To keep the review thread clean...

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BooMerengue said:
Is a 3 the same as a 50? Just curious...

it's similar, I assume, but it's not the same.

it's the middle of the road, average, or good with inconsistencies. I mean seriously, how do you vote? Do you give things 5s because you like them, or because they're poetically sound, or because they're both? I have one emailer that tells me, it's stupid to do any kind of critique on a poem because it's "art". I think that if you believe that, you should turn off your voting options, but of course, that emailer doesn't do that.
a 3 or a 50 is as low as I ever vote... and I rarely do that

if I really like one and its a form I'm familiar with and it fits the forms requirements than I vote 5 or 100... if its slightly off its a 4 or 75... other than that I just don't vote, unless its someone I know and we discuss in pvt a bit. But I've learned that the voting is life or death to some here and I don't want to hurt feelings. Life's too short.

I try VERY hard not to be swayed by content- after all, who am I to tell another writer how to say what they do?
BooMerengue said:
a 3 or a 50 is as low as I ever vote... and I rarely do that

if I really like one and its a form I'm familiar with and it fits the forms requirements than I vote 5 or 100... if its slightly off its a 4 or 75... other than that I just don't vote, unless its someone I know and we discuss in pvt a bit. But I've learned that the voting is life or death to some here and I don't want to hurt feelings. Life's too short.

I try VERY hard not to be swayed by content- after all, who am I to tell another writer how to say what they do?

You know, it's rather funny, because I seem to be bitching lately about the exact opposite of what I see being bitched about around here. I submitted four poems. I checked them a few hours ago, and while I don't really get all up in arms about voting, I was a little disappointed with the scoring on one of my poems. So I looked at the comments to see what I could improve upon, and there were NO comments.

I think that if you are another writer who feels that they have enough knowledge of poetry to vote on a poem, then you have every right to comment about it, content, technique, what have you. I'm here, not to get pats on the back, but to learn how to become a better poet. How can I do that if no one critiques my poems, and analyzes them for content and form? How can I improve upon what I already do, if there is no discussion about it?

Now, do I always take what people say about my poetry and run with it? No. Sometimes I think I get criticism that I disagree with. However, I don't bitch about it, because poetry is subjective. There is no right or wrong. There is only what people feel is good and bad and everything in between.

If you're not here to learn, what are you here for? And if you can't take/give constructive criticism, then why do you put your poetry up for discussion and voting, or vote/discuss other poems? I just don't get that.
Eumenides said:
You know, it's rather funny, because I seem to be bitching lately about the exact opposite of what I see being bitched about around here. I submitted four poems. I checked them a few hours ago, and while I don't really get all up in arms about voting, I was a little disappointed with the scoring on one of my poems. So I looked at the comments to see what I could improve upon, and there were NO comments.

I think that if you are another writer who feels that they have enough knowledge of poetry to vote on a poem, then you have every right to comment about it, content, technique, what have you. I'm here, not to get pats on the back, but to learn how to become a better poet. How can I do that if no one critiques my poems, and analyzes them for content and form? How can I improve upon what I already do, if there is no discussion about it?

Now, do I always take what people say about my poetry and run with it? No. Sometimes I think I get criticism that I disagree with. However, I don't bitch about it, because poetry is subjective. There is no right or wrong. There is only what people feel is good and bad and everything in between.

If you're not here to learn, what are you here for? And if you can't take/give constructive criticism, then why do you put your poetry up for discussion and voting, or vote/discuss other poems? I just don't get that.

hear, hear.

Before i started submitting here, I wrote intermittently, and without any thought about what I was doing. since i've come here, I've tried to put more thought into how I do things and I've experimented with new things...

So, as someone who's only really thought of themself as a poet for about a week... I, too, would love critical feedback, in the interest of bettering myself as a writer of poetry, which is why I appreciate every critical comment I've gotten and have tried to reply in kind, or at the least thank the person who's said anything about what i've written.

You guys are a tough bunch to crack, tho'.

Just my two rubles.

well--ya know where to find me

Perfect Blossom by JCSTREET
this feels like D.H. Lawrence. It's beautiful, and I love how it sounds like petals falling in the beginning. I'm not sure "sere" was the correct word choice, but I can feel the imagery and emotion in it's usage. This is so different from some of your manic poems, you're freakin' me out man. Your poetry is like New England Weather, prolly why I love it.
Read them all and started a review, and now the boys are home. I will get to this, I promise, there were not too many today.

until tonight, thanks for your patience!


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constructive FB, any FB at all....

okay, I wont get into the "thing" if I even feel like I cant vote at least a 3 I leave a comment, or send private FB and tell the poet why. The thing around here, seems that some of us, and yes, I have been there, are afraid to leave constructive FB because, and especially in the case of a "newbie" we just dont know how that person will respnd to FB at all.

I have offered what I considered really good, objective FB and then have it thrown in my face and told that I was NO ONE to criticize anyones poems, even when I was trying to help, not criticize. Once youve been bitten like that, its hard to keep doing it, ( and that is why I admire Perky butt ruffle duck and Wicked Eve so much, they fear no one, not even trolls)) but I still do sometimes, and if its someone I know would appreciate it, I feel obligated to offer my 2 cents.

The one thing that is reprehensible is a low low vote with NO explanation or offering of how to correct the poem, its a spite vote pure and simple. the end, usually we who get them can figure out where they came from and that makes it easier to accept...

:rose: I want to thank twelveoone and Tara for their comments on my new poem, and twelveoone for the VERY much appreciated recommendation about dropping a certain line, you are absolutely right and its gone as soon as I can get an edit in :) as always, I welcome, truly and from my heart, and suggestions that could make my work any better

thanks for the time it took to read it, (to those of you who did), and for commenting, luv ya'll :heart:
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I wanted to add this one thing... Actually I wanted to a long time ago and just kept forgetting.

When the Public Comments thingy was first added I was so enthusiastic in leaving one when I could, sometimes I forgot to vote. Since then I've been a lot more conscientious about it. Has anyone else done that?

[size=-1]just my 2 more cents![/size]
Whenever I do a play, I eagerly await the reviews from the good critics in town because I can learn something about my performance. Love it or hate it, a good critique is useful. It drives me nuts if the review just says "he was great." Hell, I know I'm great. If I didn't think so, I wouldn't be an actor. A well-reasoned pan can tell me a lot about what I am doing and how it is perceived.
As for my poetry, I only ever wrote a poem because it was Valentines day and I didn't have money for a gift. It was only after I discovered Literotica and found that the poets were the most interesting people here that I started to write poems with any frequency. I post my erotic stories with supreme confidence, but I don't know if my poems are any good until I hear from you guys. The more comments the better.
As far as voting goes, if I don't feel I can give a poem or story at least a 4, I don't vote. Since we are not getting paid, I assume we post here for the fun of it. Why spoil someone's fun?
As to the thermometer, I thought it was meant to express how hot I thought the poem or story was. The number vote grades the quality, the thermometer says how turned on I was. I guess I was wrong.
All that being said, I apologize for not leaving more comments. It is not my fault. My computer is fubar and it takes forever to type a line. I type, then sit and wait as the cursor crawls across the page. I'll be fixed soon, and then I won't shut up. I enjoy reading the review threads as much as the poems. Good criticism is as much an art as acting. They both rely on the interpretation of someone else's words.
:heart: to all,
I don't know if this is the right place, but I figure everyone stops by here sooner or later.

I saw quite awhile ago the directions for posting an illustrated poem. Can someone fill me in again? Sure would appreciate it! Thanks...
Thank you Annaswirly for your review of Secondhand Bones. It is an apt description of some of what I've been feeling lately. I felt--as I wrote it--like I was describing something elemental for me. I'm glad to hear that came across. I'd love to hear your suggestions, as I'm planning a submissions blitz in the fall when most literary journals start accepting stuff again. :heart:

Thank you all too for your comments and feedback.

And the same goes to Perks et al, who commented the other day on major bullshit and Buena Boys. The latter is something I've been wanting to write for a while about the old Cuban musicians of the Buena Vista Social Club, a film I highly recommend--it's very uplifting. :)

annaswirls said:
It is a good day when Lauren posts a poem.

Words Drop
by Lauren Hynde ©

This one has the title of a STC I wonder if she is just getting to it (about 4 months late?) Well worth the wait. Lauren is an artist who takes great pride in her work, and works for her pride. I hope that makes sense. This poem starts out airy and light, "winds whim" brings that to us very efficiently doing it's job -- then grows heavier, earthier, then fire, damn this is a good poem. It takes us through all of the basics of the earth and ties them up in a nice package in the end. Can you tell I love this poem?

My only question is "death's pollen" I did not understand that meaning/metaphor.

please click the link and go read and comment on Lauren's latest
Thank you for your words, Anna.

I was cleaning up my computer and found the file with a half-finished poem for that STC from months ago that I had never gotten around to finish. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :):rose:
BooMerengue said:
I don't know if this is the right place, but I figure everyone stops by here sooner or later.

I saw quite awhile ago the directions for posting an illustrated poem. Can someone fill me in again? Sure would appreciate it! Thanks...

There are two ways, Boo:

  1. Upload a Word .doc with the illustrations embedded in the text;

    or (my recommendation):
  2. - In your author profile, submit the text version under the 'Illustrated Poetry' category. In the Author Notes field of the submission, place the words 'ARTWORK COMING VIA EMAIL FROM [your email address]'. In the body of text, make a note to show where to put the image, like '[PLACE image02.jpg HERE]'.
    - Next, attach the images to an email addressed to The Subject Line of the email should be the title of the poem you submitted.

    Remember that all artwork must be your original, and that Literotica does not accept hardcore (sexually explicit) or nude photography. All illustrations must be submitted as .gifs or .jpgs, and must be less than 450 pixels wide and less than 40k in size.

Oohhh thanks Lauren. I was sent a photo by a friend and asked to put a poem w/ iy. But its nudity, so I'll forget it for now.

But I've saved the instructions. Thanks!
BooMerengue said:
Oohhh thanks Lauren. I was sent a photo by a friend and asked to put a poem w/ iy. But its nudity, so I'll forget it for now.
Don't tell anyone, but the last illustrated poem i submitted, "I tremble..." also had nudity, and no one complained. I think there's some room to manouver if it isn't too explicit...
if it sucks, tell me how much!

perks said:
it's similar, I assume, but it's not the same.

it's the middle of the road, average, or good with inconsistencies. I mean seriously, how do you vote? Do you give things 5s because you like them, or because they're poetically sound, or because they're both? I have one emailer that tells me, it's stupid to do any kind of critique on a poem because it's "art". I think that if you believe that, you should turn off your voting options, but of course, that emailer doesn't do that.

You know I think that is bullshit. Any art can be critiqued. Any real artist expects it or they would not take it out into the world for others to see.

Poetry is not just a journal of our thoughts and feelings and observations, and poetry can suck even if it is sincere and filled with emotion.

Okay I am going to do it, write something that is not a poem, and if it is, it sucks.

I love you as wide as the ocean is deep
inside my heart I will always keep
your eyes of blue
I love them too
everything I see
reminds me of you
get me a tissue
if you ever leave
I will be blue
to you so true
boo hoo boo hoo

If I were to write this in my diary and someone found it, then shame on them for teasing my lack of skill! I am writing for myself, keep your nose out of my heart!

But if I were post this, out in the open on a public site that starts with the three letters "lit" I don't care if it is my heart or if it is my art, if I call it poetry, well then damn, it should be!

This here sucks, it is cliche, horrible rhyme and no intelligent thought, metaphor or any other literary device to be found.

It I had voting on, give it a 1! Why be afraid to hurt my feelings? I put it out there on a site with voting! I did not show my mother or my sister or my lover, I put it on a site for people to read!

If I have comments on, tell me it sucks! Tell me to take these feelings I have and to use them to write a real poem.

Tell me to tell you something new and to lose the rhyme. Tell me if I want to be a poet to start writing poetry, tell me if I whine about these comments to dry it up and focus on gettinng better or to stop posting for public display.

okay I feel better now

feel free to shoot, I got my armor on.
Re: if it sucks, tell me how much!

annaswirls said:
You know I think that is bullshit. Any art can be critiqued. Any real artist expects it or they would not take it out into the world for others to see.

Poetry is not just a journal of our thoughts and feelings and observations, and poetry can suck even if it is sincere and filled with emotion.

Okay I am going to do it, write something that is not a poem, and if it is, it sucks.

I love you as wide as the ocean is deep
inside my heart I will always keep
your eyes of blue
I love them too
everything I see
reminds me of you
get me a tissue
if you ever leave
I will be blue
to you so true
boo hoo boo hoo

If I were to write this in my diary and someone found it, then shame on them for teasing my lack of skill! I am writing for myself, keep your nose out of my heart!

But if I were post this, out in the open on a public site that starts with the three letters "lit" I don't care if it is my heart or if it is my art, if I call it poetry, well then damn, it should be!

This here sucks, it is cliche, horrible rhyme and no intelligent thought, metaphor or any other literary device to be found.

It I had voting on, give it a 1! Why be afraid to hurt my feelings? I put it out there on a site with voting! I did not show my mother or my sister or my lover, I put it on a site for people to read!

If I have comments on, tell me it sucks! Tell me to take these feelings I have and to use them to write a real poem.

Tell me to tell you something new and to lose the rhyme. Tell me if I want to be a poet to start writing poetry, tell me if I whine about these comments to dry it up and focus on gettinng better or to stop posting for public display.

okay I feel better now

feel free to shoot, I got my armor on.

I can't find one word to shoot at, anna.

I feel like I wrote it. :rose:
Thanks for the feedback Anna! I will definitely take your words into consideration and try to rework this one. In the meantime, I'd appreciate any comments you or anyone would have on the audio I submitted with ~Mental Meltdown~ Thanks!

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Re: Re: if it sucks, tell me how much!

tarablackwood22 said:
I can't find one word to shoot at, anna.

I feel like I wrote it. :rose:

omg I thought you meant the god awful poem lolol and was about to pin your arm behind your back and swear to me you never even before your birth would admit to such a thing.


Lauren Hynde said:
Don't tell anyone, but the last illustrated poem i submitted, "I tremble..." also had nudity, and no one complained. I think there's some room to manouver if it isn't too explicit...

ya think this might be over the top?? I do... the whole idea is a bit over the top for me but I like a challenge...

It's called First Touch

lets see if I can get in here...

Nope... gotta do something else...
Re: if it sucks, tell me how much!

annaswirls said:
You know I think that is bullshit. Any art can be critiqued. Any real artist expects it or they would not take it out into the world for others to see.

Poetry is not just a journal of our thoughts and feelings and observations, and poetry can suck even if it is sincere and filled with emotion.

Okay I am going to do it, write something that is not a poem, and if it is, it sucks.

I love you as wide as the ocean is deep
inside my heart I will always keep
your eyes of blue
I love them too
everything I see
reminds me of you
get me a tissue
if you ever leave
I will be blue
to you so true
boo hoo boo hoo

If I were to write this in my diary and someone found it, then shame on them for teasing my lack of skill! I am writing for myself, keep your nose out of my heart!

But if I were post this, out in the open on a public site that starts with the three letters "lit" I don't care if it is my heart or if it is my art, if I call it poetry, well then damn, it should be!

This here sucks, it is cliche, horrible rhyme and no intelligent thought, metaphor or any other literary device to be found.

It I had voting on, give it a 1! Why be afraid to hurt my feelings? I put it out there on a site with voting! I did not show my mother or my sister or my lover, I put it on a site for people to read!

If I have comments on, tell me it sucks! Tell me to take these feelings I have and to use them to write a real poem.

Tell me to tell you something new and to lose the rhyme. Tell me if I want to be a poet to start writing poetry, tell me if I whine about these comments to dry it up and focus on gettinng better or to stop posting for public display.

okay I feel better now

feel free to shoot, I got my armor on.

BAng Bang!! youre dead, haha

yeah anna, it basically sucks :D, but I wouldnt 1 it, I would write you a note and say, thats funny GF, yeah, a poet of your talent posting the cheezie grrr-eeeeting card crap? well, it has nice sentiment, says what it wants to say, and it is poetic, to a certain degree, but I wtill wouldnt 1 it, I just wouldnt vote...can you tell me why my mamas dishes poem got a one? I know it wasnt awesome, but hell, its not a one :( that was the first vote I got on it, so if you think my "math" is off, nope ;)
beee isdes, you wouldnt post a crappy poem anyway, would ya ::p
BooMerengue said:
ya think this might be over the top?? I do... the whole idea is a bit over the top for me but I like a challenge...

It's called First Touch

lets see if I can get in here...
There's no harm in trying. :D

Personally, I'd do some creative cropping, just to distance the image from reality, a bit. Something like this:


  • firsttouch.jpg
    8.7 KB · Views: 11
Re: Re: Re: if it sucks, tell me how much!

annaswirls said:
omg I thought you meant the god awful poem lolol and was about to pin your arm behind your back and swear to me you never even before your birth would admit to such a thing.




I did mean the poem. :D :D :D :kiss:
Re: Re: Re: Re: if it sucks, tell me how much!

tarablackwood22 said:

I did mean the poem. :D :D :D :kiss:

I think that someone just wants to play "uncle" with Aunt Annie....
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