To keep the review thread clean...

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CremeBrule said:
Thank you neonurotic (did I spell that right?) for noticing my poem! Very cool! I might have to write some more. A couple of people left comments. So nice!

What is the "n" for?

La Creme de la creme

Neo, tung... a sincere thanks for your recent mentions of my schtuff. It means a bunch for this a lil ego of mine. :)

Oh, and it seems like I'll still be around and connected tonight, so I'll do the review round today.

Re:Maria's Monday Review

Aloneness, by tungtied2u. I would make a similar suggestion as one of your PC's. Trim it down a little bit, or rearrange the lines so there is more to them. Sometimes very short lines are very effective, but I think in this poem, you could make it a little better by making the lines longer. Just my opinion, I did enjoy the read.

Thank you Maria for the mention and the feedback. I've already been editing it, and hope it's actually improving.
a list of thank yous~

Thank you Liar~
for the great review of my Poem/ rantings of my
frustration "Shaking my fist at the Heavens...
kicking dirt into Hell"

I know that as a poem it could
be tended and written better but as a spew of
anger I released my minds entanglement.

I also owe neonnurotic a thank you
for Bambi's Tears...later renamed
"Forever down... a country road"
(thanks eve)
Thanks neon~

and a thanks to all who left a comment
or criticism...honeing the pen~
"guilding the lilly"
ty maria~

thank you
thank you monkey man

i was afraid to read this after the little thermometer things on your comment said "50" because i am still not entirely sure what those things mean

sci-fi? that sort of threw me. i wonder where that impression came's neat

the whole thing was a clunky metaphor for the fact that you can't mix hair dye in a metal bowl or else it taints and reuslts are iffy. making permanent changes has always had the same effect on me..they just dont mix well.

much appreciated as it has been a while since i had new stuff up here :D very rad, thanks
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Eve and Tath

Thanks for the mentions of my two poems, Java Vamp and pseudo-recall. I really appreciate the time and reads from everyone.

Yes, Eve—I will change "short" to "low" on pseudo-recall.. because I agree. ;)

- neo
oblong sex

I wrote this poem which
mentions almost all of you...
...oblong sex...

I've never been one to say anything behind anyones
back...I'd rather see your eyes lite up <snicker>

thanks for the mentions/comments and help
that you all have given me...
...good and bad...

Thank you Maria for reading and mentioning Fall's whisper on the new poetry thread.
I am sorry this is so slow in coming and really late


Just wanted to say" Thanks" for the comments/postings on my poem *Whispering*.

I loved writing this one.. Thanks again..*Big Smiles*

Re: Monday 11/08, new poems

Maria2394 said:
New Poems

Enter the Dragon, by My Erotic Tail. Okay, MET, you keep getting better, its almost like someone flipped your poetry switch into permanent on!!, but this style, with your name attached confuses me. It seems like you have decided to ditch your narratives for the short, choppy sentences and phrases that only a few have mastered here, ( and no, I am NOT One of them ;)

I like the poem, the images are really good, and I agree there are some obvious spelling mistakes, but since you told me you have no intention of dealing with them, I have accepted your work as is. You are growing and I am enjoying your work. This one is very colorful, truly delightful :)


til next week,
twas a pleasure,

Thank You Maria...

I will work to do better at grammar...
My next lessons...hehehe
I have thank for some
wonderful links that show how to write
poems and it has truley been enlightening...
I learned alot by reading them but the one thing
I learned the most was....when in rome...
do like the romans!
and this style is (lit style I'll call it for lack of
the knowledge to tell you what style it is) but...
if you read your poems,
(oh yeah thanks for the inspiration NEONUROTIC)
and yours, tonguetieds and many many
more I got feel for what ya'll like...
why copy cat ya'll you might ask?

I am on a (quest for the green 'E')..
another poem brewing at this time..hehehe
thanks for the mention...

and a note to all NEW POETS.
read all the poems you can and learn from
them and the sites that is offered on the
internet and they will make you better...
look at me, if a dumb ass country boy redneck
can do it you can to...

now eye gotta lern 2 spel (~_*)

thanks Maria
and thanks to the oblong eliptic (The Poets)
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Re: Re: Monday 11/08, new poems

My Erotic Tail said:
Thank You Maria...

I will work to do better at grammar...
My next lessons...hehehe
I have thank for some
wonderful links that show how to write
poems and it has truley been enlightening...
I learned alot by reading them but the one thing
I learned the most was....when in rome...
do like the romans!
and this style is (lit style I'll call it for lack of
the knowledge to tell you what style it is) but...
if you read your poems,
(oh yeah thanks for the inspiration NEONUROTIC)
and yours, tonguetieds and many many
more I got feel for what ya'll like...
why copy cat ya'll you might ask?

I am on a (quest for the green 'E')..
another poem brewing at this time..hehehe
thanks for the mention...

and a note to all NEW POETS.
read all the poems you can and learn from
them and the sites that is offered on the
internet and they will make you better...
look at me, if a dumb ass country boy redneck
can do it you can to...

now eye gotta lern 2 spel (~_*)

thanks Maria
and thanks to the oblong eliptic (The Poets)

oh POO on the spelling, I am mellowing with my old age, but I will let you in on a secret, about those elusive green E's. I got 5, one has been deleted cause I thought it might have a chance elsewhere, but no avail, anyway, all mine were like written in 10 minute s or less. Something in the editors eye must hit on pure passion, or something, how bout all you others with green E's, anna got like a thousand in one day I think, :D were they sudden poems, or something you slaved over? yes, mods, I know, this aint nary the place for this question..sorry...

Maria, thank you for your mention of my poem, uncomfortable silence. I didn't express myself well enough in that poem because it is opposite of what you saw...

yipee.. that's what re-writes are for eh? ;)

Much thanks to all those that commented. I truly appreciate your time. :rose:

- neo
neonurotic said:
Maria, thank you for your mention of my poem, uncomfortable silence. I didn't express myself well enough in that poem because it is opposite of what you saw...

yipee.. that's what re-writes are for eh? ;)

Much thanks to all those that commented. I truly appreciate your time. :rose:

- neo

neo, mea culpa!!

no rewrite needed, unless you feel the need. What I saw was a reflection of your poem onto my own life and my life is a lousy sour cup of tea. I loved your poem, it was a 5 in my book :rose:
neonurotic said:
Maria, thank you for your mention of my poem, uncomfortable silence. I didn't express myself well enough in that poem because it is opposite of what you saw...

yipee.. that's what re-writes are for eh? ;)

Much thanks to all those that commented. I truly appreciate your time. :rose:

- neo

Neo, no need for rewrite indeed. I loved this poem, it touched me, but in what way I am not sure yet. This keeps me going back to read it again and again, trying to understand and make up my mind, is it this way or that or which way do I wish to mean it to be for there is no one way a poem can be interpreted.


ps that's why it takes me so long to make comments :confused:
phew! Thank you Eve for taking the time to read and mention my poems on the Review thread, even suggesting others help me out with their thoughts or comments.
It pleases me deeply to know one was enjoyed by you, never mind a possible favorite of yours out of so many great poems written here today.
Thank you again
Thank you, Eve, for citing Leaving in your reviews. It was emotionally cathartic to write. Thanks, too, to all of you that took time to read, comment and/or vote. Yes, I mean you. I really appreciate it.

My new av was supposed to compliment your red bra, Eve, but I see you took it off. The av, I mean.
flyguy69 said:
Thank you, Eve, for citing Leaving in your reviews. It was emotionally cathartic to write. Thanks, too, to all of you that took time to read, comment and/or vote. Yes, I mean you. I really appreciate it.

My new av was supposed to compliment your red bra, Eve, but I see you took it off. The av, I mean.
Yeah, those red tights are something else. :) I decided to tuck my red bra back into the folds of my desktop folder. Why? I wasn't getting any comments on that av. You know how exhibitionists love attention. ;)
WickedEve said:
Yeah, those red tights are something else. :) I decided to tuck my red bra back into the folds of my desktop folder. Why? I wasn't getting any comments on that av. You know how exhibitionists love attention. ;)
Oh, I commented all right, but my hands were too busy to type.
Thank you Eve for mentioning my poem "retracing my steps" and for those who understanding helped me get over my bad mother whimperings.

Re: Tuesday Poems 3

WickedEve said:

You are the President
by JUDO ©

You are the President of bankruptcy.
You are the President of Fascism.
You are the President of war.
You are the Presdient of death.
You are the President of my country...

But you are not my President.

I more than understand.
It's nice to see a Judo poem on the new poems list.


---------- [/B]

Thanks for the mention. And to the detractors of this work -- we are not one-sided people.

- Judo
Thanks Neo, no wonder Santa hasn't been coming to visit me each year!
Naughty indeed :D :O
Re: Tuesday Poems 3

WickedEve said:

First love
by BooMerengue ©

boiling red rage
he caresses her softly
and green bile chokes
he stands to show his love
she tries to run from
his purple hideousness

A disturbingly colorful poem. I like "purple hideousness." My ex had purple hideousness. lol

Thank you again, Evie! :rose:
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