To keep the review thread clean...

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Re:New Poem Reviews

Big Bang - tungtied2u
I included this because it's so clever and uses some great word play to describe the ultimate " big bang'
Check it out
Thanks tath for the mention, and to all who read and commented, and especially to my inspiration. :D
this appears to be the thread to leave words of thanks

gracious thank-yous to maria2394, reltne, and champagne1982 for mentioning “ulster’s red hair” and “the senses of salt” in their reviews / and also to all of you who read and left kind and constructive commentary

Angeline said:
Thank you dear Tath and all who commented on my poem, Dawning. Yesterday was a good day for me, a hopeful day and that's where the poem came from. And I really did see a rainbow last night--right before twilight. It was perfect.



most welcome
: )
and the pool awaits....

Thank you for your comments on my poems,

low branch arsenic
finger-twisted black wire

Your reviews are poetry in and of themselves.

I give you a 5 :rose:

white flag?

Thanks for the mention of my In herbacious armastice!

(spelled incorrectly, errrrr)

as far as unilateral truce, I am not so sure.... I took the white flower as a white flag and have not gone back to check since... I hope it has not consumed my children or my cat, well maybe the cat

as far as just letting it go, trust me I do have weeds that I just let live out their natural life (and I have a hard time trimming or thinning out anything) but this one is just plain evil.

It chokes all in its path, chanting

resistance is futile

if you stand in one place for 10 minutes, look down and it has already wound around your ankle....

I will take a picture and put it in pic-a-thon lol
Re: Wednesday, August 11, Reviews...

Nothin to see here...
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neonurotic said:

When I Sigh by *Catbabe* ©
Aww… Catbabe—this is a sweet erotic poem. I enjoyed the snap-shot image you embedded in this. :rose:
- neo

Thanks neo.;)

Now I feel strangely driven to write a not-so-sweet one...:devil:
Thank you, neolicious. ;)

I must also thank Randi Grail whose comment to me inspired Flower Moon and those of you who wrote such lovely comments and sent feedback. Jazz just moves me (you know what I mean, doormouse). I never get tired of writing about it.

And uh yeah I made a typo--shoulda been "sultry," not "sulty." My vision, well it sucks. I keep thinking that if you're nearsighted to begin with and then you get older and become farsighted, shouldn't you end up 20-20? No, huh? :D

tungtied2u said:
neonurotic gives us "Eve's Red Shoes", a good humored look at a predicament many may have found ourselves in, listening in pretense to a friend's woes while wanting to bang their brains out.
But her blouse is too tight
and neckline too low
to hold my attention elsewhere
It comes complete with Eve's own av-itself conflicted- and as we all know Eve's av's are reason enough to visit this post.
Neo also gives us "Back to the Bayou". A wonderfully moody visit to the backwater swamps in search of ..what evening to remember. Great atmosphere. Will have you swatting mosquitoes.
tungtied2u - Thank you for your time and mention in the New Poems Review thread (and you did do a great job by the way). :)

Also thanks to those who left feedback and voted for my poems yesterday. I appreciate it.

- neo
WickedEve said:


The Color of Women
by PatCarrington ©

who, with the measure and melody
of their love as night painted them
in moonlight
and drew them to my bed
shaded in the hues of evening and need,

Literotica does have its share of poetry about women, and much of it is not very flattering, but I was delighted with The Color of Women.

This poem has already been kissed by the H. So, if you've missed it, quickly click on the link: read, vote, comment.


warm thanks, Eve :rose: / and also to those who read and commented

Re: New Poems Reviews

The Poets said:
History repeats itself.

Our old new poems thread has gotten gargantuan. The last time we fed it that many posts and it grew that big, we started a new thread. So, here you go. A new poems thread.

People, let's keep this one slender. No fattening it up with chatting. (Is that possible? I'm doubtful, but I'll try to have faith in my fellow poets. :) )

Have you hugged a poem today,

* * *

A simple rule, that will be enforced for a while, and after that we'll just play it by ear: poetry discussion only. This thread is to recommend, review or comment on new poems posted at Literotica. No off-topic chat, no thank you notes unless they include relevant comments about the poems. If you have any other comments to make or if you want to thank the reviewer for the mention, please do it in PM or post on the Chit Chat thread. We have the entire forum to chat, I think we can keep it out of this one thread, so that no new poems go by unnoticed. I hope you all understand why we're doing this.

There are several people who volunteered to review the new poetry list once a week, but everyone can and should post their reviews, of course.

* * *

A list of previous incarnations of this thread, for reminiscing:


WELL!!! it's descended into chat again - all Utopian experiments fail because people just end up wanting to feel good and have a good time when they should be serious and focused

I've filed a protest and am withholding my membership dues
Re: Too keep the review thread clean...

Liar said:
Here's a review-related post. Feel free to turn this into review related banter thread, thankyou's and whatnot, or kindly let it fall into oblivion. Or use this as an excuse to post clerihews, I dunno. Amuse thyself, poets.

Anyway, what I wanted to say:

I'm off to plunge into the deep end of today's poems. If I don't emerge within a footie game (90 mins for you illiterates), call George of the Jungle.

Oh btw, there are already poems up dated for the 19:th, which is tomorrow. I won't do those. Saturdays have been starved of poem reviews enough as it is for me to steal them.


people who use the review thread merely to socialise should be forced to carry a bell and shot UNCLEAN UNCLEAN
To everyone who left such nice comments and criticisms on my poem Running Water Never Freezes, thank you all! I'm sorry I couldn't respond to them all before my computer went all bushy on me. When I am back up to speed I will reciprocate.
The comments inspired me to begin a series in the same vein and to change the title of that one to Denizens: Mad Maggie, once I find that post that tells me how to do that.
Look for Denizens: Charlie soon and Denizens: Trip soon after.
And thank you all for inspiring me to the best writing I have done in years. I love you, man! *hic*
Re: Re: New Poems Reviews

WELL!!! it's descended into chat again - all Utopian experiments fail because people just end up wanting to feel good and have a good time when they should be serious and focused

I've filed a protest and am withholding my membership dues
You're such a cute little trouble maker, JC. ;) My approach as one of the God Mods is to let those who want to comment (new poetry comments) on this (new poetry review) thread do it. Hopefully, some will use the other threads. Then every week or two, once the commenters are happy and have forgotten their posts, I'll clean the poetry review thread out. That's what I've been doing and that's why it's not a big mess there. I think it's the way to keep us all happy. We have our comments and we have a fairly clean new poems review thread for those who want to read reviews and not chat.

Now go behave, JC. God Mod 1 has spoken. :kiss:
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I'd like to say thank you to Tath, Maria, Jd4george and neoneurotic (is it neo-neurotic or neon-eurotic? I always think neon, first) for commenting on my newest batch of words. Your comments are, as always, uplifting and curious and I inevitably come away wondering why I wrote some of the things I did, myself.

thanks for reading, commenting and inspiring editing,

Thank you Maria, mi amiga, for mentioning Mazatlan...I wish you could hear it though..
: (

And thanks to all who commented...especially Eve who said I sound like some old scottish guy
Tathagata said:
Thank you Maria, mi amiga, for mentioning Mazatlan...I wish you could hear it though..
: (

And thanks to all who commented...especially Eve who said I sound like some old scottish guy

SOME OLD SCOTTISH GUY?!? Yeah, some old Scottish guy who just happens to be the sexiest man alive, for whom I would forsake a 20 year marriage for a 20 minute fuck!

some old scottish guy. really

the nerve of some Irishmen!

Take it as a compliment. i wish I had the audio, too. Send me an attachment?:rolleyes:

Love ya, Bro. Fantastic work.

Syn :heart: :kiss:
Syndra Lynn said:
SOME OLD SCOTTISH GUY?!? Yeah, some old Scottish guy who just happens to be the sexiest man alive, for whom I would forsake a 20 year marriage for a 20 minute fuck!

some old scottish guy. really

the nerve of some Irishmen!

Take it as a compliment. i wish I had the audio, too. Send me an attachment?:rolleyes:

Love ya, Bro. Fantastic work.

Syn :heart: :kiss:

we'd have to do it twice for it to be 20 minutes

it's on its way to your yahoo mail

love you too Sis
Miss ya
:heart: :rose: :kiss:
DeepAsleep said:
I'd like to say thank you to Tath, Maria, Jd4george and neoneurotic (is it neo-neurotic or neon-eurotic?

Da, know what? I always think "neo" frst, maybe cause of the Matrix and I think the neurotic part is just assumed:D

luv ya sweet thang ;)

DeepAsleep said:
I'd like to say thank you to Tath, Maria, Jd4george and neoneurotic (is it neo-neurotic or neon-eurotic? I always think neon, first) for commenting on my newest batch of words. Your comments are, as always, uplifting and curious and I inevitably come away wondering why I wrote some of the things I did, myself.

thanks for reading, commenting and inspiring editing,


neonurotic = ne[o-new[e[rot[ic

Don't ask me. :rolleyes:

I thought it was cool when I first made it up three ago. Now I have 5-6 pages of google search under the nick—if I changed it now, no one would find me.


- ne[o]
Maria2394 said:
Da, know what? I always think "neo" frst, maybe cause of the Matrix and I think the neurotic part is just assumed:D

luv ya sweet thang ;)

:rose: ;) same
neonurotic said:

I don't know what I'm missing , but I do know neonurotic does not have a second "e" in it. :eek:

I think there may be some wishful thinking going on amongst a few ladies. :)

And who could blame them, he seem's a comely lad.:D
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