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Thanks Neon~

Originally posted by neonurotic
My Erotic Tale had a few humorous erotic writes to tickle funny bones and other places too.

Thanks for the mention and the read!

Hope you enjoyed reading them
as much as I did writing them.

Re: Thank you, SeattleRain

Maria2394 said:
Dear Seattle, thanks for taking the reviews today, and for mentioning my little poem, it was fun to write :)

Also, many of you know I had some surgery today, everything went okay, I am home ( obviously ;) and there are really no nasty, gory details except that my left ovary was twisted around the fallopian tube and was causing a lot of pain as it was growing to my abdominal wall :eek:

the entire procedure took less than 2 hours and I slept thru the whole thing. Dr K took care of me, sent me home with a huge bottle of percocet and I slept most of the day, with a few trips in here to read the new stuff, some excellent poems posted today!!

I truly appreciate the kindness of all you wonderful people here, some are very dear friends and a few I barely even know, sent me well wishes, I feel so blessed to be part of this community, such kind, caring people, bless you all and thanks for caring about me, Im not sure I deserve it most of the time

hugs and kisses :heart: :rose:

and, hey flyguy, quit making my feet tingle!!! ;) :rose:

Get well soon!!!!

Thanks Neon~

Waves at the oblong eliptic sphere
circle or poets...
Tathagata said:
Let's start with the usual disclaimer:

I have no idea what I'm talking about, everything is subjective, therefore what I like and think shouldn't really matter at all.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


On that note....


Minute Waltz - Angeline

This is my kind of poem.
there's is a wisdom here, and pain, and weariness all wrapped up in delicate words and dream whispers.
It's the kind of poem you read two or three times and it stops your thinking for a few minutes..while it soaks in.
and it is universal in its emotions
a peek:

It doesn't get a lot better than that
Have a look
Read it slow
and read it twice


Thank you dear Tath. (and sorry, but I must pay attention to that guy behind the curtain--I like him too much).

Kismet Dear,

Thanks Liar, for the mention in your review. I greatly appreciate it.

- neo
Hey Tath,

Thanks for the words man...and can you pass the sliced lemons and the hotsauce please?

Thanks Tath~

Originally posted by Tathagata
Wendy's Bitchin' Broom - My Erotic Tale

Remember when they'd show a sexy witch on some 60's horror movie..and you wondered , in your hormone riddled adolescent insanity, what she really did with that broom?
Well here's the answer
A bit of halloween fun from MET

Thank you Tathagata~

For the read and kind words here.
Yep, I always wondered myself why nobody
made a comedy with a witch and her broom
that could fullfill her whims...he he he
have a good day~
annaswirls said:
Thank you T for your kind mention and for believing that my poems mean something,


Tath finally put his finger on it for me anna.

Your poems are like dreams.....vivid, and sharp with wild and sometimes surreal imagery.....

and when you wake up...even though they may not make sense, you think about them all day long.

Thanks anna, and thanks Tath for putting words to my feelings.

Re: New Poem Reviews Halloween '04

tungtied2u said:
Happy Halloween All!

We start with Promised Land IV part a by twelveoone .
This poem has already received an "E" and deservedly so IMHO.

This is an epic, a rollicking ride through spurious circumstances,
often occuring two at a time. Some very witty wordplay, and shifting forms of presentation make this a challenge and pleasure to read. As here:

So says the now maskless Faber, such a fluent man,
immaculate as his photo ID Man of vacuum eyes
Man of impeccable credentials - alabaster coat, stethoscope
who am I to question, always taking in
White letters on black plastic looking for his edge
name tag - Dr. Kenneth Faber. ( Pour savoir;
(Who am I, indeed?) Pour savoir pas)

Man with soul of sculpted plastic, It is either...
who would have children murdered
for his place in the lunch- line

I have done a disservice here, as I can't get the line breaks as they appear in the you'll have to go read for yourself to get the full impact.

I would love to see this poem dissected...perhaps by Doctor Faber himself.

Syndra Lynn ambles through her neck of the woods, and presents us with keen observations in Walking Meditation. Very nice use of light, color and metaphor put the reader in Syndra's space in time.
She is here:

Sunlight-sliced lingering gray
reveals treasure,
glistening golden and ruby.
Muted, luminescent streams
melt the mist,
as if smeared by God,
like an angry child maims
her finger painting.

Very soft and peaceful.

Thank you for you kind mention, as you can see in the threads
below, I had problems also.
as for Dr. Faber, I had to kill him in part C; L&F is making me pay a royalty, every time he appears so...
I am glad you enjoyed.
WickedEve said:
Since there is slight confusion (my confusion) over who is covering Saturday (and some of the other days) and since this past Saturday was not reviewed, well, guess what you get--an Eve poetry review.

First, I'd like to mention The Sculpture by champagne1982. Very nice poem, with a strong beginning:

He searches for each subtle clue
of what his art will be.
A flaw in fabric, a knot in wood
a crack inside the stone

Those first four lines are wonderful. I would have liked to have seen the poem end with these lines, though:

Only my craftsman loves me enough
to humanize this mud.

Very powerful lines. <snip>
I like Eve reviews almost as much as I like Eve poems. Thankyou for taking the time to review.

I, too, am not as satisfied with the ending here as I could be, but I wanted to include the last thought so much that I couldn't bear to cut it. Maybe, I could shuffle things around a little. :) There's always room to play and I don't think there's a time limit on edits and rewrites.

Thankyou, for the mention and the read.
Thank you tungtied2u for your wonderful review and mentioning this poem. It is certainly great to be back writing, I thought I almost lost it completely...

champagne1982 said:
I like Eve reviews almost as much as I like Eve poems. Thankyou for taking the time to review.

I, too, am not as satisfied with the ending here as I could be, but I wanted to include the last thought so much that I couldn't bear to cut it. Maybe, I could shuffle things around a little. :) There's always room to play and I don't think there's a time limit on edits and rewrites.

Thankyou, for the mention and the read.
Your ending isn't bad at all, but those lines about "humanize this mud" make it difficult for any lines that come after it to have as much impact. I think it would make a powerful ending.
tungtied2u said:
Tath finally put his finger on it for me anna.

Your poems are like dreams.....vivid, and sharp with wild and sometimes surreal imagery.....

and when you wake up...even though they may not make sense, you think about them all day long.

Thanks anna, and thanks Tath for putting words to my feelings.


Thank you, I really really needed to hear something so kind.

Thank you Eve for your mention of my lumpy dog poem.

I have to put a disclaimer in for anyone who read it that I am no longer much of a beer drinker, but I still know what is good, and Lumpy Dog Lager is genuine-ly tasty. I was just in a bustin on the box store and TGIApplebees mood.

My Humble Thanks

Thanks tungtied, for the mention. I haven't been around for a time and am happy you remember me. Sandspike, as always, thank you for your love and support. As for my Geminii brother, Neo, flyguy and twelveoone, I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. You guys have been good to me.

Much love and many kisses,



]Just a Feeling, by Tristesse. I would call this one my favorite of the day , with phrases like-

muscles twang with lustful chords,
back arcs, sinews strain.

this is an excellent example of what I consider good erotica. Tasteful, well thought out, just a lovely poem all around, read it, and you will enjoy.

but we will stay, by Tristesse. This is a lovely snapshot of what your approaching winter must surely be. Some excellent imagery, use of colors and shapes in this one.

Thank you, Maria, for mentioning my poems in your review and for saying such lovely things about them. :kiss:

Edited because I forgot to thank those who left comments. I need a spanking.....................

..................anybody? :D
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Thanks Maria~

Riverside, by My Erotic Tail.

Okay, this is one of the best poems I have read by you, MET. However, sprinkled among your excellent descriptions were a few spelling mistakes ( always use spell check, if the misspells were intentional, I apologize), and some questionable punctuation. But I will overlook that for the pleasure just reading it gave me.

This is another poem that could use some line extension,
( again, just my opinion.)

Thanks Maria...
it was my first attempt at not ryhming...
and yes I use spell check but it doesn't
seem to catch every thing?????
or puntuation which I got that fixed
I aint using commas or periods no more period...
hehehe...thanks Art~
Thank you so much!

A sense of longing is duly noted in Goddess of the University by SoundsErotica . I don't think I've met the Goddess of my university yet then again, she may be sleeping (but I think not ) whilst I toil away with night classes.
Thank you so much for mentioning my poem. I'm pretty sure I've never made it this far with you guys:confused:
But all of your wonderful comments have made me feel SOOOO! totally wonderful! I love you all! :heart: :kiss:
Thanks for mentioning artificial light, that one was hard to get out. sort of..

also thanks to twelveoone, neonurotic, tristesse and flyguy for their PC's and to everyone who read and just wondered. I always appreciate the feedback and suggestions. 1201 you are of course right, I will edit that, it feels a lot better with that, oh, and your PM box is full :)

, thanks ya'll :heart:

Thanks neo for mentioning my Stray Voltage poem and for doing all the reviews-- did you see MET mentioned your poem Yessssssss in his thread :)

Thanks also for the cool and funny and kind comments.

So the basis of the poem kind of did happen. to dg of course lol he attracted such strangeness, invited it.

Yes, he did send the satellite dish one and the close up of the detector in his hand. crazy story. I have to find the poem where he mentions it in passing.

if you still have the photos, I would be happy to give you the poem as a caption :) for your Habit

I lost 90% of the pictures I had, Funny, I think I especially miss the silly ones, like the huge cat in the tiny window that did not seem to be so essential at the time, you know?. Sucks. There was such a fast and steady stream never thought it would go dry. Lessons.

Re: Tuesday Poems

WickedEve said:

Almonds and Red Wine
by BooMerengue ©

A wizard he was all dressed up in bright stars
and driving a traffic jam of little pink cars!

Fun rhyme that works well with this poem. Lots of originality.


Thanks, Eve. Man, whatta bomb! I just wrote it for a lark- got 2 votes=3.50. Sheeesh! Y'all are harsh! lol

*walking off wiping the rotten tomatos off...
Thank you neonurotic (did I spell that right?) for noticing my poem! Very cool! I might have to write some more. A couple of people left comments. So nice!

What is the "n" for?

La Creme de la creme
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