To keep the review thread clean...

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Thank you

Thanks maria for mentioning my poem, Hot Moon today in your review. :rose: And thank to anna & champ for their public comments. :rose:

- neo
annaswirls said:
Thanks Maria for doing such an extensive review on such a full of moon and other wonders day!

and thanks for mentioning my hungry moon.




no problemo, my dear :) I was truly surprised by the number of moon poems and the difference in them, all in all a grrreat bunch of poems today, from everyone :)
Maria2394 said:
no problemo, my dear :) I was truly surprised by the number of moon poems and the difference in them, all in all a grrreat bunch of poems today, from everyone :)

Thank you, dear friend, for the mention of my poem and for the wonderful job you do despite computer problems.
You're a sweetheart

:rose: :kiss: :heart:
Bakeher by wickedEve, she is showing us her domestic side? I think not, shes a sultry bakers tease with this poem, what inspired it?,maybe biscuits with lots of sweet honey dripping..oh my :D

A Hot Sex Scene, by WickedEve is indeed just that, HOT and sensual and well written, love this poem, dont miss, just dont :)
Thank you, Maria. :)
for what it is worth maria, i and many others appreciate it. ignore idiots that don't even have the guts to post their name.

I read what you said Maria, and I couldn't help but comment. The fact that people take the work that you and the other reviewers do for granted is bad enough. But when they start actually insulting you over missing poems is disgusting. Just so you know, I think most of us really appreciate all the work you do (I think you must be superhuman to have time to do it).

Don't let jerks get on your nerves. Especially since they aren't willing to admit who they are, they are not worth getting upset about.

*Hug* Thanx for all your hard work and dedication. It means alot!
New poem reviews

tungtied2u's Brooms are for Cobwebs is a nice effort from a steadily improving poet. It deals with a touchy subject, emotional and physical abuse of a spouse (or lover), and should definately be read:

Morning arrives, bag packed
goodbyes whispered with pleas for silence
and a clean escape
but no tears

Thank you Tara for the mention, and many grateful thanks to all of you who have read and commented on this and other recent postings.
Hey, Maria! Thanks for mentioning my little moony thingy! I'm doin the Mentioning on Saturday night! Y'all pray for me...
BooMerengue said:
Hey, Maria! Thanks for mentioning my little moony thingy! I'm doin the Mentioning on Saturday night! Y'all pray for me...

You go Boo! I'm behind you, and after you, and praying....
(praying you get the tough stuff)

Looking forward to your slant :cool:

Tara :rose:, thanks for mentioning lest he paint another. I was so touched by your words of praise, that was one that started with one line, ( the Scream ref) and just sort or plopped out and ended up as I posted it, very little was changed.

No one mentioned it, LOL, but neo knows :wink: and my daughter caught "who" the poem was about on the first read, but then she knows me real good i guess, and I almost expected some outraged FB, didnt get any, thanks you guys!!

Also, thanks to everyone who reads my stuff, it means a lot that my words cause you to feel, that has alwasy been my intention and Im so loving the new poets that have come in here in the past months, and I know that some of these vey people are getting ready to send their babies off to be judged by people who dont know them and its scary, so I wish those venturing out the best of luck!!

May we pick up a journal and recognize a voice, or many, that we already know :heart:


Boo, you will do wonderfully!! youre kinda like me, I cant do a bad review, and some things I dont want to read, and could never review stories, so I understand and I will pray for you, it is kinda scary putting yourself up like that, but lots of people will let you know how much you are appreciated :rose:

I wasnt whining about my review day, that email just seemd like the person was more hurt than angry and thats something I DID expect with reviewing and it even bothers me I cant listen to audio poems on my day. Its my experience that most of my email is friendly and kind and appreciated, so I wish that for you too

mariiiaaa!!!! ;)
Maria2394 said:
mariiiaaa!!!! ;)
Your "raw material" link isn't working - I mean, I'm supposed to just click it and I'm in right? ;)

- neo
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Thanks neo, for mentioning "put himself down."

I almost didn't post it, because, as you noted, it was a really personal poem.

Still, I'm glad you liked it, and appreciate the mention.

I second Neon's choices, and I find little else that raises above average at best (IMHO).

There is quite a lot of the infamous "telling not showing" flitting about today. Perhaps a good lesson plan for those new poets who which to see examples of why a poem fails, or at least why it isn't as strong as it might be. :) :rose: :)
WickedEve said:
Chichen Itza
by Angeline ©

One iguana conquers Chac-Mool,
draped across the stone bowl,
barely moving, drunk with heat.
Its recticular lid ticks.

The above stanza is so wonderful that it makes the entire poem shine. Though, I have to admit that it spoiled me and had me longing for more stanzas of the same caliber. This entire poem is very good--Angeline doesn't write mediocre poetry. This is definitely worth a read and a comment and a vote.

Thanks Eve, and those who commented for your kind words. I wrote that poem a few years ago and recently reworked it. I pared it down and tried to convey what is essential to me about Chichen Itza, an incredible Mayan ruin in southern Mexico. I visited many years ago, but it left an indelible impression on me--an ancient ghost city shimmering and mysterious and hot hot hot.

WickedEve said:
Chichen Itza
by Angeline ©

One iguana conquers Chac-Mool,
draped across the stone bowl,
barely moving, drunk with heat.
Its recticular lid ticks.

The above stanza is so wonderful that it makes the entire poem shine. Though, I have to admit that it spoiled me and had me longing for more stanzas of the same caliber. This entire poem is very good--Angeline doesn't write mediocre poetry. This is definitely worth a read and a comment and a vote.

Thanks Eve, and those who commented for your kind words. I wrote that poem a few years ago and recently reworked it. I pared it down and tried to convey what is essential to me about Chichen Itza, an incredible Mayan ruin in southern Mexico. I visited many years ago, but it left an indelible impression on me--an ancient ghost city shimmering and mysterious and hot hot hot.


PS--Here's the cenote (full of bones from sacrafices)

neonurotic said:

Silver by PatCarrington
The metaphor in this is right on and paints vivid imagery. I'm going to admit that I am adopted and that this poem hit some of my sore spots, but it was written with respect and beauty from the consciousness of the only one who is fully unaware of the sadness that is happening

Their shells on coat hangers,
sucked through doctor straws,
they waft and watch
the sky wheel by
in silver winks, waiting

for some immense beauty
to gift them its face, unmask
its eyes and shine
like the veins of the silverwoods
that would turn their wax to wine
as they pass,

WickedEve said:


Ghosts of Want
by PatCarrington ©

Dawn cracks, and the statues
are still,
the boiling ocean flat
as the light of the yolk
frightens and freezes
the tremulous feasts
that bent and bubbled to life
with the moon.

What a wonderful poet. You simply must read anything written by Mr. Carrington.


thank you for the mentions, neo and Eve :rose:

i wish i had a picture as good as Angeline's to put here.
Hey Evie,

Thanks for your interesting comment on my interesting poem!


SeattleRain<---gotta write one of those every now and then, can't help it!:eek:

WickedEve said:
Okay, more poems. :)

This one is already hot:

Zephyr's Reprieve
by neonurotic ©

at the kitchen table
doing mundane inane tasks
bills, bills, and books


Thanks for the mention Eve. Also, many thank yous to those who took the time to visit my poem today, as I appreciate it as always.

- neo
I forgot to say thank you Eve.


Thank you, Eve. :)
And the rest of y'all for all the comments.
PatCarrington said:
thank you for the mentions, neo and Eve :rose:

i wish i had a picture as good as Angeline's to put here.

I'll let you in on my secret--google image search. :D

Yesterday I ran,
Today I stumble.
Yesterday I sang,
Today I just sigh.
Yesterday I understood,
Today I'll never know.
Yesterday I was loved,
Today I sit alone.
Yesterday love's embers shone,

Today I died.

I'm trying to use a form of repetition and growing, but I'm not sure about the placing of the last line.

Should I line it up with the other secondary lines, or would it lose its impact?

Edit: Also changing this:

Yesterday I was loved,
Today I sit alone.


Yesterday I loved,
Today I sit alone.

Ideas? please :rose:

Damn it, it's not showing the shape I pasted it as.

Do I need to paste it as a file? I want the 'Today...' lines indented *sigh*
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Apparently no new poems today. I can take a hack at tomorrow's if it floods over.
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