a face" which sort of reads like I don't know, maybe a person's face shows their family's history? <I'm reaching. but then I have "down the waves" and I really don't have any idea what down the waves means.

Could you maybe walk me through that part?

Also, it's pretty clear, and then you say "we will be seemed" I don't get that... If it were "seamed" like a clam, that would make more sense, but I don't know if that's what you mean or not.

That's why I got rid of that first part, it's all about clarity.

And you love perky day, admit it. :D heh,

On a personal note I have no hatemail yet *bonus*
Happy Perky Day!

Thank you thank you thank you for giving my poem a mindful, thoughtful critique-- I did not even NOTICE that I used the tendon twice and will fix it and the subject-verb agreement thing pronto.

It all started was written back when I first came here, I took it off when it got onto Eve's site, and now I cut the sucker in half and played with the words. Now I will go play more!

annaswirls said:
Happy Perky Day!

Thank you thank you thank you for giving my poem a mindful, thoughtful critique-- I did not even NOTICE that I used the tendon twice and will fix it and the subject-verb agreement thing pronto.

It all started was written back when I first came here, I took it off when it got onto Eve's site, and now I cut the sucker in half and played with the words. Now I will go play more!


you're welcome sugah, it's just a leetle tweeking, er twwwweetching. hehheh.
I suppose you're expecting me to thank you for mentioning Suspension - well I'm not going to because I didn't want attention drawn to such a piece of crap. I would have pulled it but it was pushed out there too quickly.

I'm off to hug a tree, then I'll feel better.

Thanks, I guess.

no one seems to be chit chatting these days!!!

i'm bored at work, how sad is that? ..and these threads have grown silent.

someone come tickle my funny bone..or somethin!:D

helloooo poets and monkeys!
i guess i'm going to have to play with myself..i mean by myself:eek:

anyone care to watch:devil: :cool:

at this rate i'll never get to a hundred! grrr
Re: Re: OOPS!

perks said:
I thought it was a good poem. I even enjoyed some of the imagery in the beginning, although I was a bit confused here
A stone lies facedown
man, woman, two kids in a face
the waves

how am I to read that?
a stone lies facedown <pause>
man,<pause> woman<pause> two kids in a face <pause>
down <pause>
the waves<pause>

a stone lies facedown, pretty straightforward, no question there. But then, the family.. man, woman, two kids...okaaaaay, then it gets weird for me "in a face down the waves" that doesn't make sense to me, so say "man, woman, two kids in a face" which sort of reads like I don't know, maybe a person's face shows their family's history? <I'm reaching. but then I have "down the waves" and I really don't have any idea what down the waves means.

Could you maybe walk me through that part?

Also, it's pretty clear, and then you say "we will be seemed" I don't get that... If it were "seamed" like a clam, that would make more sense, but I don't know if that's what you mean or not.

That's why I got rid of that first part, it's all about clarity.

And you love perky day, admit it. :D heh,

On a personal note I have no hatemail yet *bonus*

A stone lies facedown
(Ask first, how can a stone be face down.)


man, woman, two kids in a face

(breaking and undertow)
the waves turn in the dark

(Do consider family history - linage)

and you will be seen
you and me
we will be seemed (Consider "seamed" in the following stanza.)
as clams
in water claimed
to be steamed in one stolen swollen hour.

Our Summer's sweet succor gives solace
branches enfold a seamed flowering diversion
from the warnings of my tongue
a lonely solo reinforced with rock coast mist.
(Consider clambakes, claimed water, and other things)

An aside:
perks, If it was only worth a "3" to you, why did you bother mentioning it? What rating do you give to poems that you don't mention? - I ask because the "3" vote came immediately with your comment. There have been no other votes or comments since then, so I can only assume that the vote was yours. :rose:


PS: A Question: Does anyone else's Word software accept "claming" and not "clamming"?
Re: Re: Re: OOPS!

Reltne said:
A stone lies facedown
(Ask first, how can a stone be face down.)


man, woman, two kids in a face

(breaking and undertow)
the waves turn in the dark

(Do consider family history - linage)

and you will be seen
you and me
we will be seemed (Consider "seamed" in the following stanza.)
as clams
in water claimed
to be steamed in one stolen swollen hour.

Our Summer's sweet succor gives solace
branches enfold a seamed flowering diversion
from the warnings of my tongue
a lonely solo reinforced with rock coast mist.
(Consider clambakes, claimed water, and other things)

An aside:
perks, If it was only worth a "3" to you, why did you bother mentioning it? What rating do you give to poems that you don't mention? - I ask because the "3" vote came immediately with your comment. There have been no other votes or comments since then, so I can only assume that the vote was yours. :rose:


PS: A Question: Does anyone else's Word software accept "claming" and not "clamming"?

I didn't vote on any of the poems, Reltne. And I wouldn't have given it a three, so you know.
Now in considering what I'm supposed to consider, I still don't understand. I wish you'd explain what you think I should be considering, as I'm not following your train of thought just by the words you wrote.... and as for a stone being face down, it's easy, the top dry weathered side on the bottom and the earthy, jagged hidden side on top.

Another thing about voting/critiquing If I mention your poem, it means your poem meant enough to me personally, that I took my own personal time, which is very rare, and went through it and stated all my subjective opinions. That I do this for a poem means something to me, I don't pick every poem posted, and that I do pick yours to work with seems an honor to me. It would be if someone did it for mine, because I've traded my time to listen, really listen,and try to understand/dissect your poem. That to me counts more than a temperature guage or a bloody 1,2,3,4 or 5.
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