To keep the review thread clean...

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WickedEve said:


yeeehaw has unsettling connotations to us " yankees"

we figure we're either gonna get dragged behind a pick up, forced to listen to Tammy Wynette, or buggered by someone named jimmy jo out by the cotton gin
Tathagata said:

yeeehaw has unsettling connotations to us " yankees"

we figure we're either gonna get dragged behind a pick up, forced to listen to Tammy Wynette, or buggered by someone named jimmy jo out by the cotton gin

Eve, Tath and Boo.

OMG! You are so fucking funny!

Boo, I am delighted to see that you brought back my favorite av. Thank you.
Eve-I am glad to have given you ideas for such promising career options.
Tath-go write something darling. These girls have got you all twisted up in the game.

Good morning all.

Syn :kiss:
Syndra Lynn said:
Eve, Tath and Boo.

OMG! You are so fucking funny!

Boo, I am delighted to see that you brought back my favorite av. Thank you.
Eve-I am glad to have given you ideas for such promising career options.
Tath-go write something darling. These girls have got you all twisted up in the game.

Good morning all.

Syn :kiss:

Good Morning Sexy Sis
Tathagata said:

yeeehaw has unsettling connotations to us " yankees"

we figure we're either gonna get dragged behind a pick up, forced to listen to Tammy Wynette, or buggered by someone named jimmy jo out by the cotton gin
I don't know any jimmy jo but I went to church with a bo bo.

I have to tell you that I'm disturbed about something. My kids saw a deer yesterday and my mom said, "Your momma's eaten deer before."
(Okay, fine.)

Then she said, "She's had rabbit and squirrel too."
(Rabbit? Okay. Squirrel? Ummm...)

"Bear, raccoon, beaver..."

"Hold on, mom! I don't eat beaver!"

"Groundhog, possum..."

"Well, where did I get all that meat?!"
(At this point, my 6-year-old is giving me this "you're groddy" look.)

"Your uncle used to hunt a lot when you were a kid. But don't worry about it. Your great grandma ate possums and doves."
(Oh, okay, fine... I guess.)
WickedEve said:
I don't know any jimmy jo but I went to church with a bo bo.

I have to tell you that I'm disturbed about something. My kids saw a deer yesterday and my mom said, "Your momma's eaten deer before."
(Okay, fine.)

Then she said, "She's had rabbit and squirrel too."
(Rabbit? Okay. Squirrel? Ummm...)

"Bear, raccoon, beaver..."

"Hold on, mom! I don't eat beaver!"

"Groundhog, possum..."

"Well, where did I get all that meat?!"
(At this point, my 6-year-old is giving me this "you're groddy" look.)

"Your uncle used to hunt a lot when you were a kid. But don't worry about it. Your great grandma ate possums and doves."
(Oh, okay, fine... I guess.)


Tathagata said:
i was waiting for monkey to show up on the list....
I'm sure you were. But I wasn't kidding. I've been told that I've eaten all sorts of critters. I feel kind of bad about it, and like I need to pick my teeth or something. I'm actually working on a dove poem. I think that's a great image: old lady catching doves for dinner.
WickedEve said:
I'm sure you were. But I wasn't kidding. I've been told that I've eaten all sorts of critters. I feel kind of bad about it, and like I need to pick my teeth or something. I'm actually working on a dove poem. I think that's a great image: old lady catching doves for dinner.

arent doves like game hens??
Tathagata said:
arent doves like game hens??
Yes, or similar, but I like the image of white doves.
Anyway, I just wrote the poem and I'm posting it on the suddenly thread.
I've eaten all sorts of critters before, too. I just hate cleaning them.

I may be wrong, bit I thought Evie was a Southerner. I'm born a Yankee but lived in the South so long I'll never talk right again. Maria's a Southerner, too.

So Tath- if Eve and Maria and I all yell "Yeeehaaaaaa!!!" does that scare you, baby? (smiling wickedly)

Hiya Synny- yes- it's time I got back to my old self. I'm havin a bit of trouble finding her, but I will.

Challenges? Did I hear challenges? Yippeeeeee!!! Is the Full Moon Challenge defunct?

Eve? Isn't defunct what you do to a skunk before ya eat it??
Thank yous to WickedEve and Tarablackwood22 for mentioning my last two poems, Pixelated and freckles. Also thanks to those who commented in PC.

I appreciate it as always, poetry-type friends.

- neo
Tathagata said:
arent doves like game hens??

Ain't much meat on them there turtle doves. Takes a hull passel of 'em. Damn. Gotta get my Dove Stamp. Dove Season next month....

Foooool with a gun....I mean grin....
Thanks for the mention of my latest disaster, 27 years. I believe there is a Poem Limbo here- I deleted that poem while it was still pending, but it must have been in transit or something. It wasn't even a poem; just a rant, but if anyone liked it then thats ok, too.
thank you neo

for mentioning marias Bitchin" Heat and Mias thingie, thoughts in passing, was it? Your time and effort is VERY much appreciated and to everyone who left a comment and voted or sent FB, you are all very precious to me too. I get so much comfort just knowing people actually liek mystuff and it really makes me feel great to know that I am valued enough for people to take their time to offer suggestions and read my rambles, bless you guys, xoxoxoxo


we are who we are :D

( sometimes, we just arent tho)
Warning! This is a test!

In an attempt to prepare for my Sunday new poems review, i have decided to see if I understand links.

To avoid embarassment or insult to anyone else, I am suing myself as a guinea pig.:eek:

tungtied2u gives us 2 wonderful offerings today.

Nuts to You is a lighthearted look at how forest friend view our enceroahmnet onto their stomping grounds.

Sweat, summer and sex round the corner in Buggy Lust a ride through wantoness on the wild west coast.

Don't miss either!

(Sorry for the shameless self promotion, but it was necessary in the name of art and technology)

See you on Sunday:cool:

or later in this thread if this doesn't work.:D
Re: Warning! This is a test!

tungtied2u said:
In an attempt to prepare for my Sunday new poems review, i have decided to see if I understand links.

To avoid embarassment or insult to anyone else, I am suing myself as a guinea pig.:eek:

tungtied2u gives us 2 wonderful offerings today.

Nuts to You is a lighthearted look at how forest friend view our enceroahmnet onto their stomping grounds.

Sweat, summer and sex round the corner in Buggy Lust a ride through wantoness on the wild west coast.

Don't miss either!

(Sorry for the shameless self promotion, but it was necessary in the name of art and technology)

See you on Sunday:cool:

or later in this thread if this doesn't work.:D

Re: Warning! This is a test!

tungtied2u said:
In an attempt to prepare for my Sunday new poems review, i have decided to see if I understand links.

To avoid embarassment or insult to anyone else, I am suing myself as a guinea pig.:eek:

tungtied2u gives us 2 wonderful offerings today.

Nuts to You is a lighthearted look at how forest friend view our enceroahmnet onto their stomping grounds.

Sweat, summer and sex round the corner in Buggy Lust a ride through wantoness on the wild west coast.

Don't miss either!

(Sorry for the shameless self promotion, but it was necessary in the name of art and technology)

See you on Sunday:cool:

or later in this thread if this doesn't work.:D
I think it's a cheap trick to entice us to read you. Ok, I like them.


tungtied2u said:
I don't want to step on Eve's toes, (they're very tender, and sweet tastin' too- but I digress), but here are a few poems that caught my eye from the 19th I wanted to mention.

Pat Carrington finds Hard Candy , suck on it awhile.

And while you're there and comment yourself.

So that's just a few I thought shouldn't be missed..... I know there are others deserving mention.....but I'm busy, just like you are.

thank you kindly, tungtied :)
Congatulations, Liar. You are the first person to ever call me a poet. I will require help to get my head through the door now.
Thanks for the praise for Denizens: Debbie. And thanks for the inspiration. I will endeavor to keep topping my self.
Denizens: Trip coming soon.

Liar said:

Vainamoinen Me by lostandfounder takes you for quite a spin, using the Vainamoinen legend as a springboard metaphor for an autobiographical piece, never leaving the inaginative style and mood of it's namesake.

Vainamoinen, for those who don't know, is a slightly bizarre hero figure from Finnish mythology. The stories of his adventures ventures from strange to über-strange, in that way that only old nordic tales really can. And Vainamoinen is the grand lord of everything strange, the von Münchausen of the old sagas. If you haven't read the Kalevala, the old Finnish creation story, I strongly urge you to take it for a spin. It's a trip like few others in world literature history.

Thank you for kind words Liar! I was a little worried about this one, but I'm so glad that there are others who have read Kalevala and got what I was going for! Hopefully it will get some others curious enough to go look it up. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I shall forge you a Sampo with a brightly colored lid!
My nasty weed that tricked me with that pretty white trumpet

Herbacious armastice


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Liar said:
Friday the 20th will go down in history as a good day for Lit poetry. There was a whole necklace of gems on the menu.

Asbury Park by PatCarrington. I love this, I absolutely can not stop reading. With quite simple words and straight on imagery, he paints the most vivid of images, a scenery jubilant and rich of life.

[color=227722]Silence and sorrow become song
as summer calls, baton
of resurrected symphony
conducting for the ears
and hearts of yearning men
as girls unbox their flowered dresses
and mothers dig in closets
for sun hats and parasols, waltzing
to the rhythm of cement mixers
and the banging of boardwalk nails.[/color]


kind words, liar / thank you ;)
I am sure I speak for many when I send out my thanks and congratulations to tungtied2u (gosh am I spelling that right?)

You did a great job on the reviews! You are not allowed to ever leave.


Normal Jean, your reviews are always so snappy and smart-- thanks for including my poems in them today. (and yep the poem is about a rock :) we seem to find them everywhere.

Everywhere. I mean it.

Everywhere and we carry them until we find water to sink them.

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