To keep the review thread clean...

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Re: Re: if it sucks, tell me how much!

normal jean said:
BAng Bang!! youre dead, haha

yeah anna, it basically sucks :D, but I wouldnt 1 it, I would write you a note and say, thats funny GF, yeah, a poet of your talent posting the cheezie grrr-eeeeting card crap? well, it has nice sentiment, says what it wants to say, and it is poetic, to a certain degree, but I wtill wouldnt 1 it, I just wouldnt vote...can you tell me why my mamas dishes poem got a one? I know it wasnt awesome, but hell, its not a one :( that was the first vote I got on it, so if you think my "math" is off, nope ;)
beee isdes, you wouldnt post a crappy poem anyway, would ya ::p

I liked Mama's Dishes, I cannot explain why it got a one. :(

One of the great mysteries in the universe. Along with math.

oh dear God I just noticed that I am a freaking guru. Is that Laurel's way of saying "Anna, get another hobby?"

and is that why I suddenly without explanation started thinking I knew enough to give critiques??


now shoot me
for real

annaswirls said:
oh dear God I just noticed that I am a freaking guru. Is that Laurel's way of saying "Anna, get another hobby?"

and is that why I suddenly without explanation started thinking I knew enough to give critiques??


now shoot me
for real


welcoome to guru-hood, miss anna :heart:

actually, it doesnt feel much different than non-guruhood

I think the good part is when you get to 1000 posts and can assign your own status
I feel sort of honored to have been mentioned so many times, by so many different people. Is good for the confidence, this.

Thank you, maria, and eveyone else who has commented on or mentioned my poems, here.

Congrats Ms. Anna

annaswirls said:
oh dear God I just noticed that I am a freaking guru. Is that Laurel's way of saying "Anna, get another hobby?"

and is that why I suddenly without explanation started thinking I knew enough to give critiques??


now shoot me
for real


on your guruhood!:cool:
Thank you Miss Maria

Maria2394 said:

Neonurotic is up next, with It makes you human

...If you are insane
then I am the same...

I love that first line, it pulled me in, begging me to see why he thought we were all the same, o r insane, which would be insane if we all were :) neo is a thinking kinda guy, liked to analyze things and he usually makes pretty good sense, but the next one he has, I can't identify with because, well, it's about an anatomical part I just dont have and I like the heat, read it and enjoy!!

Hot summer night's bitch


:rose: Maria, thanks for your time and mention of my two poems. I greatly appreciate as do I for all those who read, commented, and voted today.

- neo
Lauren Hynde said:
There's no harm in trying. :D

Personally, I'd do some creative cropping, just to distance the image from reality, a bit. Something like this:

Thanks, Lauren That works. I also thought I might fade the picture some... then place the words right over it. I'm gonna play with it some, but the Inhumanity thingy is a priority right now. All my high idea(l)s just flew right out of my head! lol
Inhumanity thread

BooMerengue said:
Thanks, Lauren That works. I also thought I might fade the picture some... then place the words right over it. I'm gonna play with it some, but the Inhumanity thingy is a priority right now. All my high idea(l)s just flew right out of my head! lol

Boo, I can't wait to read yours and the other poems Inhumanity.
There is, sad to say, such a wealth of instances to choose from.
I am having a hard time deciding.

Good luck in your endeavor. :cool:
It's OK Blue

BlueskyBeauty said:
i guess i'm going to have to play with myself..i mean by myself:eek:

anyone care to watch:devil: :cool:

at this rate i'll never get to a hundred! grrr

we condone masturbation here

but your right--this thread has become boring

apparently the new reviews thread--that which was to be sacrosanct--unsullied by entertaining chatter, undefiled by sardonic wit - has taken over from this--the DEDICATED chat thread

anarchy will out methinks - no matter how hard well-meaning authority figures attempt to regiment the behavior of poets

poets are unruleable--except where severe legal sanctions may come to bear
Re: It's OK Blue

we condone masturbation here

but your right--this thread has become boring

apparently the new reviews thread--that which was to be sacrosanct--unsullied by entertaining chatter, undefiled by sardonic wit - has taken over from this--the DEDICATED chat thread

anarchy will out methinks - no matter how hard well-meaning authority figures attempt to regiment the behavior of poets

poets are unruleable--except where severe legal sanctions may come to bear

either you're typing speed is damn slow, or my flirting is damn only took 3 days to get a response to that post.

welcome back to the land of the not so living:kiss:
Maria2394 said:
No Bagles has 5 submissions today. Meta Perspective

this poem incorporates a good deal of history and some unique phrasing, I enjoyed it, but the spacing, while I understand the why of it, bugs my eyes, still I gave it a 5 and would recommend it to anyone looking for a philosophical poem that is enjoyable to read :)

...golden brandy - dinosaur spit and bacterial soup
combined to alleged magic

but this one!!! wowed me, yes it did, has thsi poet been taking a denis hale-like description supplement with his/her morning coffee? read and enjoy, I sure did!!

Business as usual

and don't skip this humorous little poem, its cute, will make you smile:rose:

it seems lie this is the routine, i just go with the flow. thank you dear maria for those too kind words. it warms a tuesday morning heart. :rose:

having recently arrived, i was not familiar with the work of denis hale. i thought you were referring to a well known published writer - now after reading a handful of hale-isms i realise that if the world was fair, that's what he should be - as many of you other

i have scoured the depths for good poetry. strangest thing to stumble on it while looking for erotic fiction. mrs bagle can keep the stories, i found the real gold.
Thank you Maria2394

and Fawnie for the comments you left.

Sidhe ( pronounced " Shee) are part of celtic folklore.

Sidhe Devils is, therefore, a really bad pun

RE:New Poetry review

Maria2394 said:
New Poems

tungtied2you adorns us with some smashing alliteration :)
a bouncy poem that is a lot of fun to read aloud-

Cold Comfort

...Frenzied flurry flash
dizzy, dancing
detours thought
crystal ice


Thank you Maria for the kind mention, and thanks to all who read and comments.
The comments seem to be getting much more thoughtful lately. Thanks to all who take the extra time and effort.
Re: It's OK Blue

we condone masturbation here

but your right--this thread has become boring

apparently the new reviews thread--that which was to be sacrosanct--unsullied by entertaining chatter, undefiled by sardonic wit - has taken over from this--the DEDICATED chat thread
I think you're not looking in the right place. Things are going better than ever at the sacrosanct thread... :eek:
Re: Inhumanity thread

tungtied2u said:
Boo, I can't wait to read yours and the other poems Inhumanity.
There is, sad to say, such a wealth of instances to choose from.
I am having a hard time deciding.

Good luck in your endeavor. :cool:

Thanks... Back atcha!
Have to say.....

Ok Lauren. Whenever I use the word titillating in the future, I will think of your current AV. Thanks for putting picture to words, instead of the opposite, for a change.
:rose: :)
Re: Have to say.....

tungtied2u said:
Ok Lauren. Whenever I use the word titillating in the future, I will think of your current AV. Thanks for putting picture to words, instead of the opposite, for a change.
:rose: :)

Watch out for that av. It gets out of control sometimes. (I think it's a bionic boob.) :D
Re: Tuesday Reviews 7/27 - part 1

tarablackwood22 said:

Good morning, boys and girls, and other genders. I count 40 new pieces of verse for Tuesday. By the time I'm done, there will probably be 40 more, but here goes.


In Cameos , Angeline gives us a beautiful picture of a mother's pain of separation from her babies. Highly recommended.

Your two faces
have not faded,
but rather are carved
like cameos, lockets
lain against my soul


[It's break time for back with Part 2. :kiss: :rose:

Thank you sweet sis. :kiss:

My "babies" haven't been babies for years now, but as every mother knows, they're always your babies.

Re: Re: Have to say.....

Angeline said:
Watch out for that av. It gets out of control sometimes. (I think it's a bionic boob.) :D

A boob in hand is worth two out of control!
tarablackwood22 said:
Liar gives us a beautiful piece of poetry in Deliquescence by the sea, where we find him pondering his significance, or lack thereof,.......longing, as we all sometimes do, to be more powerful than he really is, to make a difference. This is a gorgeous poem and I highly recommend it.
You're a bundle of nice, Tara. Thank you. I just hope I don't depress any readers with it. :)
thank you maria for the mention of straight lies yesterday in your review, and you too tara for the mention of embracing you!

thanks to all of you who have been offering the feedback that 's helped me clean up my stuff a great deal.

tath, i'm not the same writer i was 3 months ago(have i really been hanging out here that long??)

nor will i be the same writer 3 months from now.

anyhow, i do appreciate those of you who have taken the time to critique my stuff, you have my deepest respect and appreciation.

:kiss: :heart:
full shine and triangulation thinggie

Tara I thank your mention and the kind comments on my Love Triangle poem. JD4george: you are right about the verb tense, and as for the last two lines, I wanted them to be separate. Like a break in time, and then the end. I wanted it to feel distant.

This was not autobiographical, by the way, in the rear view mirror yesterday I saw two men in a beat up pick up truck, looking very stereotypical (wont say anymore) except they both had lolipops in their mouths. I just imagined them as boys with a girl in the back... and the rest just came, although I did open a few parks at dusk with boys :) I re-did parts of it after it had already gotten sucked into the lit machine.

Seattle thanks you for the mention and comments on her (gosh I cant remember the title, I want to say spit shine, but that is another poem -- Full Shine.

T- I am so sorry! your invitation must have gotten lost in the mail


but seriously, I can tell you the real story if you want :devil:

fare thee well fair poets, until we meet again

which will probably be in an hour
damn computer suckin me in

Thanks and Blessings to All

Tara did a great job with reviews today and I want to thank her for the mention. She was dead right. Take Me! was not my best work, and I appreciate her saying so. It was, however, the first I have had time or energy to write in some time and it made me so happy. Many thanks and blessings to all who commented and encouraged me on this and my other new one today, deep breath .

Syn :kiss:
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