To keep the review thread clean...

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Thank you

Ms Normal Jean for mentioning my poem and for your very kind words.
Your work always take me to far away, sometimes magical places also.
I'm glad I could finally return the favor.

Thanks to all who voted and commented also.

:rose: :heart:

Just arrived home from a couple of days away to find some very generous comments on my latest poem and a recommendation from Normal Jean.

Thanks to all who commented and sent feedback. It was fun to write and I'm glad some of you had fun reading it.

Special thanks to N.J. for spending her time doing the Monday reviews. It's appreciated.:rose:
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neonurotic said:

Union Square by PatCarrington ©
Skillful and articulate writing. The first stanza drew me in for this well written piece:

Dawn is a peeping tom, intruding
blink by blink, truth’s spy
lighting its flares,
shocking the naked as they hide
their eyes and cover their breasts,
reaching for clothing.

- neo

neo / thank you for mentioning 'Union Square' / thanks also to those who read and commented :)
Thank You Eve for the mentions in todays review.

And thanks for taking care of Thursday, our poems are in such good hands!


I wish there was a way to revise on the spot, like in a thread post. hmmm.

thanks for the comments on Jesus and the Cookie Jar (new same title challenge?) I think that many of us have gotten our hands caught in it :)

Parallax (revision)

Nana had a picture of Jesus on her wall.
His eyes followed you everywhere,
even the kitchen.

We felt the creepy stare
through papered plaster walls
and lifted the wooden lid
slowly as to not make a sound.

But He knew very well,
it was too close to dinner for cookies.

Everyone else was so busy with
table setting and football
they didn't notice his eyes
blinking out a frantic morse-code warning.

And from up on the living room wall,
what else could he do?
New Poems Review

Suspended Animation
by tungtied2u ©

Gossamer wing beat
fervent mandolin strings


This is simply a lovely poem. Read and comment.

Thank you Evie for your kinds words, and to all those who read and commented.

This poem was a response to a glass goddess I saw suspended in a local shop as I weaved my home wasted one night.

I'm just glad I remembered what I saw.:D
WickedEve said:

by lostandfounder ©

"Hold and release"
"Mount the apparatus"
"Here comes the big finish!"

This gave me a big smile with its ending. This is light, fun erotica.


Thanks so much for the mention Eve! Some people may think it was rather brazen of me to put it in the erotic catagory, but if you got it then that's all that matters!:D
lostandfounder said:
Thanks so much for the mention Eve! Some people may think it was rather brazen of me to put it in the erotic catagory, but if you got it then that's all that matters!:D

"This gave me a big smile with its ending. This is light, fun erotica."

Oh, sure, pull out the big gun. -Eve always liked you better.
I give you a bronze for the brazen pun.
A silver for being so brazen
and a gold, because I'm still laughin'
good going

BTW she says that about ALL my stuff
Thanks W.E.

for mentioning " About chimeras "

I have not been around much these past few months Been enjoying life and this summer Still look in once in a while and glad to see the great writing here and so many new good poets

Once again


Razz :p :p
there are only 7 friday poems so far, and it's Saturday now over here. Do ya think more wioll drop in late, or should I go ahead and review those?

Liar said:

Renaming the Streets by PatCarrington ©
One of my new favourite poets, who writes grand themes from a human perspective, and paints bold brush strokes with a relatively mundane vocabulary. This poem is no exception. A wistful, emotional piece that hits home.


thank you for the mention, Liar :)
Thanks Eve, for the mention of Forni Sheds Three Tears and also, NJ wants to thak TT2U for mentioning personae interchangeable.

I have been having terrible computer problems lately. I can get onto Lit to read maybe one poem, and then wehn I attempt to comment, my screen freezes. Its a miracle its allowing me to post even now.

So, I just wanted to apologize for being so late, I procrastinate a lot to begin with and then... ::(

anyway, :rose: for Eve and a :heart: for TT :)

thanks again

PS, anna, the Forni poem isnt about a movie, there were 3 frozen WW1 soldiers found in a glacier in Italy, they had been there since 1918, I always feel so bad for anything that spends its eternity frozen, I guess its an obsession, sort of like your mirror fixation. You didnt miss nuthin sweetie :) youre sharp as a tack!!
hey, ttU, double thanks for the the double mention

and another thanks for neither giving away the joke nor its punchline

I hate when that happens

Oh, special thanks, to you, eve, your comment, dare I say, had me in stiches
I take my (undersized) hat off to you
We shall cross thermometers again:rose: :rose: :rose:
Thanks neonurotic, Miss Oatlash, Maria2394 , Tathagata, twelveoone for your comments on my metaphor of you poem---

I posted a reply on the pc but realized that you might not see it, so here it is:


Thank you for the kind comments. And for the duh correct spelling lol

Maria, thank you so much for pointing out that this is two poems, you are right! This was one of those stream of consciousness things I did a few months ago, and I think I added the sunflower thing later, and then when I re-edited it down (yes, it was like 2 pages long lol) I did not even see the break. I will definately edit the flower part out and make it into another poem. Thank you Neo for your candor as well! I need this, and appreciate it very much. yeah!
tungtied /

thanks for mentioning 'music for a girl' in your Sunday reviews / and thank you to all who read and critiqued /

Thanks to Maria for her mention of "Facing the Flower Moon" and to Anna for the whole moon challenge thing. Commenting on that many poems I am sure took a lot of time and effort and it is very much appreciated.:kiss: :rose:
Thanks, Maria...

I know I have been very scarce. Life has gotten so busy, and my priorities seem to be elsewhere. I miss this place, but you all seem to be doing fine without me. I just peek in to read poems once in a while and to watch my votes fall away. Have they always done this? The ones I had with more than 10 votes now all have 7 and 8 votes. Ah, well.... Interesting to watch. Good thing I don't take much stock by it.

And I am glad you enjoyed "encryption," my little villanelle. I wrote it in a sudden poetic flurry one day...

I hope to peek in more often.

Thanks Maria for doing such an extensive review on such a full of moon and other wonders day!

and thanks for mentioning my hungry moon.



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