To keep the review thread clean...

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i'm putting this here because i know they dont want anything on the new poetry thread but the reviews, and i already broke the rule a couple times.

did every single poem get mentioned in todays review? no.. the poems were mentioned..maybe she was honest and said too many lines were overused ..but she was giving credit for their efforts and even suggested they read some of the poets around here.

that's what she did to me..exactly what she did to me..i didn't post on the thread all the nasty things ripping her apart for being honest.

if she had something to say about the way tara worded her review..did it have to be a half-mad attack.

it's not that she had something to say about taras review, its how and what Victoria_2001_02769 said.

tara has invested more time then anyone else here to help me improve my poetry, i know she's helped a good many others too.

if someone was really serious about their writing, she has a very generous heart..and would gladly give it.

thats my take on it, and i suppose the bullets will fly but hey..i felt like something needed to be said.


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This subject has been hashed and rehashed but I am going to defend my words, yet again to someone who only sees an attack and not a request for temperance.

I do not presume to tell reviewers how to feel about the poems they read the same as I don't expect a reviewer to tell me not to read a poem. That seems too much for the new poems 'review' thread to carry. If you want only good poets to read and write the poetry that's here, then get ye to a literary journal and leave the hacking to the hackneyed.

Please, tell me why the negative comments on Tuesday, July 27th's review wouldn't have been better delivered through private feedback rather than the message boards and the public comments?
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My two cents:
We had the very same argument with YDD.
Had YDD been doing reviews and posted his/ her feedback on the forum rather the individual poems people would have screamed too.
We had half the board saying yes/ half saying shame on you.
That's the way it's always going to be
let's just get over it.

I know nothing about YDD
I have never seen any of his/ hers work , know nothing about his/ her education.

I have seen Tara's writing, I know abit about her background.
Having read her work...if she were to tell me my stuff was not worth reading..I'd believe her.

I've had YDD tell me my stuff wasn't up to par, that it was cliche' etc etc
I have perks ask me if I edited at all a poem I spent two weeks writing and rewriting
It happens
If you don't like the way a particular " critic" reviews your work..make sure it submitted so it doesn't fall on the day they review
shouldn't be to hard with tuesdays.
The fact that Victoria has " Feedback/comments welcome" must mean only nice feedback and comments.

It doesn't work that way
You have to take the good with the bad
and by the way..not everyone every where is going to think your stuff is wonderful or understand it.
if you can't take it here...god forbid you ever get published and reviewed in a newspaper where 250,000 people read that your stuff is cliche' or over rated or trite.
what are you going to the paper and tell them they should have told you in private??

In conclusion
I would much rather be told By Eve or Tara, or Ange or Anna or one of the other poets I respect here that my stuff needs work..than to think I'm doing well..sending it somewhere and being told, out of the blue, that I have to be joking this is the worst poetry they'd ever read.
Hmm... in this case Tara mentioned three poems that she thought deserved some attention for being ambitious efforts. But she also felt that they did not match the higher standard of the other poems she mentioned. Am I right so far?

If she wants to remain honest in her reviewing, she must include those objections in her review. The only other option would had been IMO to not mention those poems at all.

Which would be better?

I'm going to ignore Lincoln's advice.

By way of qualification, I'm a poet wannabe. I've been a wannabe as long as I can remember, and the good Lord willing, I'll be a wannabe for a good number of years to come. Wannabe is a mantle I wear with pride.

I wannabe writing words. I wannabe better. I wannabe a poet, if I ever grow up. I wannabe responsible for a handful of words that people might want to remember. I wannabe pushed and shoved and beaten until I get there... and I wannabe lucky enough to have other poets help.

It's why I'm here.

I've chased the cruel mistress of poetry for quite some time. One of her kinder lessons was that serious poets don't mind serious crit. Eschew that and you surrender to being commonplace.

Remember Rod McKuen? To my mind, had he written but a handful of pieces, he would have been a master of simple pictures. Instead, he listened simply to himself and pumped out an average of 900 pieces a year... prolific enough to become mundance, despite the slick packaged records with the Deborah Kerr singers.

Had he listened to feedback... had he been brave enough to look beyond mindless kudos, then a retrospective of his work would amount to more than "Thank you for your well-typed poems".

I'd rather be poetically mute than to suffer that description.

While I've been rather fortunate in terms of feedback on my work, the one comment that sticks in my mind is something akin to: "What happened? You became cliche." It was direct and accurate. The poem was cliche. (I still can't believe I allowed the words "cloak of darkness" to ever be associated with my name!). Though the feedback was attributed to "anonymous", it held a truth I dare not forget.

I read Tara's reviews as avidly as any other... perhaps more so. (I actually take the time to read the works of those that comment on my stuff... it qualifies their perspective). Her comments that started this whole exchange were accurate, and kind. She lamented the use of some tired phrases and then sung the praises of the poets' continued growth.

It was stick and honey.

So, to Tarablackwood22: I'm a newbie here, and a self-professed "wannabe". As such, I clearly want to say that you may beat me with a stick anytime. You may also feed me honey. The beatings will be deserved, and the honey won't spoil my supper.
tara mentioned my poem..but sure didn't sugar coat the facts. she used the word trite..talked of spelling errors and and it's weaknesses.

i kinda knew it anyhow, but had my reasons for leaving it as is!

point being i didn't use pretty words like bitch and tight ass to insult her review.

nor did i use them on ydd when i first felt the lovely results of a critique by that undetermined sex :rolleyes:

i think if victoria was hurt by the review..she could have went a better way to go about it,

with that said, tara is a big girl and knows full well honest critiques are prob going to flare some spirited souls into attack mode.

my point is this..and i have every right to say it because i was queen of over used phrases. i would never come on any thread and say such ugly things to a reviewer. i bit the bullet, swallowed my pride, and went to work on improving my voice in poetry.

because i've heard the very same words from her..eve and others and didn't curse them into giggles, i feel i have the right to defend her review.

cheers everyone!:heart:
Re: Re: It's OK Blue

BlueskyBeauty said:
either you're typing speed is damn slow, or my flirting is damn only took 3 days to get a response to that post.

welcome back to the land of the not so living:kiss:

struck with a seasonal attack of FADS

(flirting attention deficit syndrome)

irony heaps on irony

how the mob would laugh at any suggestion I was remiss in that department

It hink it's time for me to read your poetry and find out who you are

Carl Edgar (& his heirs and successors)
Re: Re: It's OK Blue

Lauren Hynde said:
I think you're not looking in the right place. Things are going better than ever at the sacrosanct thread... :eek:

"Oh you kid"

(we used to say that back in 1923 in open top Lagondas under da stars)
Lauren Hynde said:
Thank you. :)
Lauren! I have no trouble masturbating to your Av at all--though it has to be occasional so that I preserve my poetic seed for future generations

*is there really any parent who REALLY wants their offspring to be a tortured poet??????

pienso que no as we used to say--riding with Zapata (his heirs and successors)
BlueskyBeauty said:
i'm putting this here because i know they dont want anything on the new poetry thread but the reviews, and i already broke the rule a couple times.

did every single poem get mentioned in todays review? no.. the poems were mentioned..maybe she was honest and said too many lines were overused ..but she was giving credit for their efforts and even suggested they read some of the poets around here.

that's what she did to me..exactly what she did to me..i didn't post on the thread all the nasty things ripping her apart for being honest.

if she had something to say about the way tara worded her review..did it have to be a half-mad attack.

it's not that she had something to say about taras review, its how and what Victoria_2001_02769 said.

tara has invested more time then anyone else here to help me improve my poetry, i know she's helped a good many others too.

if someone was really serious about their writing, she has a very generous heart..and would gladly give it.

thats my take on it, and i suppose the bullets will fly but hey..i felt like something needed to be said.



What did I miss???
Lauren Hynde said:
Go write some poetry, you two. :p

Somebody's gotta warn people about that boob. I'm surprised Eve didn't, lol. I especially like it at Christmastime. It's so festive then. :p
Re: Re: It's OK Blue

Lauren Hynde said:
I think you're not looking in the right place. Things are going better than ever at the sacrosanct thread... :eek:

I'm rolling on the thick carpet laughing Lauren

thank you for that you sweet lady

Re: Re: Re: Re: It's OK Blue

BooMerengue said:
...and you say you're how old? lol

older than the first merengue pie invented in an prehistoric encampment
Quick question

I am a very new poet here and was reviewed not so positively on Tuesday as well. I do realize that I'm inexperienced, which is why I chose to only receive anonymous feedback, so I could get the comments privately. So I was shocked to see it reviewed publically. And, yeah, it stung a little (ok, a lot) but I'll swallow the pesky pride and move past it.

But my question is... how do I only receive private comments? Or is that impossible? Once it's submitted it's fair game?

Just curious... thanks. :)
Re: Quick question

FeralSoul said:
I am a very new poet here and was reviewed not so positively on Tuesday as well. I do realize that I'm inexperienced, which is why I chose to only receive anonymous feedback, so I could get the comments privately. So I was shocked to see it reviewed publically. And, yeah, it stung a little (ok, a lot) but I'll swallow the pesky pride and move past it.

But my question is... how do I only receive private comments? Or is that impossible? Once it's submitted it's fair game?

Just curious... thanks. :)

Welcome to Lit and whatever you do-KEEP WRITING!

The new poems review thread is open for discussion on ANY new poem. Public feedback is listed below your posted poem if you choose that option.

Be Well

Syndra :kiss:
Feral -

If you're dead set against being reviewed, you could put an author's note when you submit each of your poems asking not to be included in any reviews. There are so many poems that I'm not sure any of the reviewers would remember every time so that's the only way I can think of.

Either way, I do hope this won't be the last we see of you, both in the new poems and on the boards. :rose:

- Mindy, poet-groupie ;)
Tristesse said:
A bad case of the vapours. Pass the smelling salts, please.


Oh....if you are feeling faint, can I take advantage of you? Please?

Fooooooool in the house
Re: Quick question

FeralSoul said:
I am a very new poet here and was reviewed not so positively on Tuesday as well. I do realize that I'm inexperienced, which is why I chose to only receive anonymous feedback, so I could get the comments privately. So I was shocked to see it reviewed publically. And, yeah, it stung a little (ok, a lot) but I'll swallow the pesky pride and move past it.

But my question is... how do I only receive private comments? Or is that impossible? Once it's submitted it's fair game?

Just curious... thanks. :)

Just remember, the only important reader is the one you had in mind when you wrote the work. If you wrote it for yourself, then it is good if YOU like it. As for the rest...:p

Keep doin' it.
The_Fool said:
Oh....if you are feeling faint, can I take advantage of you? Please?

Fooooooool in the house

T'is not I Sir Fool - but I could pretend.

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