To keep the review thread clean...

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Tristesse said:
T'is not I Sir Fool - but I could pretend.


Oh darling, perhaps you should lean upon my arm...Here, let me loosen your clothes just a bit so that you can breathe more freely...

posts like this make me wonder if I shudda been

Tristesse said:
T'is not I Sir Fool - but I could pretend.


born sub

(maybe I could learn to switch)
Re: Quick question

FeralSoul said:
I am a very new poet here and was reviewed not so positively on Tuesday as well. I do realize that I'm inexperienced, which is why I chose to only receive anonymous feedback, so I could get the comments privately. So I was shocked to see it reviewed publically. And, yeah, it stung a little (ok, a lot) but I'll swallow the pesky pride and move past it.

But my question is... how do I only receive private comments? Or is that impossible? Once it's submitted it's fair game?

Just curious... thanks. :)

I never review poems that have comments turned off. I am assuming they are not interested in being addressed publically. I would suggest turning off the option for public comments and leaving a note at the bottom saying you welcome private comments (if you really do)

Remember the comments are not meant to be hurtful -- but helpful. People have gotten to be better writers here.

Do what you think is best, welcome, hope you stick around--
Tathagata said:
perfectly said jd

( the deborah kerr singers...jesus...thanks for That painful memory)

Damn I still don't know what happened!!

Which is probably a good thing, when I don't mind my own business I just get myself in trouble anyway :)
annaswirls said:
Damn I still don't know what happened!!

Which is probably a good thing, when I don't mind my own business I just get myself in trouble anyway :)

i'd invite you over to a dark corner to tell you..but you should probably ask lipstick

annaswirls said:
Damn I still don't know what happened!!
Some bitching, no biggie.

If you still want more info, I suggest you cuddle up with Tath and seduce it out of him. Shouldn't take long. :D
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Liar said:
Some bithing, no biggie.

If you still want more info, I suggest you cuddle up with Tath and seduce it out of him. :D

yeah i'll even play hard to get 3 minutes...
tungtied2u said:
Guess anna'll have to get the Gris-Gris from you tath. I must to work.

Have a good un


I think Anna has fled in horror at this point....
and who could blame her.

hey I'm working....
Goodness I leave for 1,2, or 3 minutes and suddenly I am triple- lubed seduced and slid somewhere down the space time continium...

I should leave more often....
annaswirls said:
Goodness I leave for 1,2, or 3 minutes and suddenly I am triple- lubed seduced and slid somewhere down the space time continium...

I should leave more often....

talk about cumming and going....

Ignore these morning fools(except for the lubing and sliding part) and just go read the new poem review thread.

Syn :kiss:
Thanks Syndra for being the voice of reason! I did not know where the brew-ha ha ha went down..,. and now I gotta go :(
ha-ha, I'm an asshat!

If you wanted to leave a comment on my last poem and wondered why I had comments off... I forgot to turn them on.

Thank you to the private messenger who clued me in.

ty neo for the mention of my poem..

ty too for all of you that have helped with edits, helping me rework the poem(s) all know who you are, just so you know i appreciate the help.

i really am learning so much hanging with you lovely writers, truly folks, you have my respect and deepest gratitude.

thanks so very very much!

:kiss: :kiss:
tungtied2u said:
Doctor John called it Gris-Gris.


Is that what he meant when he used that term? LOL! I never knew, and I wrote a poem about him and his gris-gris, too. <blush>

Angeline said:
Is that what he meant when he used that term? LOL! I never knew, and I wrote a poem about him and his gris-gris, too. <blush>


I only remember Dr. John walking on stage and throwing glitter in the air, but had the feeling Gris- Gris referred to whatever mind- altering substance he happened to be partaking of.
However, it was meant as a play on the lube referral tath had made previously. (read grease grease)
ohhhh- boy don't I feel stupid. You knew that didn't you.

tungtied2u said:
I only remember Dr. John walking on stage and throwing glitter in the air, but had the feeling Gris- Gris referred to whatever mind- altering substance he happened to be partaking of.
However, it was meant as a play on the lube referral tath had made previously. (read grease grease)
ohhhh- boy don't I feel stupid. You knew that didn't you.


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